Why did he say “it appears” and “if”? is he incorrect or does he lack proof?Let’s look at what Dr. Chris Kahlenborn wrote in “How Do the Pill & Other Contraceptives Work?”
Does OCP use cause changes in the lining of the uterus that could be detrimental to the newly conceived child’s ability to implant himself or herself?
It would appear so. Because we know that use of the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) allows ovulation and conception to occur at times, if OCP use causes unfavorable changes in the endometrium it would make it difficult for the unborn child to implant, and would support the conclusion that it acts as an abortifacient
What would they be guilty of?I have no problem with using the adjective “potential” abortifacient. It benefits no one to lay a **heavy burden of guilt **on anyone who has been using any method of contraception.
Which good people do you refer to? We are learning these losses are common and occur in most if not all women participating in God’s marriage plan.(By the way, why the exclusive focus of some in this forum on only one?) Nevertheless, many good people are horrified once they realize they may have lost an untold number of children in this manner. .
Which message is that? Is it women participating in God’s marriage plan lose fertilized eggs?Such testimonies can be read at the Priests for Life.org website.
Given their **genuine pain and grief **and bearing in mind how many of us have been or are still in the same boat we do have a responsibility to be very careful in our speech. In time the gentleness the Holy Spirit leads all to truth. Eventually, even the most smug and self-sufficient person will come to see how deeply flawed, sinful and weak he is. So fine, “potential abortifacient” still delivers the message.
Are you aware of the Pontiff’s writings he states it is okay for married Catholics to avoid pregnancy, so would they not be in your grouping?It is difficult for the embryo to attach itself to the endometrium not impossible. These children are proof that oral contraceptives do not act as many think they do in preventing ovulation. If a woman can ovulate she can conceive. Unfortunately, regardless of whether or not the child successfully implants - in less than an optimal environment- he/she is still at a high risk of being aborted. So the question becomes moot. Once the parents have a contraceptive mindset, they are only **one step away from surgical abortion **as the final weapon in the birth control arsenal. Contrary to what many believe, it’s not the teenagers who are having most of the abortions it is women who have already have had one or two children.
Failed contraception = more abortions.
Why use the word “believe” is it because there is no proof? BTW are they a credible source you would recommend?PLAL correctly stated:
Even Planned Parenthood **believes **Hormonal Birth Control causes Chemical Abortions
The following is more detailed than the link PLAL provided to American Life League.