No emotions

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I haven’t felt a single moment of happiness for about 6 years. I’ve been really depressed each day for the past 4 years, and medicine and supplements only made me feel worse. I also have bad social anxiety and some learning problems. I pray all the time, do dozens of Novenas, have received the sacrament of annointing of the sick, have drunk Lourdes water, have worn St. Jude relic, wear the Brown Scapular, wear the Miraculous Medal (which I had blessed), have been to at least three Charismatic healing masses and was prayed over. I even enrolled in the shrine of St. Dymphna. Also do rosaries on a fairly regular basis. Nothing seems to make me feel healthier. I get lots of thoughts of death, and I really wish I could die. I’m having trouble focusing on my work, and I feel like I don’t have any hope. I talk with two priests and another Catholic, but that doesn’t seem to help me Could you please pray that God end this now?
Magdalen, this may be a stupid question but have you seen a doctor? Many depressions are “chemical” in nature. IOW you need to address your physical health. There may be some effective treatment that will help you. You have focused on your spiritual health and that is wonderful but God also gave us the gift of healing through medical practioners. Please see someone as soon as possible. I will pray for you to find healing.

Lisa N
I haven’t felt a single moment of happiness for about 6 years. I’ve been really depressed each day for the past 4 years, and medicine and supplements only made me feel worse. I also have bad social anxiety and some learning problems. I pray all the time, do dozens of Novenas, have received the sacrament of annointing of the sick, have drunk Lourdes water, have worn St. Jude relic, wear the Brown Scapular, wear the Miraculous Medal (which I had blessed), have been to at least three Charismatic healing masses and was prayed over. I even enrolled in the shrine of St. Dymphna. Also do rosaries on a fairly regular basis. Nothing seems to make me feel healthier. I get lots of thoughts of death, and I really wish I could die. I’m having trouble focusing on my work, and I feel like I don’t have any hope. I talk with two priests and another Catholic, but that doesn’t seem to help me Could you please pray that God end this now?
It sounds to me you are out of spiritual and physical balance,. also you are being oppressed by the enemy.Most of the battle taking place is in your mind[satans playground].You need to seek help,maybe a christian psycologist that can help you deal with your issues.Ill keep you in my prayers Madaglan. Father,in Jesus name I lift Madaglan up to you. I know that you love her and that she is precious to you. I pray Father that you will restore her joy Lord.For the joy of the Lord is our strength.Help Her Father as she draws this strength from you.I ask in Jesus name . Amen.
Dear friend

Believe that Christ is unified with you in your suffering, people too often forget Christ’s humanity rather to concentrate on His Divinity. To me you sound lonely and Christ suffered at great cost in loneliness…imagine for a start no-one understood Him ( He was teaching Divinity to Humanity!! remember how He marvelled at the centurion and at St Peter’s profession of faith in him as the Messiah, oh Christ’s heart must have soared to heaven at this!!) and at the end He was left alone in trial and at the Cross only His Mother and St John remained everyone else well ‘cleared off’

The body and mind are one and physical suffering is no different from mental suffering, it is all illness of earthly being. You sound to me as though you feel your prayers have not been heard but dearest friend you are here still surviving this difficulty and Cross. When you go to Mass place your suffering to God in the Chalice and on the Paten where the Host is place anything that brings you some joy, a nice film, a dog, a good cup of coffee etc, because happiness is not having no problems, happiness is having problems and trusting God in them and handing Him the good and bad in life and glorifiying Him in both, this way evil never wins and everything is then to the glory of God.

You are depressed and need medical help and I am usually slow to say this but it is so evident to me here that I am saying it, and my most dear friend you are in my heart and I will lift you up to the Lord in the next Mass I attend, because in Jesus nothing is lost and all things are possible and in your sadness you MUST cling to the foot of His sadness on the Cross and unite with Him waiting for final glory, my dearest dearest friend

So much love to you and God bless you and His peace fall upon you and dwell with you always dearest friend xxxxxxx

Teresa has great words of wisdom for you. You are not alone and Jesus feels your pain and is with you.

