Hold on! How do you examine the claims about the non-physical? You assert that the non-physical is not available for examination. So, how do you know if it was “fantasizing”?When the claimed evidence is examined, then if it’s revealed to be “mere fantasizing”, then it’s discarded.
Not at all. I am talking about ANY claim about the alleged non-physical realm. I already presented a list of the alleged non-physical entities. Preferably I would like to see individual arguments for each of them, but that might pose too large a task. So pick any of them, and present real, non-fantasy based evidence.Different question.
Not interested in specifics, are we? Corroboration by physical evidence? Or another alleged witness? Because that is the point. Up until the point when physical evidence is presented, it is all “words” by someone. Suppose Joe claims that he observed some UFO-s. And when you ask for evidence, he summons Jane. Jane admits that she was not there, but Joe told her about the event. Can you do anything better?In the same way that you assess whether any witness recalls the events correctly – corroboration, etc, etc.
No, that is NOT what I asked. Where did that original story-teller (eye-witness?) get his information? How did he observe the alleged non-physical? Because without it, all we have is unsubstantiated “fantasy”.Not sure I understand what you’re trying to ask. The trivial answer, to what seems a trivial question, is: “the eyewitness himself.”
So, in other words, you have nothing.Again: just as you would do with any eyewitness testimony. Of course, when dealing with events in antiquity, it is silly to suggest that we have iPhone video or living eyewitnesses to events in 1st century A.D. Palestine…
Do you have an example? And on what grounds do you declare something to be “red herring”? These insinuations are worthless unless they are accompanied by actual arguments: “what is wrong? why is it wrong? how to make it correct”? Exactly what was MISSING from your insinuation - and everyone’s who asserts “red herring” or “straw man”. A cheap shot from an empty gun.Nah… sometimes there really are straw men and red herrings, and it’s necessary to point out to the ignoramus exactly what he’s trying to get away with…