On the topic of cable, there are some great channels on it - I have decided long ago that I only turn to a few channels - EWTN, Discovery, History, DIY, Travel…you get the idea. Just browsing these offers great value, and avoids 90% of the trash that appears to concern you.
Regarding the empty can and the worms which no slither around us
– I can appreciate that having a bunch of people here tell you what you can’t do is potentially not very productive for you. So I would suggest, you have some choices to make, and not making them, or making them being uninformed, is irresponsible. Are you willing to take the risk you are wrong without even checking, and having to suffer dire circumstances as a result of carelessness?
My suggestion, assuming you
care about being a Roman Catholic and a Christian, is to learn WHY the Church believes what it does in this area. After all, if you are going to knowingly go against the Church, and Jesus Christ’s strongest teachings (and make no mistake about that), you should be sure. Find out why, and get beyond “thou shalt not…”. If you have any respect, reverence, or love for Christ, you should recognize that it is not your place our ours to make the rules. If Christ was standing in front of you today, I know you would feel that way pretty quickly. After all, the Bible tells us that in no uncertain terms, no?
So my only suggestion is this - freedom means being informed and making wise choices. You have that right if you are informed, even if we disagree with you.
Read this encyclical, IMHO it’s the best document ever written on love, sexuality, and marriage, and WHY it is an egregious sin against Christ to violate the teachings of the Church. You never know, you might learn something about your faith, or something that is important to you about your faith that you need to work on. We are all sinners. I pray that you will become well informed.
Humanae Vitae
God Bless