Newsflash! Some threads we should not reply to

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Well-known member
Being slightly dense and a little slow on the uptake, I am just learning this myself. I see threads. Some are clearly provocative. Some are contrived while others are intentionally controversial, nonsensical or posted by those who simply enjoy posting. Oops! I might have just violated that myself 🤔

Well anyway, I am learning to ignore them and not get suspended so often!
Yes, many threads are not advisable to join.

There are many Antagonistic and Suspended Users that frequent this Forum and attempt to start fights and get folks Suspended.

World News is to be avoided. That Forum has gotten many good folks Suspended.
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Some are clearly provocative. Some are contrived while others are intentionally controversial, nonsensical or posted by those who simply enjoy posting.
For people who have the sole goal of increasing their total like count and user stats page, these are the optimal threads to post. Let us all look to our own stats page and see the top topics, notice which ones rise to the top and which sink.

I am glad you posted this, as it know seems, How did I miss this common trend. We are thankful you defined this trend.

Notice in our time how often you hear people saying “now I’m not saying ___”, solely as a way to cool the conversation down and needing to debate extremes.

Humor: Do I try to provoke an argument in a forum which expresses annoyance over arguments?
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World News is to be avoided. That Forum has gotten many good folks Suspended.
Hey, no kidding!
Humor: Do I try to provoke an argument in a forum which expresses annoyance over arguments?
I have tried and was always beaten to the punch.
Still learning this slightly less than user-friendly software. Seem to be missing the multi-quote function completely.
How do you know their sole purpose?

This is the second time today I have read a post where someone talks about the content or subject of other people’s posts. There is no rule that members must participate in deep intellectual discussions at every turn, just that they stay on topic. Apparently, CAF is okay withe Popular media or casual, or other less “deep” threads or they wouldn’t have them.

And, why would anyone care about their like count and user stat page? I am curious to know how you know what other people are thinking or doing when they post.
There are so many different people who post here and their reasons are as varied as they are. Sometimes I think to myself that a post is argumentative or inflammatory; most times I find they are just searching or have a sincere questions. I’m sure there are people that post just to try to incite others, and I can just ignore those as long as they are within community guidelines.
I just replied to this thread, and now I regret it bitterly 😦
For people who have the sole goal of increasing their total like count and user stats page
I am not aware of anybody who seriously gives a hang about this on CAF.

I couldn’t care less what my stats page said. This isn’t a popularity contest. I don’t get paid or get “influencer” status based on how many likes I get. I can’t even get “Regular” status which would have the benefit of letting me see once again my very own content that I posted in the Regulars Lounge before I was booted out.
I am active on various types of forums, moderating one of them, and one thing about human nature which is displayed is that a few folks like to see themselves in print, just as some seem to love to hear themselves talk. A few, in my judgment, do indeed like to generate controversy - indeed some are classic trolls - but they generally do not last all that long. It is not many, but they do tend to stand out at some point. It is but one less than stellar facet of human nature.

We stand in a world-wide crowd here, and some are likely to shout out just about anything. Some threads - those which are quickly locked - do seem to be argumentative in nature. There are the occasional so-called “bible Christians” who post a litany of accusations, hoping to enlighten 1.5 billion Orthodox and Catholics about what the scriptures really mean.

We can only pray for them.
On one (secular) forum there is a “post whore thread” for those who simply want to increase their post count. Of course, it is semi-designed for meaningless chatter - but I do occasionally see that here. We have our faith, but we are no better at our core than anyone else anywhere else.

The motive of some members, wether argumentative, provocative or simply rude, while not generally admitted to, becomes fairly obvious from the post content, their replies and the quality of their interaction with others. Not everyone is a nice or happy person. Once again, their presence provides us with the opportunity to offer prayer.
A hypothesis towards the posts of people is interesting. This hypothesis may be wrong. I should have put a reminder that this is a hypothesis.

It is known that people respond to incentives and the heart count is a incentive that some give weight to.
Yeah let us Catholics stay in a bubble so we don’t get hurt lol.

Also a lot of the fighting that has to be done is with liberal dissenters maybe even more so than secularists.
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I do see that the 2020 US election rhetoric is already ramping up in a big way, and many earnest CAF members will once again consider it their duty to inform everyone else how they must vote. I’ve seen it before, and so there will likely again be members who go so far as to tell the rest of us that our eternal salvation hinges on whether we vote for the right candidate, the one they think is best. With that in mind, there will definitely be many threads here that I will be avoiding in the coming days.
World News is to be avoided. That Forum has gotten many good folks Suspended.
I’m wondering how I ever got out of that place unscathed. Well, I was relatively unscathed. My sanity took a bit of a hit.

Granted, I did get hit with a flag later when airing my grievances over the problems with it, which makes me wonder…🤔
I do see that the 2020 US election rhetoric is already ramping up in a big way, and many earnest CAF members will once again consider it their duty to inform everyone else how they must vote.
I encourage everyone, when seeing these types of threads, to post this meme:

Many Catholics, including clergy, understand that politics is part of spiritual warfare. If you do not wish to join in the battle then all one needs to do is move on.
With that in mind, there will definitely be many threads here that I will be avoiding in the coming days.
This is the best recourse for those that do not want to get involved in politics. No need to take forums away. Let the moderators do their jobs.
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