New Tridentine Option - St. Louis Area

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Hi everyone. The Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem has begun daily Tridentine Masses at their small oratory in West. St. Louis county. Details & directions below.

The Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem (CRNJ) are now officially open in their new location in West county. They are located at 1635 Kehr’s Mill Rd in the Wildwood Area.

From Hwy 40 Westbound, take the Long Rd exit & go South to Wildhorse Creek Rd.
From Hwy 40 Eastbound, exit immediately after crossing the Daniel Boone Bridge at Chesterfield Airport Rd. Proceed to Long Rd, turn right and go to Wildhorse Creek Rd.

At Wildhorse Creek Rd:
Turn left, then make an immediate right on Kehr’s Mill Rd. About 1 mile down the road on the right, look for the black mailbox w/ long winding driveway up the hill, #1635. The phone # is 636-536-4082. It is up on the hill behind Linda Vista Catholic school

They have daily Tridentine Mass at 7:00AM. There are about 12 seats in their chapel & have been relatively empty, as word has not gotten out yet.

Other notes:
They are currently living in a regular house that they’re in the process of converting into an oratory.

You enter the house at the door right next to the garage. Go ahead in there, it should be open. Go through the door on the interior of the garage and walk straight back through kitchen to the curtains. Their temporary chapel behind the curtains. It’s small, surrounded by many books, and an intimate setting. You may find Fr. Daniel and his novices kneeling in silence across from each other. Also, if you stay for any length after Mass, they may hand you a copy of the Roman Breviary (the old liturgy of the hours in Latin) that they pray shortly after Mass. If you have time, I would recommend staying. I was there on Saturday and didn’t know it was coming after Mass, but I stayed and found it to be pretty neat.

They are planning to have Sunday and Holy Day Masses at a nearby priory/monastary/motherhouse, but that is still TBD on when that will happen. The long term goal is to build their own abbey for the formation of new priests.

If you don’t have a copy of the Missal, they have the red book copies on the shelf near the curtains.

Post questions if you have them.

Does this new order have Church approval? Where can we go to find out more?
Hi everyone. The Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem has begun daily Tridentine Masses at their small oratory in West. St. Louis county. Details & directions below.

The Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem (CRNJ) are now officially open in their new location in West county. They are located at 1635 Kehr’s Mill Rd in the Wildwood Area.

From Hwy 40 Westbound, take the Long Rd exit & go South to Wildhorse Creek Rd.
From Hwy 40 Eastbound, exit immediately after crossing the Daniel Boone Bridge at Chesterfield Airport Rd. Proceed to Long Rd, turn right and go to Wildhorse Creek Rd.

At Wildhorse Creek Rd:
Turn left, then make an immediate right on Kehr’s Mill Rd. About 1 mile down the road on the right, look for the black mailbox w/ long winding driveway up the hill, #1635. The phone # is 636-536-4082. It is up on the hill behind Linda Vista Catholic school

They have daily Tridentine Mass at 7:00AM. There are about 12 seats in their chapel & have been relatively empty, as word has not gotten out yet.

Other notes:
They are currently living in a regular house that they’re in the process of converting into an oratory.

You enter the house at the door right next to the garage. Go ahead in there, it should be open. Go through the door on the interior of the garage and walk straight back through kitchen to the curtains. Their temporary chapel behind the curtains. It’s small, surrounded by many books, and an intimate setting. You may find Fr. Daniel and his novices kneeling in silence across from each other. Also, if you stay for any length after Mass, they may hand you a copy of the Roman Breviary (the old liturgy of the hours in Latin) that they pray shortly after Mass. If you have time, I would recommend staying. I was there on Saturday and didn’t know it was coming after Mass, but I stayed and found it to be pretty neat.

They are planning to have Sunday and Holy Day Masses at a nearby priory/monastary/motherhouse, but that is still TBD on when that will happen. The long term goal is to build their own abbey for the formation of new priests.

If you don’t have a copy of the Missal, they have the red book copies on the shelf near the curtains.

Post questions if you have them.

