New Sex-Abuse Report: Homosexual Priests Decrease, Sex Abuse of Girls Increases

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The Ruth Institute made four recommendations: continuing vigilance in protecting all minors against clerical sexual abuse; paying particular attention to the persistent sexual abuse of girls; researching further into clergy self-description of their patterns of sexual attraction and behavior; and increasing educational programs on authentic Church teaching on human sexuality, including St. John Paul II’s theology of the body, at “all levels of education such as seminaries, universities, high schools, elementary schools, and parish catechism classes."
I’m not surprised at this because, now that new abuse cases regularly hit the newspapers, many if not most of them are reporting priests who behaved inappropriately towards teenage girls.
From what I have read, many abusers will abuse whatever gender they have access to. In past decades, naturally the priests had more access to boys and young men. Now that many girls, young women and religious sisters are performing functions that boys and young men used to perform, I would expect more targeting of them.
So much for the “it’s all The Gays’ fault” theory.
Some things the article show that there has been a shift in the matter. Homosexuality was predominant before the 1980’s and that is one aspect of it. Now we have more straight priest

From the article:
However, it states that the reports of sex abuse have also risen somewhat after hitting a low in 2002 and that the majority of victims of current reports within the last decade are likely to be female teenagers.
According to the report, the overall number of homosexual priests has declined sharply since a peak in the 1980s — and so have the number of victims, who previously have been predominantly male.
His report admitted there is no concrete data on the number of ordained homosexual priests after 2000, but stated that “statistical projections estimate that recent ordination classes have contained very few homosexual men.”
According to the data Father Sullins analyzed on clerical sexual abuse alleged to have taken place since 2000, priests ordained within the past 10 years accounted for 11% of those recent abuse allegations. More than half (52%) of the recent alleged abuse was perpetrated by priests ordained 30 years ago or more.
In my diocese the current, yes, current abuse cases have all either been with pedophilia (mostly infants or boys) homosexual consensual sex, or homosexual rape. As far as clergy goes, the safest thing to be is a teen girl.
Now youth ministry… well that’s a whole other can of worms…
The recent ones I’ve read in my areas have all involved teen girls who the priests were having some kind of twisted “relationship” with, in one case impregnating one, and another priest who was posing as a teen girl himself online to solicit teen girls.
WTH. Maybe I am just ignorant but I have yet to live in a diocese rife with scandal involving sexual predator priests and homosexual clergy mafias. This stuff is like a dystopian anti-Catholic novel. The most lscandalous” thing my hometown ever had was that our longtime priest had a bit of a breakdown from the stress of his ministry and they sent him to recoup at a care center or something. He spent the majority of his time with sick and dying parishioners and it got to him. But soliciting and impregnating teenage girls?!? Not even close.
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Say a prayer of Thanksgiving. You have been blessed. And please pray for the rest of us. It is very rough.
From what I have read, many abusers will abuse whatever gender they have access to. In past decades, naturally the priests had more access to boys and young men. Now that many girls, young women and religious sisters are performing functions that boys and young men used to perform, I would expect more targeting of them.
Exactly. There are fewer boys serving and an increase in girl altar servers.
Actually the report specifically stated that the number of homosexual ordinations is down, as is the number of overall abuse.

In the 80s, average of 26 reported cases a year, with 70% of them being boys. Now, averaging 8 per year, with 36 percent boys. That is a drop from 15 to 3 in male victims being abused.
Along with a corresponding drop in homosexual priests being ordained.

As to increase in girls, from the 80s to now, that number also dropped. There has been a uptick since 2010, which is concerning and is overstated in the headline.
From what I have read, many abusers will abuse whatever gender they have access to. In past decades, naturally the priests had more access to boys and young men. Now that many girls, young women and religious sisters are performing functions that boys and young men used to perform, I would expect more targeting of them.
Tis_Bearself, check out what is said in this video. Also check out this thread.
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