New paradigm for the church - a must read

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Pope Francis and the schism; is the title of a thought piece by father Weinandy published in The Catholic Thing Pope Francis and Schism - The Catholic Thing and also discussed in this week’s World Over
at 30:20.
Here are a couple of quotes
“… we perceive a situation, ever-growing in intensity, in which on the one hand, a majority of the world’s faithful – clergy and laity alike – are loyal and faithful to the pope, for he is their pontiff, while critical of his pontificate, and, on the other hand, a large contingent of the world’s faithful – clergy and laity alike – enthusiastically support Francis precisely because he allows and fosters their ambiguous teaching and ecclesial practice.”

" What the Church will end up with, then, is a pope who is the pope of the Catholic Church and, simultaneously, the de facto leader, for all practical purposes, of a schismatic church. Because he is the head of both, the appearance of one church remains, while in fact there are two."
This internal schism/new paradigm was test driven in various dioceses the past 30 or so years. I dare say it was planned and calculated. Wherever a Bishop routinely allowed lay homilists during Mass was a Petri dish for this new way. I maintain that my diocese is amply filled with ‘educated’ women chomping at the bit waiting for the gates to open. What I know from history here is that the new paradigm will dominate unless God has other plans.

The new paradigm is going to be based on women deacons and not married priests as some would think. These groups are only a small portion. Preachers at Catholic Women Preach

Redirecting... and a busy facebook page. and this.
Gains for gay life in and out of the Church are already won.

Sadly, this is an unequal divide. The women in the Church greatly outnumber interested men…thanks to you know what.
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"Father Weinandy called on the faithful to pray “in fear and trembling” that Jesus might “deliver us from this trial,” but added that the Lord may want us to endure it, because only perhaps then may the Church “be freed from all the sin and corruption that now lies within her, and be made holy and pure.”

He ended on a “hopeful note,” saying it will be up to the laity to “bring about the needed purification” and, in particular, “faithful and courageous Catholic women” whom he called “the living icons of the Church.”
faithful and courageous Catholic women” whom he called “the living icons of the Church.”
Hopefully Women of Grace…complimentary to the Church in the same way they have for 2000+years.
We can be suspicious if any new paradigm for women is created from the sex abuse scandal that we are still in the midst of. Unfortunately, I suspect that this is exactly what the female influence in the Church has aligned itself to do while the priesthood has softened and shrunk in ways. Opportunistic is the word that comes to mind.
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If all I can ever do here is to insert the seed of another perspective into threads like these, then that will have to do.

There are millions of us devoted Catholics, cradle, converts and reverts. Cardinals, bishops, Priests and deacons, who do not share this dismal, divisive attitude towards todays Church and towards Pope Francis. I have a strong sensation of a blossoming 3rd millenium embrace of the faith through his charisms. Having been immersed in Christ in the Eucharist and Scripture and read and prayed to many, many Saints gone before us I truly find all this doomsaying and negativity foreign.

So I believe it will not be the laity of fear and trembling that will walk the Church into a new day, but the laity who are peaceful and prayerful living as lights of hope and not terrifying or radicalising the upcoming generation. “Better a millstone…”
While I have often found much criticism of the Holy Father unfair, I recognize the problems we face and I tend to agree with the OP’s article.
Maybe it’s no coincidence Pope Francis took the name of St.Francis of Assisi…wasn’t he told by our Lord to repair his house…maybe that is what Pope Francis is doing…none of us know the will of God.
Mark 3:23-27 comes to mind

What I mean is that Jesus understands that a house divided will collapse.
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So maybe he is using Pope Francis to repair his house so it doesn’t collapse…if there is schism then maybe that schism is part of repairing his house…
…seems the direction of all this…
Not pretty
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The constant refrain from Remnant, ChurchMillitant, PeterEightFive (or whatever it’s called, Crisis, and others is that there is a crisis in the Church and that the Pope is causing it or adding to it.

I find that offensive. If there are problems in the Church God is using the Pope to address those problems.

To put it simply- Francis is the Good Guy- not the problem.
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To put it simply- Francis is the Good Guy- not the problem.
Vatican II elevates laity from passive spectators to involved members.

The growing number of laity you describe have been mainly calling upon our Popes…not just Pope Francis to remedy the infections in the Church.

While you think it is okay for offenses in the church to go unnoticed for generations?….other laity believe they are involved members by calling out the need for action/remedy for offenses.

This isn’t a catch 22 for Remnant, ChurchMilitant, PeterEightFive, etc. They and others are working within the parameters of Vatican II. 😉

In other words, the road goes two ways.

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