:clapping: ditto – especially that last sentence.simply explain that this is the holiest week of the year in your religion and you and your family will be observing all the solemnities and liturgies, and welcome them to join you. For the occassions they do not care to participate in what you have planned, give them an attractions and restaurant guide and tell them to have fun. On no account should you let your children see that having company is an excuse to relax religious obligations. I don’t think Muslim families would compromise during Ramadan for non-Muslim guests, nor would Orthodox Jews compromise during Passover or the High Holy Days for non-Jewish guests. Don’t apologize, don’t explain, just tell them the program, and also tell them the one occassion you have set aside for them, probably Sunday dinner. Since they made their plans without consulting you, feel free to plan your week without consulting them.
Another “plus” to sticking to your guns is that maybe they’ll think twice before coming before Easter again! That is, if they don’t convert!