No Longer a Superpower

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Cliff May says that if America can’t defeat its enemies in Iraq – the remnants of Saddam Hussein’s corrupt regime, al Qaeda “emir” Abu Musab Zarqawi, and suicide bombers eager for their 72 virgins in Heaven – it is no longer a superpower. America-haters are hoping for just such a result.

His Scripps column on this question is here.
The United States is still a superpower. The Iraqi people, and the rest of the world, should be happy that the United States shows so much restraint in it’s use of force, trying to respect holy sites, civilians, etc. The Untited States does have the destuctive means to completely destroy the cities which the insurgents decide to hide in.

Being a super power is in many ways a curse. Sometimes I envy nations such as Canada, Switzerland, Norway, etc,. which are modern industrialized nations with a high standard of living, but since they are not superpowers, the world does not demand as much from them as is demanded of the United States.

The United States is often opposed when it wishes to look after it’s own needs, but at the same time is criticized for not looking after the needs of the rest of the world.

I suspect that the next great superpower will be the European Union, now that it is standardizing it’s currency, and creating a unified military. With a larger economy than the United States, the European Union will become everything that the United States is accused of being. I will enjoy seeing someone else taking all the heat for a change.

I personally feel blessed to live in the United States. Regardless of what the world’s critics say, this is a wonderful nation with a big heart.
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