Have faith that God loves you. Keep on doing what you are doing. And as one poster said, the devil is focusing his efforts in your mind. He has found that your mind is his easiest battleground with you. Do not give in.

I will pray for you.
What are you sad about? Sometimes I find myself feeling angry or sad… and I don’t even know why. So I go back through the day, and try to suss out when exactly I started feeling bad, and why I am still upset… Sometimes I discover that in the back of my mind I was thinking about something that happened years ago…

You do sounds as though there may be a medical imbalance… Especially if you can’t really pin down why you’re upset.

In anycase, you seem to have alot of faith… So, do have faith that you are in the hands of the Lord, and that He never gives his children more than they can handle.

Also, with all your prayers and novenas… do you feel that they are bringing you closer to the Lord, or have become a burden? Perhaps a different form of prayer? A “Little Way”, like cleaning the house, or walking around the neighborhood?

I will pray for you… …done! Know that someone you don’t know, somewhere far away, really did pause for a few minutes and consider you and ask for the Lords help for you… Many people are probably doing that right now!
Magdalen, this may be a stupid question but have you seen a doctor? Many depressions are “chemical” in nature.
Yeah, not a stupid question. I did, and I was on SSRI medications for 6 months. I was on a heavy dose, too, since it was for my social anxiety as well. Unfortunately I had horrible side effects, and even after stopping the medications altogether in Dec. 2003, the horrible headaches and the worst of the side-effects didn’t go away till June, 2004. I still have several side effects, unfortunately.

Thank you for praying.
Yeah, not a stupid question. I did, and I was on SSRI medications for 6 months. I was on a heavy dose, too, since it was for my social anxiety as well. Unfortunately I had horrible side effects, and even after stopping the medications altogether in Dec. 2003, the horrible headaches and the worst of the side-effects didn’t go away till June, 2004. I still have several side effects, unfortunately.
Oh dear that is very frustrating isn’t it? Is there an alternative treatment? I am not familiar with SSRI so I can’t help much there. Someone has suggested a good counselor. Do you have access to good mental health practitioners? My prayers are with you.

Lisa N
What are you sad about? Sometimes I find myself feeling angry or sad… and I don’t even know why. So I go back through the day, and try to suss out when exactly I started feeling bad, and why I am still upset… Sometimes I discover that in the back of my mind I was thinking about something that happened years ago…

You do sounds as though there may be a medical imbalance… Especially if you can’t really pin down why you’re upset.

In anycase, you seem to have alot of faith… So, do have faith that you are in the hands of the Lord, and that He never gives his children more than they can handle.

Also, with all your prayers and novenas… do you feel that they are bringing you closer to the Lord, or have become a burden? Perhaps a different form of prayer? A “Little Way”, like cleaning the house, or walking around the neighborhood?

I will pray for you… …done! Know that someone you don’t know, somewhere far away, really did pause for a few minutes and consider you and ask for the Lords help for you… Many people are probably doing that right now!
Dear Bengeorge

You are very right many are praying for this lovely and sensitive person, myself included but many Christian and Catholics who read but do not post, unlike our Lord Jesus you have not two people at the foot of your Cross but many including Christ Himself, that is why no suffering is greater than Christ’s you always have Him and those who love Him and love you also in the Body of Christ…Dear friend … you are NEVER alone, you are part of a loving family, whatever difficulty we face , whatever the joy or sorrow, we all go together xxx

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always

Teresa xxxxxxxxxxx
Madaglan, You need to go into the enemys camp and take back what was stolen from you and that is your joy. Father I pray this nite Lord that you may make Madaglan invisable to the enemy. I pray Lord that you cover her with your precious blood. I pray Father that she has on your armour Lord. Help her Lord to regain what was stolen. This battle has already been won in Jesus name Amen.
Dear Madaglan,

My heart goes out to you. There are many different SSRI medications. Did you get the SSRI from your family Dr, or from a Dr that deals in depression? It sounds like you may have been taking too strong a dose for you. It’s surprising you weren’t given a lower dose and gradually the dose would be elevated until it would help you. It usually takes a couple weeks before any effect is noticed.

You might consider seeing a Medical Dr that deals in depression, if you haven’t already. Sometimes exercise helps with depression, such as walking etc.