AMEN!!! However, yes it’s true: make sure they are in COMMUNION with Rome and the Local Archbishop Burke: you can do this by calling the “Liturgy” office at the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. Or the ARCHBISHOP’s office, speak to his secretary: archbishop Raymond Burke. He is one of, if not THE best Bishop in the USA.
My understanding is that the CRNJ was formed under the protection of then-Bishop Burke of LaCrosse, and has moved to St. Louis at his invitation.
You are all correct. Fr. Daniel, CRNJ, told me on Saturday that Archbishop Burke is behind them (and I’m assuming the Tridentine Mass movement in St. Louis) "110%."

Next to move into town is the Institute of Christ the King, to take over St. Agatha’s. Still officially TBD whether they’ll keep St. Agatha open or move to St. Francis de Sales.

On their newsletter, they list (I think) as their web site, but I don’t think it’s up and running yet.

Send some to Orlando. A bit depressing at time reading about cities with multiple Indults and no option yet locally. 😦 However, for Midnight Mass on Christmass, we’re going to have a Latin Novus Ordo Mass, which is a start. But still, I pray that Latin would be used more often in our churches here.

Then again, if the movement is gaining popularity, that is great. 🙂
Send some to Orlando. A bit depressing at time reading about cities with multiple Indults and no option yet locally. 😦 However, for Midnight Mass on Christmass, we’re going to have a Latin Novus Ordo Mass, which is a start. But still, I pray that Latin would be used more often in our churches here.

Then again, if the movement is gaining popularity, that is great. 🙂
YA’, but in Detroit we have had an Indult Mass since October on sundays but won’t allow Masses on Christmas, even though Fr.Bisig FSSP is going to celebrate a Solemn High Mass on Christmas across the river in Windsor,but not Detorit…😦
My understanding is that the CRNJ was formed under the protection of then-Bishop Burke of LaCrosse, and has moved to St. Louis at his invitation.
Excellent then, AMEN, I love Bishop Burke!!! Of course Chaput too and The one from Lincoln Nebraska.
Excellent then, AMEN, I love Bishop Burke!!! Of course Chaput too and The one from Lincoln Nebraska.
I think you are referring to Bp. Bruskowicz? (SP?)
Two things:

First, Archbishop Chaput is the ordinary for Denver. Bishop Bruskewitz is the ordinary for Lincoln.

Second, Marc, are you currently discerning a vocation to the priesthood with the CRNJ? And are you in Canada?

If so, I believe we know each other.
After viewing this Order’s website, I feel I might have a possible calling there. I will write the vocations director immediately!

Hey, if this Acting career of mine doesn’t work out, I need something to fall back on . . . 😃
I’m afraid you must be thinking of someone else. My vocation is to my wife and children! If you are looking into the CRNJ, then go for it!!

Two things:

First, Archbishop Chaput is the ordinary for Denver. Bishop Bruskewitz is the ordinary for Lincoln.

Second, Marc, are you currently discerning a vocation to the priesthood with the CRNJ? And are you in Canada?

If so, I believe we know each other.
Fr. Daniel, the order’s leader, is a saintly priest. Having talked to him a few times, you are in for a very strong formation. He wants to make the guys saints!

After viewing this Order’s website, I feel I might have a possible calling there. I will write the vocations director immediately!

Hey, if this Acting career of mine doesn’t work out, I need something to fall back on . . . 😃
Hi, I am from the St. Louis area and I am thrilled to hear of this news. My family and I love ArchBishop Burke, we feel truly blessed to have such a Bishop. Some of my family are being drawn back to the traditional ways, I look forward to see what happens at St. Frances DeSales, if the changes at St. Agatha’s takes place. I hope they make available Mass books to follow, the last time I went to a Latin Mass there, I could not hear or follows what was going on, and I grew up with the Latin Mass and loved it. I personaly believe when we get back to the basics, we will see a great increase in vocations.
Hi, I am from the St. Louis area and I am thrilled to hear of this news. My family and I love ArchBishop Burke, we feel truly blessed to have such a Bishop. Some of my family are being drawn back to the traditional ways, I look forward to see what happens at St. Frances DeSales, if the changes at St. Agatha’s takes place. I hope they make available Mass books to follow, the last time I went to a Latin Mass there, I could not hear or follows what was going on, and I grew up with the Latin Mass and loved it. I personaly believe when we get back to the basics, we will see a great increase in vocations.
Not to be too technical here but I do not think this is really a religious order. I believe that only the Vatican can form a new order. This is more like the now suppressed Society of St John.

