No emotions

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quote=martha martha my heart goes out to you, sweetie.
this has been a very heavy thing for me as his mother. i went to mass yesterday and felt fine; as soon as i started praying the Rosary, i had a meltdown. it is difficult to watch my son go through it, i wish it were me. however my son, who is 20, said to me yesterday “ma, i was born with this: this is simply how i am wired.” for years, he’s been dealing with this by himself. i think he is finally relieved to be receiving help.
peace be with you.

Dear Martha, My heart goes out to you too. It is so hard when one of our loved ones suffer. We always wish we could take the suffering away and put it on ourselves. That is so sad that your son has such a heavy burden at such a young age. I’m so happy for your son, that he has found a good and caring Doctor.

I used to float to different area’s at the hospital I worked at, and I saw first hand, how much people who suffer from chemical imbalances can be helped with proper medication.

I will keep both of your in my prayers, and put a prayer card in at Perpetual Adoration at my church for both of you.

I just wanted to post something for all of you and that is all your words of wisdom are inspiring and merciful. I want to offer up a rosary for all people who suffer with emotional problems for they too are serious. I is especially hard when a mother has to watch her child suffer and I can say call on the Blessed Mother with that cause she knows first hand what your emotions are. God Bless all of your advice and know that my prayers are with you all.
hi, madaglen. my father and i both suffer from chronic depression. i know what it means to go days, weeks, months in a ‘funk’. i’m sorry that you suffer this, and i’ll pray for you.

sometimes i just call out to God, and ask for joy. He hears me, and often sends someone along to cheer me up.

remember, Jesus called us to take up our cross daily, and follow Him. He was a man of many sorrows. He certainly knows the pain you feel, and it hurts Him more than it hurts you when you suffer.

i weep, as you weep. may God bless you with joy today.
I just wanted to post something for all of you and that is all your words of wisdom are inspiring and merciful. I want to offer up a rosary for all people who suffer with emotional problems for they too are serious. I is especially hard when a mother has to watch her child suffer and I can say call on the Blessed Mother with that cause she knows first hand what your emotions are. God Bless all of your advice and know that my prayers are with you all.
bobkat, thank you for your sweet response.

i have an admission to make. as a convert to Catholicism, my faith being a mere 9 years old, the biggest hurdle i have had to leap was about Mary, our Blessed Mother. i would try praying the Rosary, to no avail. it felt hollow, and that i was simply “praying to be heard for my many words.”

i have asked the Lord on and off to change my heart about His Mother. read books, listened to tapes by scott hahn, still felt empty.

last year, i stumbled upon the fact that a friend of mine’s daughter actually made rosaries by hand - i thought “that sounds cool, i should try it.” well, i found a shop on-line and got instructions and have made about 6 or 7 sets, maybe more. i would contemplate Mary, think about what i was doing and being an rcia instructor, had to openly admit i had “issues” still, but was working on it.

then i saw The Passion of the Christ (six times) and my heart about Mary started to change. not completely, but slowly. i stopped seeing her as a statue and an icon and felt she was a woman with real emotions, real thoughts, feelings.

the last set of rosary beads i made for someone, i really liked. one of my favorite priests blessed them for me and i felt in my heart that they were really for me! i started praying the Rosary faithfully before daily mass about two weeks ago. yesterday, when i arrived at Church (really making sure i am there from the Apostle’s Creed on), i was totally fine (as far as i knew). i started to pray the rosary with my son’s needs as my intentions and i don’t know what the heck happened, but i, as i stated above, had a meltdown. my body was so hurt, my heart was so hurt and i knew without a shadow of a doubt, that my heart was being united with Mary’s in suffering for her Son. i was unable to even pray aloud, but know the Spirit interceded for me and i continued on each bead in cadence with the others in church with me, but i thank God that i had that experience because it brought me home, truly, and i experienced for the first time the fullness of my faith.

thanks be to God.

sorry to threadjack, madaglan. i’ve been thinking about you all day today, too - i am praying for you and finding this forum and this thread in particular was no accident.

