Oh, Lord, help us! That we would even entertain such thoughts. I know your motive is good, but don’t go to that very dark place.
I work in a hospital. I’ve seen patients come back from the very brink of death. Everyone had given up on them, but somehow, they came back, and lived again, richly, not invalid.
I’ve seen a middle-aged man, the husband of a work associate, who had been told that his pancreatic cancer was terminal, call for his church elders, who prayed and laid hands on him and anointed him with oil–and he not only lived, but is STILL alive, working, and very active and totally cancer-free. His grateful wife and children have their husband and daddy, and all the rest of us who know him have a genuine miracle in our midst. This happened over 15 years ago, not recently, and that man is still alive and well and cancer-free.
Yet, in a society where assisted-suicide is sanctioned and legal, this man might have been killed by a well-meaning doctor.
Hastening the death of someone who is ill or injured is murder. Always. NO doctor or minister or relative or individual should have the legal right to kill someone else, including themselves, because of painful illness. That power does not belong to human beings. Human beings are too weak-willed or easily-corrupted, and thus, too likely to make a decision based on selfishness, greed, and malice.
Doctors are not saints by any means (good heavens, no!), and should never have the right to decide to “end a patient’s suffering” by killing them. That’s too much power for people who already have more power than most fellow humans.
I absolutely agree with you that no one should suffer needlessly. That’s what pain meds and palliative treatment are for–helping the terminally-ill and injured die with dignity and in peace.
We need to trust God with the beginning and end and all the middle of our lives. And we need to make sure that the pain meds and palliative care are available to ALL humans, not just those with insurance or wealth. That’s what we Christians should be demanding of our elected officials–the right to die pain-free and in a clean, safe, peaceful place where anyone who loves us can be with us in our last hours.
Pets are not human. They are animals. They cannot tell us how badly they are suffering. I personally believe in not being too quick to end a pet’s life (or a farm animal’s life), but as they cannot tell us how awful their suffering is, we can only do our best to ease their pain, and if that means ending it, then so be it. Humans are beings made in God’s own image, not mere animals.