That it is a priestly association under the bishop. While it works like a religious order it is not one under Canon Law yet.

I will add them to my prayers that they continue to grow and, if they are as I believe, that they do become a religious order.

I only bring this up because someone, Dom, has expressed an interest in them, but then he was also a postulant to another such “order” in Chicago, and the fact that until this group is blessed by Rome the priests are really only diocesean priests.
I’m afraid you must be thinking of someone else. My vocation is to my wife and children! If you are looking into the CRNJ, then go for it!!


No, my vocation is to MY wife and children as well! Actually, I know a gentleman named Marc who is very serious about the CRNJ. He’s Canadian, but he has met with Fr. Oppenheimer several times.

Not to be too technical here but I do not think this is really a religious order. I believe that only the Vatican can form a new order. This is more like the now suppressed Society of St John.
That it is a priestly association under the bishop. While it works like a religious order it is not one under Canon Law yet.
I will add them to my prayers that they continue to grow and, if they are as I believe, that they do become a religious order.
I only bring this up because someone, Dom, has expressed an interest in them, but then he was also a postulant to another such “order” in Chicago, and the fact that until this group is blessed by Rome the priests are really only diocesean priests.
This is not exactly true.

A religious order is one whose member live in community under solemn vows.

However, there are different stages an Order goes through before it becomes what you are tinking of.

First, it is a “Private Association of the Faithful.” This is when men, of their own volition, decide to live together in community. They don’t necessarily need official approval, so long as they do anything in the name of the Church, or publicly give themselves titles.

Then it becomes a “Public Association of the Faithful.” At this point, it has approval by the bishop to carry on a certain apostolate. At this point the Association has certain constitutions by which it is run, and its members are entitled to public recognition as members of an official Catholic organization.

Then, eventually, it can become a Diocesan Institute, meaning it is a full-fldged order, but can only exist, in one or more ocation, within a certain diocese. A diocesan institue cannot, for example, have one monastery in one diocese and another in a different one.

It appears the CRNJ are a Diocesan Institute, as they are already calling themselves “Canons Regular.” The SSJC (Society of Saint John Cantius) is currently a Public Association of the Faithful; once it becomes a diocesan institute, it will be known as the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius, or CRSJC.

Lastly there are “Papal Institutes” which are religious orders that can have houses across the world, and whose superior is answerable only to the Pope.

Strictly speaking, only a diocesan or papal institute is a full-fledged “Order.” The others are just private or public associations of the faithful; some will move on, others will say with those designations.
I have been asked by Dom Daniel Augustine Oppenheimer, CRNJ to make this announcement:

Starting this Sunday, 19 December at 9:45am, the Canons Regular will be celebrating the Tridentine Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Passionist Nuns Chapel, 15700 Clayton Rd in Ellisville, MO. This is for Sundays & Holy days ONLY! Daily Mass will still be at their oratory. Their house chapel is too small for any group over 12, so they have gotten permission from the Archbishop to have Sunday and Holy Day Masses at the Passionist chapel.

I am told that their Sunday & Holy Day Masses are High Masses. I attended a Low Mass last Saturday at their oratory chapel and stayed for mid-morning prayer (that they chanted) and I was extremely impressed. I am looking forward to soon hearing and participating in a High Mass.

They also have a new website, accessible at:

For any questions, please DO NOT call the Nuns. Dom Daniel’s phone number is 636-536-4082.

I am told a flyer is in the mail with further details. I will scan and attempt to post to the group when I get it in a couple of days.

God bless,
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