New thoughts from a Franciscan Sister

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We had quite the day here at St. Anne’s! Several of us enjoy celebrating “All Hallows Eve,” dressing up, partying, and what not. As a follow up to our Bible study unit on the Exodus, in which we loved using the song: “Go Down, Moses,” Paulla, our wonderful activities assistant, found a costume for an Egyptian pharaoh at a local thrift store. [ 143 more words ]

Please let me clarify: I am not meaning to say that my writing is so great, or get attention for myself.

My reason for this (and even having this blog at all) is to raise awareness of religious life, of our congregation and hopefully maybe even foster vocations. It’s not about me.
Last evening, shortly before 10 p.m., I returned to St. Anne’s (the facility at which I work) to bring the dog back. (Recently, “Zoe” has been an evening guest at our convent.) Snow was falling; it was beautiful. Something about a fresh snow fall tends to bring out the playful little girl in me. That is, until mid-January when I am sick and tired of it.

Please pray for me (as) as we travel to Indianapolis tomorrow for the National Catholic Youth Con. (NCYC). Thanks.
I love reading your blog. My great aunt was a Franciscan Sister, here in Indiana. She has been gone many years now, but I often pray that she will intercede for the children and grandchildren of her favorite nephew. (who has also been gone for many years). I was educated by these sisters, grades 1-8. Then the Benedictan sisters built a new monastery in my hometown. So I was fortunate enough to be in the first graduating class of that Academy. So, I truly enjoy your posts. Please continue, and like the previous poster, I am sure there are many who read and enjoy, but do not post.
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