Please clarify this for me. If artifical contraception is wrong because it attempts to manipulate nature and create an obstacle that prevents the creation of life as God intends, isn’t NFP also a means of manipulating nature?
Honestly, if God wanted to create a new life between someone and his or her spouse, no amount of chemicals or degree of science could stop Him. Furthermore, taking one’s temperature and measuring one’s vaginal mucus is about as scientific as it gets. As a matter of fact, it’s an even more conscious and deliberate attempt to avoid pregnancy considering all of the extreme measures one must go through to make sure it works!
In either case, the motivation and intention to prevent conception is present. Therefore, instead of pointing the finger at artificial contraception as the EVIL element at work here, it seems that the evil might exist in the motivation and intention behind it. If I, as a married, faithful woman use artifical contraception with the same motivation and intention as someone using NFP - to Plan for my Family - What is the difference? Why is one method sinful and the other method just fine?
Honestly, if God wanted to create a new life between someone and his or her spouse, no amount of chemicals or degree of science could stop Him. Furthermore, taking one’s temperature and measuring one’s vaginal mucus is about as scientific as it gets. As a matter of fact, it’s an even more conscious and deliberate attempt to avoid pregnancy considering all of the extreme measures one must go through to make sure it works!
In either case, the motivation and intention to prevent conception is present. Therefore, instead of pointing the finger at artificial contraception as the EVIL element at work here, it seems that the evil might exist in the motivation and intention behind it. If I, as a married, faithful woman use artifical contraception with the same motivation and intention as someone using NFP - to Plan for my Family - What is the difference? Why is one method sinful and the other method just fine?