You’re right it is none of our business, but you invited us into this thread. If someone is doing something contrary to the church’s teachings, then it is up to us to inform you that what you are doing is contradictory to them. Be careful when you throw out the verse, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” at us. That’s a cop out. If we all followed that teaching literally then everyone would be doing what they please because others can’t say anything because they also sin. I sin, you sin, priests sin, heck, I bet even the Pope sins.
Sorry, I have to be honest. If you want to change the world, start with your own home. Get rid of the cable if you wish, but you are only doing damage to your relationship with God. Christ is not the center of your relationship, *your *love is. I know you have justified it to yourself, but it goes directly against the teachings of Christ and His Chruch. It is easy to fall into the cultural trap as shown on tv, of relative morality. “If I think it’s ok, then it’s ok.” It isn’t always easy to do God’s Will. We all want to follow our own, but you have a chance to start off your future marriage with God’ grace, rather than starting it out breaking God’s Law. We don’t get to decide what is sin, only God can decide that and it has been the same for over 2.000yrs.
Please know that this is not a criticism of you, but that you need to be informed of this information. If you don’t know any better, it is not your fault, you are following the lies given to us by our culture, as you are beginning to notice in the media. Your disgust with the media is the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Guilt is looked at badly by our culture, but healty guilt is a gift from God. It is the beginning of reconcilliation with God. It is when we ignore this gift of guilt and try to justify our sins that we cause harm to ourselves. When we reconcile in the sacrement of confession and give up sins, the guilt goes away. If you find yourself denying bad feelings about the life you have chosen with your boyfriend, realize that it is the promptings of the Holy Spirit, trying to transform your soul.
This has happened to me in my life and it is that pruning of our branches that produces the sweetest fruits. We all sin, and it is denying our own wills in order to follow God’s Will that molds us into the spiritually mature people God created us to be.
Maybe the Holy Spirit is showing you how disorderd sex has become in our culture of death.
Every time you make love it is like a prayer, it is giving God the chance to work in your marriage to change the universe forever with the creation of a new soul. Sex outside of marriage is not part of God’s plan. I am not condemning you but trying to help you realize that you can change this, there is no reason to live without God’s grace in your relationship. Starting out a potential marriage in a state of mortal sin is like denying God in your life. The Catholic Church was founded by Christ, not as a salad bar where you can pick and choose what you like or don’t like. We have to follow all of God’s laws, not just a few that seem happy or comfortable to us.
I removed the planks from my eyes about birth control several years ago, now I hope I am helping you take the speck out of yours. We are all here to help each other.
God Bless