That would mean that “apostolic” applies to the person of Christ, which doesn’t seem to make sense.The CCC is making the claim that the Church is “one, holy, catholic and apostolic” in her deepest identity AND that “deepest identity” is in the person of Christ who exists and grows in the hearts of those “incorporated into him.” The Church is identified with the members who are united to Christ in precisely this way and thereby form the “Body of Christ,” the Church.
I still don’t see what this has to do with the OP. How can an individual Catholic be holy, catholic and apostolic using the definitions of those words given in CCC 867-869?
And then how do you, laity, know what criteria to apply to “holy, catholic and apostolic” to decide who is or is not a true Catholic? Where in the CCC does it say you, laity, can or ought do this, and where are the guidelines for how and when laity should do this to each other?