Non beliver would like to ask some questions regarding ur faith

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got to this home page for this site they explain a lot of the questions you are asking.

also, the Journey home that someone mentioned earlier, with Marcus Grodi has a web site too
come back anytime, we’ll be happy to help.
…and happy to pray for you while you are on your journey.
Magisterum is the group divinely guided to interpret the Sacred Scriptures. Pax simply means peace in Latin, and Christi means Christ.
thank you all very much for your (name removed by moderator)ut in helping me understand catholicism i am going to read some of the texts(inc Catechism of the Catholic Church) you have all recomended to me. also there are a lot of words you all all use that i dont understand (eg Magisterium Pax Christi) is there an online refrance (sort of like a gloassary i suppose) it would really help me out
cheers evert one vf9
For a glossary of terms use a Catholic Encyclopedia. The online one is an older version, but the definitions haven’t changed so you should find it helpful. Here is the article on Tradition and Living Magisterium to start you off. 🙂
You asked:
2. If anyone reading this was not a catholic from birth how did you know when you found god in catholacism?

Hello and Wellcome!!!

I was not religious at all before this past year… I belived in God, but only prayed when I needed help…that was it… When I was introduced to Catholisim I thought it was kind of extreme, but I kept going back to Mass and didn’t really know why. Then I got more involved with the ministry at my college and found a family there. The people were amazing a devoted to their faith. Through this minisrty I began to feel that this is what God wanted for me. And as I learned more about the faith I became a happier and more complete person. I went to other Christian churches to explore my options and discoved that they were not enough, I needed more, I needed Catholism! Now I am going to enter RICA, which is Right of Christian Anitiation, so I can join the Church in Baptism and Communion.:bounce: I am so excited! Until then, I am reading as much as I can about Catholism and reading the Bible too, because I never really read it before. Everything is so exciting to me and I am so happy that God has called me to find the truth!

Catholisim is very deep and takes a lifetime to learn and I think it is great that you are searching for the truth 👍 ! If you are really wanting to learn about it, the book This is Our Faith by Michael Francis Pennock is very helpful. I am reading it now and it explains Chatiolic teaching and gives Bible verses to back them up. I found it at the library, so i’m sure your library might have it too.

If you ever have questions for me about my experience with Catholisim, or any thing else, don’t hesitate to ask!
You are in my prayers,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (a day early)
thank you all for your warm birthday wishes every one!! i am no longer a teenager!!! 🙂
Well, Well, VF,

How exciting to be entering the halls of full fledged adulthood!

I hope your journey into truth is illuminating.

Take care and God Bless,

p.s. to below

in my last post i did not intend to mean all religus people are at war but in a world persective it seems there is a lot of it going on.
also sorry but my spelling is really bad
The false notion that religion causes all wars is easily dispelled with a little logical observation. The first World War was not a religious war, nor the Second. Korea and Vietnam were not. Gulf 1 and 2 were not. Somalia, and the recent tragedies in Mogedesho were not. The recent wars in Liberia and Central Africa were not. The slaughter of Hutu villagers was not. The only thing that even comes close is Palestine, and that is actually a political war, as you can see now that Arafat is dead.
Sorry i have been awway so long (holiday).
Have also spoke to other people from other religions i have found that catholisim makes by far a lot sense and i am going to attend my local catholic church next sunday. this came about by talking to the priest (who is a fried of my dads i never knew!!!) we had a long coversation and he invited me to attend this week but i have work obligations on sunday mornings (but i managed to get nxt sunday off. thanks to every one who has made my path to the truth so much easyer!
Wow thats so great VillageFool9! I’m so pleased and please make sure that the parish you are attending is orthodox. I wish you luck and hope you enjoy the wonderful experience of being there at Mass. 😃

Welcome VF9!

If it wasn’t already stated, pray. Pray to God. Tell Him you are searching. Ask Him to help you. Don’t just pray it once, but everyday. If you truly seek His help, He will not ignore you.

I’ve given you a link to a website that has wonderful homilies given by one of the priests at the church I attend. Scroll down and pick and chose those which interest you.

I’ve said a prayer for you to the Holy Spirit that He may enlighten you and prompt you on your spiritual journey.

God bless.
Praise God. I don’t agree with everything the Catholics say, but at least God is there.
Wow! So great to find this thread. I have been praying (the rosary) specifically for those who are non-Catholic to find our Church. I will keep you in prayer specifically, vf9! :gopray2: God knows who you are; may the Holy Spirit guide you and inspire you to see and keep seeking the Truth! Please keep us posted on you journey.
Sorry i have been awway so long (holiday).
Have also spoke to other people from other religions i have found that catholisim makes by far a lot sense and i am going to attend my local catholic church next sunday. this came about by talking to the priest (who is a fried of my dads i never knew!!!) we had a long coversation and he invited me to attend this week but i have work obligations on sunday mornings (but i managed to get nxt sunday off. thanks to every one who has made my path to the truth so much easyer!
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