We are all your friends and here for you. You are not alone. I will keep you in my prayers, and put a prayer card in for you at Perpetual Adoration at my Church.


Dear Madaglan,

My heart goes out to you. There are many different SSRI medications. Did you get the SSRI from your family Dr, or from a Dr that deals in depression? It sounds like you may have been taking too strong a dose for you. It’s surprising you weren’t given a lower dose and gradually the dose would be elevated until it would help you. It usually takes a couple weeks before any effect is noticed.

You might consider seeing a Medical Dr that deals in depression, if you haven’t already. Sometimes exercise helps with depression, such as walking etc.

We are all your friends and here for you. You are not alone. I will keep you in my prayers, and put a prayer card in for you at Perpetual Adoration at my Church.

Um, yeah, I had a mental health professional give me the SSRI’s. I started out with Zoloft; but even at a low dose it caused me significant sleep problems. It didn’t help me feel better at that dose. I went to Lexapro, and it didn’t help out much at all. In fact, that drug was the one that started giving me bad headaches. I stopped that and took Paxil for three months. With each drug I started at a low dose; but when the doctor saw that I wasn’t reacting well to the drug, he raised the dosage. The dose increased caused me worse side effects, but the doctor said that it was normal to experience some side effects at first for the first few weeks. But the side effects went on relentlessly throughout the three months I was on the drug. I stopped the drug, even though the withdrawal was horrible (Paxil withdrawal has been compared with cocaine withdrawal; it makes sense, since Paxil = HCl and Cocaine = HCl, too) I’ve tried supplements from GNC, but none of that stuff helped out. I’m presently on Royal Jelly, but even that doesn’t help.

Thank you for your prayer card!
My husband suffered depression since his early teens. When he was finally treated for it, it took several different meds until they found one that worked. He was on Paxil for about 8 months and then it stopped working. He didn’t have truoble with withdrawl from it.Wellbutrin made him very sick. He was on prozac for about 18 months (during that time they upped the dose a couple times) his las med was lexapro which worked very well for him. He was on that for about a year and then stopped taking them on his own and praise God is doing well.

Unite your sufferings to Christ, you will be saving many souls this way. I will pray for you.
I haven’t felt a single moment of happiness for about 6 years. I’ve been really depressed each day for the past 4 years, and medicine and supplements only made me feel worse.
Dear Sister,
You can beat this. I’ve listed a few things that might help:

Have you tried offering up your suffering to Jesus? He will bless you and give you grace if everytime you feel sad & depressed, you offer your suffering up to Him. Stay close to the sacraments.

Seek GOOD medical advice, there are wonderful medications out today with very minimal side effects, you most likely have some sort of imbalance. You need to find a good doctor that is able to experiment with different anti-depressants to see which one works for you.

Find a good Catholic counselor ( I assume you are Catholic) or spiritial advisor, someone that you respect and trust to talk to.

Get fresh air every day - walk, bike - just do something outside in the fresh air. Enjoy the beauty - God’s creation.

Avoid negative t.v. Fill your mind with good books, scripture, EWTN, things of that sort.

Take a good multi-vitamin that has lots of vitamin B-12; eat a well-balanced diet and limit sugars.

Do something nice for yourself every day. It doesn’t have to be a big thing - just something little that makes you happy.

Try to envision Jesus’ hand outstreched to you. He offers such love, joy and peace but all you have to do is accept it.

Blessings to you,
Dear Madaglan,

I understand your plight - 30 years I had a severe breakdown and was hospitalized in a mental institution after a long period of terrible depression and the doctors stated I would be a cot case for the rest of my life. A cot case I certainly am not - in fact I’m now a student and getting exceptionally good results.

You need medical help. Look on it as a gift God has given to mankind to help us when our minds and/or bodies need help. Miracles are happening all around us but often we don’t see them because we take so much for granted and modern medicine is one of those miracles we take for granted often - it is a miracle and God’s gift to us!

