New York's progressive politicians prepare the battleground for assisted suicide

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I wouldn’t want it to be abused, but I’ve also seen people who had terminal illnesses and were in excruciating pain. One of them had pancreatic cancer. If I had been in their shoes, I would have at least wanted the option of assisted suicide. I can’t think of any good reason to let someone suffer needlessly. When my pet was suffering and had no
possibility of recovery, I took him to the vet to have him put to sleep. Why should we do this to end the suffering of our pets, but rule it out for ourselves? I would genuinely like to understand this issue from the point of view of those who oppose it.
I would let Christ’s will be done.
And there are no miraculous recoveries and happy endings from some illnesses.
How do you know the will of God?
I’m not a fan of suffering. I’d much rather die peacefully in my sleep than die after a long and painful illness.
Nor am I, but, if we can offer it up as St. Paul did, then there is something to it.
I’m learning Russian too, so if things get too bad I can always move there. Now that’s a great country.
простите пожалуйста. Are you sure? I love Russia and have visited there several times, and it seems to me that they have their share of moral ills.
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That just means you need to work on understanding context and intention.
How does same-sex marriage lead to the death of anyone?
how does same-sex marriage bring new children into a family?
So if SSM was banned and Joe and Jim were prevented from getting married, how many new children would that produce?

Clue: Exactly the same as if they were allowed to marry.
Honestly, by my count, far more families are destroyed by divorce and far more children are prevented because of economic reasons than because Jim and Jeff next door can get the same tax privileges that Bob and Sue have gotten.
How many families have been destroyed by allowing SSM?
now how would we know that? to many variables
Honestly, by my count, far more families are destroyed by divorce and far more children are prevented because of economic reasons than because Jim and Jeff next door can get the same tax privileges that Bob and Sue have gotten.
if it was a chaste arrangement just for tax purposes, maybe we could start a discussion. However, if we are talking marriage as in sleeping together than we need to consider the warnings of St Paul, souls are endangered.
The 2 worst candidates out of the 15 for the mayor of Chicago will be in a run off as an active lesbian with a child will go against another candidate who strongly promotes LGBT and transgenderism.
Give it your best shot. You can give reasons as you see fit.
how many families have been created by ssm, …as in bringing new children into the world.
Quite a few using artificial insemination. But you are still avoiding the question. You made a statement that ssm means that families have been destroyed. That is not correct and you have been called out on it.

You can either back the statement up or retract it.
So anyway, back to the thread topic…

Yeah, this push for euthanasia is very anxiety provoking. I work in health care and wonder when the day will come that my disabled patients will be “encouraged” to stop being a burden on everybody else or I have to refuse to assist in a doctor-assisted suicide and then get fired.
This movement, like the abortion movement, has wrapped itself in the mantle of “choice” in order to hide the real story of what assisted suicide is. The slippery slope is real, and it’s happening in Europe with children being euthanized, those who are NOT terminally ill, and those who have not consented to die.

This has no place in America. It’s not about “compassion” at all, it’s a distortion of what compassion actually is.
Of course. This is not about compassion. I’ve seen a number of patients very near death, hooked up to everything and not for one second did I think they had less value. Kill the weak, the ill? This is pure barbarism.
Every “SSM” family IS a new family. And a family does not need “new” children to become a bona fide family.
tell that to merriam-webster
Family definition is - the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; Family | Definition of Family by Merriam-Webster
You made a statement that ssm means that families have been destroyed. That is not correct and you have been called out on it.
new families are not being created per the definition of merriam-webster, would be a better statement
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