Temps can also be thrown off it the woman is a mouth breather at night, though the workaround there is simple if the woman is willing as temps can also be taken vaginally for very accurate BBT readings.
However, based on what you described, its quite possibly that she was temping accurately but that there was no shift to notice in her record. She has something significantly off-kilter, with that long between cycles there are potential infertility issues that are best investigated and treated well before you think you might be ready to start a family.
I will ditto the two of you jointly learning a mucous-focused method like Creighton and finding an NFP doc, particularly one that is Creighton / NaPro trained to try to get to the bottom of what is going on with her.
Temps can also be thrown off it the woman is a mouth breather at night, though the workaround there is simple if the woman is willing as temps can also be taken vaginally for very accurate BBT readings.
However, based on what you described, its quite possibly that she was temping accurately but that there was no shift to notice in her record. She has something significantly off-kilter, with that long between cycles there are potential infertility issues that are best investigated and treated well before you think you might be ready to start a family.
I will ditto the two of you jointly learning a mucous-focused method like Creighton and finding an NFP doc, particularly one that is Creighton / NaPro trained to try to get to the bottom of what is going on with her.