NFP and fear of childbirth

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Thank you for sharing that! Wow, your wife indeed sounds like an absolutely wounderful, strong lady. I can totally relate to a lot of that. I want to be open to life (and so does my husband) but yeah, the anxiety makes it almost impossible. My husband always knew of the general anxiety i sometimes get, but when i found out #5 was on the way i broke down…and he was so surprised, because before then i would always wish i was pregnant! I’m going to have to sit with him and discuss what the next steps will be. Probably will have to go and talk with someone…probably even a dr because my main fear is a medical one.

And, I am a homeschool mom 🙂

God bless.
I have also been having my battles with the catholic church. I have let friends (who don’t like the catholic religion) get me thinking if this is really the true faith. I hate all the abuse in the church. I haven’t been to church in almost a year, stopped praying the rosary, etc. I tried looking at other Christian faiths…but I don’t get the same out of it. They are always lacking something, and I can feel it. My soul felt like it was missing something. I have gotten back into watching videos on the catholic faith and praying again, s well as going to church…and I feel less anxiety…but this nfp and the fear is still there!

I’m getting off topic!

Can anyone relate…or have any advice. I would love to have a large family…always wanted to! But this crazy fear of childbirth death is making me rethink it.

I’ll touch on this as well. My wife and I are both converts before marriage. We are the only Catholics in our families and so of course, there is huge pressure and misunderstandings from outside family. Our diocese was recently rocked with three bad scandals and of course with the NFP and lilfe issues we were struggling with the Church lost credibility in our minds to speak of sexual matters. Couple that with Pope Francis backing condom use in Zika areas and we were lost. But I will remind you this is the Devil’s plan. to attack the Church and the domestic Church, the family. though marriage and sex. Please please please CLING to the faith. Don’t cling to a priest, pope, a parish, a diocese, etc. but Cling to what you know to be good and Holy, cling to the saints. Especially those who doubted and struggled and suffered. You know Holiness. We knew Holiness. It just was hard because there was that voice in the back our heads saying, " I can take all this stress and worry away, I can make you just like all those secular people in the world… Look, look at them, so happy, so carefree without your problems" I mean that was really part of our doubts. Our faith was in the home. Our Church was in our family.
We are seton homeschoolers. We love it. But it is incredibly structured. I need that. So do my kids.
I just want you to know that We will pray for you. And I totally get it. I mean totally get it. Though probably not as much as my wife does. Please follow through with medical advice. And honestly therapy and/or meds could be an amazing Godsend. We had to balance medical advice with spiritual advice. And on this issue they really can run contrary to each other. Luckily my wife’s OBGYN is a mormon and at least “kind” of gets it… Though not all the way… LOL

If your husband is anything like me he will be extremely happy to know there is a plan. An effort to seek help when it is obviously needed.
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We all have malicious anti-catholic friends.
Have to say that I have no malicious anti-Catholic friends. If someone is malicious, they would not remain in my circle of friends. They may be acquaintances, I will pray for them, but, friends respect each other.
If the medical concern of you dying were serious enough, it could justify using NFP to avoid pregnancy for the rest of your fertile years (I would talk to a priest though). I am inclined to believe that part of dealing with this means fulfilling your moral obligations which means getting to confession and weekly Mass, and suggestible praying the rosary (a saint said that there is nothing that can not be overcome with the rosary).
I am inclined to believe that part of dealing with this means fulfilling your moral obligations which means getting to confession and weekly Mass, and suggestible praying the rosary (a saint said that there is nothing that can not be overcome with the rosary).
These are things that everyone should be doing. Using NFP doesn’t mean that you have any greater obligation than everybody else.
I didn’t mean that it did, I simply was referring to the fact that she had said he hadn’t been to Mass in almost a year, and mentioned that (at some-point) she had used barrier contraception (possibly already confessed, but I don’t know from what she gave us), as such I simply meant that it is hard to be moral in one area, when failing to do so in another, and the sacraments are the basis for everything else, and as such would be a helpful starting place.
Thank you for your advice, i appreciate it, and i understand what you meant.
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