Madaglen, Just a thought for you to consider. Examine your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern if there is a problem with unforgiveness. This can be toward yourself or toward another person. Sin is death as scripture says and sin blocks God’s grace in our life. It sounds like you have tried very hard to beat this problem and that is good. There is also scripture that talks about how sin, or it’s consequences, can be passed down to the second and third generation. Pray for discernment about this also. If you feel that either of these ideas might have credability, Have a Mass offered up with this as the intention. Pray during Mass that Jesus would cover any generational sins with His presious blood. Lay them at the foot of the cross. Also I would highly recommend that you also pray before the Blessed Sacrement in the same way, preferably at an 24 hour adoration chapel.I will keep you in my prayers.
while we’re sharing, it looks like the biggest source of unhappiness in my life is my pride. i can’t stand to do a poor job at anything - i always have to be the best at everything.

God is teaching me humility - through failure. it’s not fun. but i AM learning. thank goodness.

i’m learning to uproot and remove the pride that drives me to unhappiness. it’s a slow, painful process. i’m reminded of the protagonist from ‘hinds feet on high places’, or the dragon in ‘voyage of the dawn treador’ being undragoned.

i share this only in the hope that it might help. sometimes God allows us to go through valleys of the shadow, that we might learn to live under His wing.

i prayed for you in mass today, madaglen.
I haven’t felt a single moment of happiness for about 6 years. I’ve been really depressed each day for the past 4 years, and medicine and supplements only made me feel worse. I also have bad social anxiety and some learning problems. I pray all the time, do dozens of Novenas, have received the sacrament of annointing of the sick, have drunk Lourdes water, have worn St. Jude relic, wear the Brown Scapular, wear the Miraculous Medal (which I had blessed), have been to at least three Charismatic healing masses and was prayed over. I even enrolled in the shrine of St. Dymphna. Also do rosaries on a fairly regular basis. Nothing seems to make me feel healthier. I get lots of thoughts of death, and I really wish I could die. I’m having trouble focusing on my work, and I feel like I don’t have any hope. I talk with two priests and another Catholic, but that doesn’t seem to help me Could you please pray that God end this now?

I saw a prayer card for saint Jude, who is the saint of hopeless problems. If you can not solve your problem you can always pray to saint Jude. Here is a prayer to him.

Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my sufferings, particularly(here make your request) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.

I hope this helps. I will keep you in my prayers.
I suffer from depression too. There are more classes of antidepressants than SSRI’s

There is one that I have put on recently called Efexxor. It is a SNRI and it actually makes me feel a tad drowsy so I take it later in the day than I did the Zoloft, which could make me more of an insomniac than I am.

Also, did you try an anti-anxiety med? Paxil comes to mind but I presume there are more.

Don’t give up. It is easy when depressed to not even try to get help.
Maybe some (name removed by moderator)atient time where they can assess you and your reactions to medications. I am lucky, I know, that I am easily treated with meds.

Still I just went through a very stressful and busy time and let my Rx run out. It took me a week to be inspired enough to take a shower. I took another day for me to call my doc. I know the lack of desire is like a weight that holds you down. The hopelessness and the thoughts of death are too serious to ignore. You have told us, now go get some intensive treatment. Go to a hospital and let them help you. That is not weakness, it is strength to get the help you need.

Our spiritual lives are important, but we can’t ask God to be a vending machine – this many prayers and I will get this grace – isn’t the way it is.

It could be that you are like that man on the roof during a flood, he tells a boat to pass on by, his God would save him. Then a bigger boat came by and still he was certain that God would save him. He also ignored a helicopter. After he drowned he asked God why He didn’t save him. Of course God sent the boats and a helicopter. Don’t give up on the meds without a full and thorough trial. They maybe your boats and helicopters.

Of course I will pray for you. May find a holy solution.
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