No one follows the commandments

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Just to add to Tis_Bearself comment that
Converts often try a lot harder to be “good Catholics” than cradle Catholics. It’s because converts freely chose to become Catholics, while a lot of cradles just sort of ended up in the Church and didn’t quite leave.
I have found that keeping from sin is “easier” the older I get.
There are only a few good things about getting older but, for me, one of the nicest is the leveling out of my emotions. I still have them! They just don’t run my life like they seemed to when I was young. As much as I’d like to have the physical health of my youth back, I never want to go through the emotional rollercoaster of hormones and passions of that age. 🤔☺️🤔
It’s hard to feel like you’re the lone weirdo set apart from the crowd and “acting good” while everybody around you is living it up.

But first of all, there are people out there, Christians of all stripes, who are making the sincere effort to follow the moral law. People make mIstakes, but there are people who care.

It’s also good to find out why the Church teaches what she does. It’s still not an easy path, but it really does make sense, and it really makes life better for yourself and those around you.

Third, while you never want to think you’re too good to hang out with the sinners 😉 try to cultivate friendships with people who are trying to live according to God’s plan.
A lot more than most people think. Rest assured, I didn’t rob a bank last night.

It would be weird for people to shout to the world “I didn’t steal”. Or wear a “I haven’t murdered” necklace.

More specific to the topic, just under half of Christians in America who regularly attend services have ever had pre-marital sex. That means millions in America are following the same way of life and voluntarily. And of those that did fall into sin, they picked themselves up and persevere.
It’s sad I have this statistic memorized but the feeling of “isolation” for those remaining celibate is present for some and so I would like to assure they’re not alone and statistics is something I can offer aside from telling them I’ve never had sex out of marriage myself.
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Matthew, I may not follow all the rules in that I don’t attend church every Sunday. However, I do consider myself a “practicing Catholic”. I’m not sure what is worse. A chaste person who does not attend Sunday mass (my case) but who prays every day, or someone who always attends Sunday mass but who sleeps around or cohabits with their significant other.
Unless one has a reasonable excuse to miss Mass, such as an illness, disability, or transportation problem, then missing Mass is a grave sin. It’s wrong of you to be ranking grave sins and making some argument that being unchaste is worse than missing Mass, especially when you’re using that argument to hold yourself up as better than others.

We’ve already been over all this on a previous thread you started.
Please consider seeking some spiritual counseling because it’s disturbing to have someone claiming they’re a “practicing Catholic” while admitting they miss Mass and then pointing fingers at others for their sins. Catholic teaching is very serious about the requirement to go to Mass.
There are 79,847 words in a Torah scroll, and 304,805 letters. And a mid point, a vav (I think). And these words and letters must be reproduced exactly. The Jewish Law is amazingly exact. I was just learning of the Leningrad Codex, the standard for the Hebrew Bible and thus the Christian Old Testament.
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The Church does not encourage nor give general untying from any of the Commandments. They are all to be kept. Priests say that no one is without sin as a pastoral encouragement to confession, so people do not fear confession, not so that we can go on sinning the “lesser” sin. Some Elder or Saint also said that to break one Commandmenr is to break them all.
Now you obviously like(d) this girl who wasn’t even convinced if she wanted to be a nun or not, so you let her opinion overcome your common sense - she cannot know what every Catholic on the planet does and she must know that the Church never gave dispensation from sin, any sin, but she was choosing to ignore that so she can justify herself.
So ignore what people are doing, the Church is not really a social place, but mainly a place of worship. Read the lives of Saints. They were surrounded by Christians who would not follow God’s rules, not read the Scripture and so on. But this didn’t influence them. Try to correct those you can and if they don’t listen move on with your life follow God’s Rules, not that of man trying to excuse himself from them.
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