New Order of Priests Is Forming to Fight Abortions

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New Order of Catholic Priests Is Forming to Fight Abortions

AMARILLO, Texas — The Roman Catholic Church plans to establish its first religious society devoted exclusively to fighting euthanasia and abortion, church leaders said this week.

The male-only Missionaries of the Gospel of Life — founded by Father Frank A. Pavone, an outspoken opponent of abortion rights — will be housed in a vacant Catholic high school and dormitory on the grounds of the Diocese of Amarillo.

The order will have a decidedly political bent, and will be active rather than contemplative, Pavone said.

Its priests will be trained to conduct voter-registration drives, use the media to get out their antiabortion message and lobby lawmakers to restrict abortion rights.

They also will learn to lead demonstrations outside offices where abortions and family-planning services are provided.

“There is a difference between knowing the teachings and knowing how to effectively advance a movement,” Pavone said.

I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Who sold you that bill of goods? - Separation of Church and State.

The Churches have been part of the political dialogue since our founding. Only lately has this idea of separation appeared. This is not supported in the Constitution. Quite the contrary.
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
The moment politics would stay out of our lives the church could get out of politics. Not a moment before!
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Ooooh. That’s us told! 🙂
I still believe in the separation of church and state.
What buffalo said.
They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Ah. I see. Let us attend to the world’s miseries, and make sure we are simon-pure, before we address our own horrors here in the US?
A total of 857,475 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC for 2000 from 49 reporting areas,

HELLO!!! take that average out over 20 years, and you have over 1.7 million abortions.

Oh, but the Church needs to clean house first.

To me, this sounds akin to telling Eisenhower that before he organized and executed the Normandy beach landings, (so that Nazism might be eliminated), the US had to first make sure that it eliminated all graft from the government and that poverty in the states (not to mention ANY lingering forms of hate politics) had to be wiped out.

Yours is one of the more outrageous rationalizations I have ever heard.
God’s speed to you, Fr. Pavone! It’s high time the Church
mobilizes in this war for souls. Along with Fr. Corapi, Fr.
William Casey, and the many other good priests offering
guidance instead of the “love fest and tolerance”, maybe the
message will start getting through to these murderers.

God’s speed to you, Fr. Pavone! It’s high time the Church
mobilizes in this war for souls. Along with Fr. Corapi, Fr.
William Casey, and the many other good priests offering
guidance instead of the “love fest and tolerance”, maybe the
message will start getting through to these murderers.

YEP, sounds good to me too. 👍
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
This would have to be approved by the Pope, so it must be his wish. I think it is time for us to be more political on the right side of politics. Look at the damage that many of our so called Catholic politicians have had on prolife. They stand on the side of abotion. I think this will be brilliant. We will be seeing much more of Fr. Pavone and that will be good.
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
American Catholic priests are still American citizens with the right to vote and be engaged in the political process. Where do you come up with this stuff. I was on the verge of just righting you off as an ultr-conservative fringe catholic, but the more I read your posts, I think you need to attend anger management classes or something. Maybe make a good, sincere, act of contrition and reconcilliation.
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Do you believe at separation of chuch and state when the government tells Catholic hospitals and charities that they have to provide health insurance plans that provide contraception, even though the church is against it? What about not allowing Catholic organizations the ability to not hire openly gay employees? What about forcing Catholic citizens to be party to abortion, and embryonic stem cell research, by direct or indirect funding of these atrocities with our tax dollars?

I could be wrong, but based on your comments, I would guess that you are of a liberal bent…and it makes you feel uneasy that people in the Church engage in activities that support things that your political candidates don’t (i.e. Life Issues)
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Well what you believe is something that was created by the Courts.

The words “separation of church and state” are not found in the Bill of Rights.

The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The founding fathers did this so that the Federal Government could not institute a Federal religion, like England and the Church of England. States were not prohibited from endorsing a religion and some did do so.

The founding fathers did not want the Federal Government to influence religion but it was their hope that religion would influence the Government.
While your at it, would you say it all started going bad with MLK Jr. trying to get the blacks registred to vote? The courts had decided segragation was just fine.
Kevin Walker:
I still believe in the separation of church and state. They have their priorities wrong, they should be organized to clean house in the Catholic Church first, then expand the Catholic missionary activity around the world, and like Father Drynan before them, keep their noses out of politics.
Since when is killing an unborn child strictly political?

Would this new missionary activity involve telling people what is right and wrong perhaps? Telling others that certain behavior is wrong can get pretty political if there is a law that allows it, and visa versa.

Would you say that Jesus kept his “nose out of politics”? If he had, the political leaders would hardly have killed him for simply preaching peace and healing the sick. He called them hypocrites in public for crying out loud! When he said “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” he was telling the faithful not to cling to worldly things and give their hearts to God, He wasn’t telling them to “keep their noses out of politics.”
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