Through baptism we become adopted children of God. No subsequent act or inaction will change this fact. Whether faithful, unfaithful, prodigal, it matters not. Any other demarcation is arbitrary, which is what makes the No True Scotsman a fallacy.Yes, baptism opens us up to all kinds of sanctifying grace and manifestly increases our chances of salvation. However, baptism does not guarantee us that we will be true to the grace and favor we have received. That is a choice we must make, and if we repudiate that source of grace, we are repudiating Christ himself. No true Christian, though he falls a thousand times, repudiates Christ. A self-styled Christian who lives as a pagan is not a true Christian.
As I pointed out in another thread, Jacques Maritain echoed Christ’s definition of a true Christian in his book The Range of Reason. “There are practical atheists who believe that they believe in God (and who perhaps believe in Him in their brains) but who in reality deny His existence by each one of their deeds. Out of the living God they have made an idol.” In other words, some people who call themselves Christians are lying to themselves, because no true Christian would behave in such a manner.
Hitler was adept at invoking God’s presence among his advancing armies, but it was all a lie. Privately he is reported to have sworn to destroy all religions as worthless. He did not fool most of the Catholics in the largely Catholic provinces of Germany, who voted against him as unworthy, though he managed to fool many of the Protestants who heavily favored him with their votes in the Protestant provinces.
He made an idol of himself and worshiped the idol.