NFP marketing, is promoting it right?

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That makes no sense. I have never met anyone, religious or non-religious, who uses NFP to chart cycles, and then uses contraception during the fertile times.
There is a book that is often suggested to those wanting to understand the SymptoThermal method, “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”. The author suggests charting and using condoms during the fertile periods. In the secular world of Fertility Awareness, barrier methods during the fertile times is SOP.
There is a book that is often suggested to those wanting to understand the SymptoThermal method, “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”. The author suggests charting and using condoms during the fertile periods. In the secular world of Fertility Awareness, barrier methods during the fertile times is SOP.
No kidding?! That seems so strange to me. Well, @Anicette, let’s assume that “many” (not “most”) people in the secular world really do this as a standard…charting cycles and using condoms in the fertile period. It’s still not comparing apples to apples. The Church doesn’t promote NFP as a way to learn cycles while also using contraception. In the Church, it is used so people know whether to abstain if they want to avoid conception, etc…
Well, then that wouldn’t be NFP, it would be contraception. They aren’t misusing NFP, they are simply contracepting.

And if a person is going to use contraception, why would they bother with the hassel of charting cycles and fertile times. That makes no sense. I have never met anyone, religious or non-religious, who uses NFP to chart cycles, and then uses contraception during the fertile times. Not saying is doesn’t happen, but it isn’t “most people” by any stretch of the imagination.
That’s what they call FAM, but it’s obviously very different as an experience from NFP.

(I expect the people who do it are crunchy/have had bad experiences with hormonal contraception.)
yes… I can be misuse… I know that… I fact most people (not religious one) who use an nfp method don’t abstain during fertile times… instead use condoms or something like that.
Well, then that wouldn’t be NFP, it would be contraception. They aren’t misusing NFP, they are simply contracepting.
And if a person is going to use contraception, why would they bother with the hassel of charting cycles and fertile times. That makes no sense. I have never met anyone, religious or non-religious, who uses NFP to chart cycles, and then uses contraception during the fertile times. Not saying is doesn’t happen, but it isn’t “most people” by any stretch of the imagination.
They use NFP or Fertility Awareness becasue they don’t want the side-effects of hormonal birth control and they don’t want abstinence.
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I still haven’t seen anything from anyone here that proves that the pre nfp church was teaching couples to be “prudent” about the number of children they conceived. I believe these thoughts are a modern phenomenon in the Catholic Church.
The Council of Trent: “If anyone says, that the Church errs, in that she declares that, for many causes, a separation may take place between husband and wife, in regard of bed, or in regard of cohabitation, for a determinate or for an indeterminate period; let him be anathema.”

Even Trent did not try to tell couples what “causes” were acceptable. But those who deny that couples may use periodic continence for a determinate or indeterminate period, let him be ananthema.
Therein lies the problem. The questions remain. If nfp can be sinful,
You’ve missed the point. NFP is not and cannot be “sinful”. NFP is not an act. Observation of fertility signs is simply information. Information that can inform (but doesn’t necessarily determine) a couple’s decision to have intercourse.
  • Information is not sinful.
  • A married couple having sexual intercourse is not sinful.
  • A married couple not having intercourse is not sinful.
The three fonts of morality are intention, object, and circumstances, together. The object itself is having intercourses during the infertile period— this is objectively ordered, intrinsically moral, whereas contraception is objectively disordered, intrinsically evil.

The intention may not conform to objective morality, which church documents such as Humanae Vitae and Pius XII’s Address to Midwives addresses.
In which case, it would not conform to all three fonts.
Of course, that is the book of Toni Weschler.
The organisation which promote Sympto Thermal Method in Swiss has the same statement. But the funders are not Catholics but Prostestants, and it is a secular organisation.

Of course too, Church promote NFP with chaste abstinence during fertile period. But sometimes, some catholics don’t know or ignore the doctrine.
To have both advantages and no inconveniant : no side effect and respect of fertility and libido with charting, and contraception to avoid the inconveniant of abstinence.

And no contraception all times because it is an inconveniance…
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