"No Name-Calling Week"

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But Howe (openly gay author of The Misfits) said critics of “No Name-Calling Week” seem reluctant to acknowledge the scope of anti-gay harassment in schools. “Homosexuality is not a moral issue — it’s a fact, and kids who are gay, or maybe just different, need to be allowed to grow up in a safe environment just like everybody else,” he said.

The above was copied from an AP article. I was going to link it but the article disappeared from my news board before I got it done.

What else will they try in their efforts to corrupt our children?
As a parent who pulled my male child out of a public high school,who was called an anti-feminist because he was Christian and especially being Catholic,being harrassed for being avirgion and unwilling to do drugs,even to the point of being threatened,I don’t want to hear it.This particular High School is a performing arts High School and homosexualbehavior is elevated and encouraged.If you disagree with their acts you are put on a chopping board.As far as that goes as soon as it is found out that your a serious Christian you are targeted.Being a Catholic one you can guess the comments that were made about what he did in the confession box:mad: But the aclu and the so called freedom thumpers don’t care about that.
Harrasment is never good, no matter the topic,
it should never be allowed in any school.

Every child has a right under the laws of the states to a free public education in an environment where he or she can be safe. They don’t have the right to parade their predilection, in my opinion. If school prayer can be outlawed under the citation of children being a “captive audience,” then Christian kids, a part of that same “captive audience,” should not have to witness 2 boys kissing each other or 2 girls with their hands on each other’s rumps (signs of affection that shouldn’t be permitted in schools even with straight kids). The thing that bothers me is this: how is this even an issue in a SCHOOL? How far down the toilet have we as a society swirled when 13-18 years olds feel like they need to trumpet their sexual preference/experience/orientation/etc. in such a way that it has to be DEALT with by the adults who have the care of them? I don’t want to know what anyone does in his or her bedroom. I don’t want to know what “trips anyone’s trigger.” I wish we could have a little old-fashioned reticence and restraint. I don’t think anyone should be called a name. If by “tolerance,” you mean “no name calling,” that’s great. If by “tolerance,” you mean “you’ve sanctioned and okayed this lifestyle,” then not great.
no sexual behaviour in school at all is what I say,
and no harrassment what so ever in school no matter the subject.

no sexual behaviour in school at all is what I say,
and no harrassment what so ever in school no matter the subject.

This point of view seems reasonable to me.
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