"News Media"

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After spending so much time and energy on the tragedy in Asia our national “news media” has come in 48 hours late on reporting the deadly train wreck and chemical spill in Granitville,SC. Nine poor souls lost their lives, and our major news outlets could only finally find the time to cover this tragedy two days later. I was in Augusta,GA when this happened, only a very short distance from Grantiville, and the sounds of all the ambulences racing into the hospitals was heart breaking. Nine dead and hundreds injuried and, for 48 hours the national news was silent about this, even the internet was poor source of information. Thanks for letting me rant.
Linda H.
I noticed that too. Fortunately, at least one of our local stations (obviously the one I watch) had on scene coverage, such as it was, within a few hours. Due to the cloud of chlorine hanging over the area, no one could get close to the accident for days. Those who tried ended up in the hospital. And, the news that was coming out was confusing. The sheriff said one thing, the DHEC spokesman said another, and the governor yet another. Let us pray for those who died, are hospitalized or still unaccounted for.

You can bet, though, that if it had been something that made this “red” state look bad, the national media would have been all over it immediately.
How about the Norfolk/Southerns rush to start paying for everything? They said on one of the Greenville stations that they are paying for motel rooms and giving out $100 Walmart giftcards, for people to buy stuff to help them get by while they are out of their homes. They are now saying it will be at least Wed. before these poor people can go back home, at the earliest. I know the area a little bit and I can’t figure out where they are finding enough rooms for all the families.

Linda H.
That’s called damage control. If they prevent one or two lawsuits with their timely “generosity”, for them it will be money well spent.

I’m sure that those who didn’t want to stay at USC-Aiken would have no trouble finding rooms in Aiken or Augusta. Augusta has scads of them.

Where are you in the upstate? Have sisters in Fort Lawn and Charlotte, nephew in Simpsonville and niece in Boiling Springs.
Looks like this happened 2:40 Thursday morning. I know I was reading about it later that morning on the NY Times website.
Linda must be referring to AP and CNN. They were both a couple of days picking it up. This community has been really hard hit lately. Just a few months ago, a car FULL (can’t remember the exact number) of people were killed when they tried to beat a train. That’s a lot a deaths for a community this size.
I did hear about the train and chemical spill…have they accounted for everyone? How awful…Geezer Bob was it near you did you have to evacuate?

I pray for all…
Its on the news right now…oh my…says they can’t go back home before next week! They let one lady go back to get her medications and she got her dog…
Hey GB keep us informed as you never know when you’ll hear it on the news.

It was about 50 miles west of me, so I wasn’t affected. I live about 11 miles west of Columbia. The wreck was about the same distance east of Augusta. Thanks for asking.

There are several mill employees who are unaccounted for but, based on the lack of urgency in trying to find them, I think the company feels that they just didn’t show up for work that night. The last I heard about them was a couple of days ago. The company had requested that all employees call the HR office to report their status. Nothing else since. Hopefully they just decided to take an unauthorized day off.
According to this morning’s news, all employees of the mill are now accounted for.
According to this morning’s news, all employees of the mill are now accounted for.
Thanks for the update…I hadn’t heard anything new on the news this morning…but its early for me …

I’m thankful that the employees are accounted for… 👍

Yes as of now all the mill employees are accounted for, thanks be to God. I heard a story on WYFF this morning that many of the people who had recieved checks from Norfolk/Southern were refusing to cash them, there is an area on the back that releases the company from liability if they signed and cashed the checks. N/S has even taken out full page ads telling people to go ahead and cash the checks, and now they are sending out new checks that don’t have it on them. I don’t know if it was a innocent mistake of an empolyee or a nice try by N/S, but it sure didn’t fly.
GB, yes the Augusta area has a slew of motel/hotel rooms, the area around the hospitals is loaded with them, but they are usually fairly full to my knowlege. As a matter of fact that is why I was in Augusta, I was having my check-up at the VA Medical Center’s spinal cord unit. I can happily say that for a crip I got a fairly clean bill of health this time.

As to the previous train/ car accident, it was a family of 5 whom died, it was a case of driver error that time.

GB, as to your question about my location in the upstate, I live just outside Grover, on the SC side of town. I live so close to I85 that when it ices over I call in the road condition to DOT, mind you it usually doesn’t do any good, lol, but I do try to give them a heads up. I also live less than 1/4 mile from a very busy rail line, and yes I’ve been more concerned about the safety of it since the accident.
Linda H.
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