Find a good psychiatriste, one you trust and who seems to understand you and open up your heart to him/her and take any medication that is suggested. If the medication is not working, or the side effects are very uncomfortable - feed this back to your doctor and get an alternative(s). At the same time instead of talking to two priests and another Catholic - find one good spiritual director, either priest, nun or layperson and one who appreciates that you also need medical help. Follow the advice of this spiritual director.
You could reflect on this as when Jesus, falling under the weight of his cross and already weak from physical and mental abuse, gets help to carry his cross from a passerby. Remember too St. Paul has said:
a) “All things (ALL THINGS!) work together for those that love God”
b) “We make up in our own bodies what was lacking in the sufferings of Christ” i.e. every Christian must carry his/her cross to some degree - and you certainly have yours.

Recall too that Jesus in his humanity did not spend all day every day praying - he DID things in accord with his state in life, which was a wandering (more or less) preacher. Your state in life at the moment is an unwell person and you should DO THINGS in accord with that state in imitation of Jesus (i.e. see a doctor).

I send to you my prayers …
(((madaglan))) my heart goes out to you, sweetie.

you’ve received wonderful advice from everyone here. i am only responding because my son is suffering from severe depression and he hears voices, so he has a thought disorder going right along with it. the doctor told him there are so many good GOOD meds out there now, if what she has prescribed for him doesn’t help, then we need to be in touch with her and she will switch things up. there is so much going on in your brain chemistry…she told my son she wished she could take an x-ray of his head to see which receptors are out of balance and be able to prescribe the right thing, right now; however, since there are so many nerve receptors in your brain, it is basically trial and error until you find what works for you.

this has been a very heavy thing for me as his mother. i went to mass yesterday and felt fine; as soon as i started praying the Rosary, i had a meltdown. it is difficult to watch my son go through it, i wish it were me. however my son, who is 20, said to me yesterday “ma, i was born with this: this is simply how i am wired.” for years, he’s been dealing with this by himself. i think he is finally relieved to be receiving help.

if you are not feeling satisfied with the help and medications you have been receiving, as difficult as it may be? find another psychiatrist. find someone who will help you and in the meantime, don’t stop coming here and letting us know how you are doing. i will offer prayers for you this morning during the Sacrifice of the Mass.

peace be with you.
(((madaglan))) my heart goes out to you, sweetie.

you’ve received wonderful advice from everyone here. i am only responding because my son is suffering from severe depression and he hears voices, so he has a thought disorder going right along with it. the doctor told him there are so many good GOOD meds out there now, if what she has prescribed for him doesn’t help, then we need to be in touch with her and she will switch things up. there is so much going on in your brain chemistry…she told my son she wished she could take an x-ray of his head to see which receptors are out of balance and be able to prescribe the right thing, right now; however, since there are so many nerve receptors in your brain, it is basically trial and error until you find what works for you.

this has been a very heavy thing for me as his mother. i went to mass yesterday and felt fine; as soon as i started praying the Rosary, i had a meltdown. it is difficult to watch my son go through it, i wish it were me. however my son, who is 20, said to me yesterday “ma, i was born with this: this is simply how i am wired.” for years, he’s been dealing with this by himself. i think he is finally relieved to be receiving help.

if you are not feeling satisfied with the help and medications you have been receiving, as difficult as it may be? find another psychiatrist. find someone who will help you and in the meantime, don’t stop coming here and letting us know how you are doing. i will offer prayers for you this morning during the Sacrifice of the Mass.

peace be with you.
Madaglan, Im still praying for you. I went back to reread your original post slowly.God showed me that you are speaking negative words from your mouth. By doing this you giving foot to the enemy. Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. Like I said before you need to take back what the enemy has stolen from you.Start to speak words of life. You have that authority in Jesus name. 👍
martha martha:
Dear Martha, My heart goes out to you too. It is so hard when one of our loved ones suffer. We always wish we could take the suffering away and put it on ourselves. That is so sad that you son has such a heavy burden at such a young age. I’m so happy for your son, that he has found a good and caring Doctor.

I used to float to different area’s at the hospital I worked at, and I saw first hand, how much people who suffer from chemical imbalances can be helped with proper medication.

I will keep both of your in my prayers, and put a prayer card in at Perpetual Adoration at my church for both of you.

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