Non-Catholics, why did you join the forums?

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As I browse and interact with the forums, I see that there are many non-Catholic members. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest and you are obviously more than welcome here. It can even make some discussions more interesting. I am however curious, why non believers or people of other faiths, chose to join a Catholic forum.

I’d rather non-Catholics reply with their reasons why, rather than Catholics responding with speculations as to why non-Catholics might have joined. Of course Catholics are welcome to enter the discussion too, to discuss anything the non-Catholics have said.
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I’m Catholic (have been one since 31 May 2009), but I am commenting so that others may see this.
I’m Catholic, but I just dropped in to say that you would likely get better answers if you posted this in the “Non-Catholic Religions” forum, as the largest number of non-Catholics tend to post there.
edited to add, thread has been moved there.
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I enjoy the dialogue available on this forum. There are a lot of active members with a lot of knowledge on topics involving church history and theology. Where else on the internet can you passionately discuss Eucharistic theology or sola fide and not be weird?
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I’m Catholic, but I just dropped in to say that you would likely get better answers if you posted this in the “Non-Catholic Religions” forum, as the largest number of non-Catholics tend to post there.
edited to add, thread has been moved there.
I was thinking about doing that, but then I thought, atheism isn’t really a religion, so does this really belong there?

As you said, it has been moved there now and that’s fine. Perhaps more non-Catholics will see it and reply.
I’m a non-Catholic hoping to enter the full communion of the Church.

I came to learn a bit more and stayed because I really enjoy the conversation.
Doing rçia courses to learn about the Catholic Faith and now hoping to join Catholic Faith this forum’s has helped out loads with questions i have had
I joined because someone talked about me in one of the threads on this board, and I happened to stumble across it in a Google search.

That said, I have a strong affinity for the Catholic Church, and very much enjoy discussions of Scripture.
I joined this board around 3 years ago when my son, who was dating (and is now married) to a Catholic girl told me that he might become Catholic.

I wanted to know what Catholics teach and why so I could have a conversations with my son on Catholicism.

I’ve stuck around because of the stimulating conversations and topics on this board. I will sometimes defend Protestant teaching when either asked a direct question or I see someone misrepresenting Protestant, in particular, American Evangelical teaching and traditions.
Was in RCIA and considering converting but knew (and still know) no practicing Catholics in real life.
I enjoy the dialogue available on this forum. There are a lot of active members with a lot of knowledge on topics involving church history and theology. Where else on the internet can you passionately discuss Eucharistic theology or sola fide and not be weird

I’m curious. I recently connected with my bio parents, who are both very involved Catholics, so I’m trying to understand what they believe. So far, they’ve made an effort to be non-judgmental of my beliefs, so it’s only fair.
I joined over a decade ago. I wanted to learn more about the Catholic Church and her teachings. I also wanted to correct misunderstandings that at time appear about Lutheran teachings.
I started coming to CAF in order to try to get people to convert to Islam (I used to be a muslim). Now that I am a christian, I still come here every day. I’m not trying to convince people to convert to my school of thought, I am just here for the community. I pray over the prayer requests and engage in conversations with catholics. Catholicism has a very rich history and it fascinates me. I like the Pope a lot. 😀
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As I browse and interact with the forums, I see that there are many non-Catholic members. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest and you are obviously more than welcome here. It can even make some discussions more interesting. I am however curious, why non believers or people of other faiths, chose to join a Catholic forum.
I have ties to the Catholic community. And while I feel we have important doctrinal distinctions that cannot be ignored, there are many things I admire and am willing to stand side-by-side with those in the Catholic community. Also, I feel that many of the issues between the Catholic and Protestant communities are driven by misunderstanding, so I will frequently comment on forum threads where someone is either asking for clarification on what we believe, or where our beliefs are being misunderstood (and in some cases purposefully misrepresented), or where I feel the differences in how we view a particular issue is driven by important differences in doctrine. Also, I just enjoy discussing scripture.
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I joined because I had questions about the church I was baptized into… still do… lots. Also glad a few Lutherans are members of this forum cause I have questions for them too. 🙂
I didn’t know that this forum believes that AOG .Baptist. SDA Pentecostal WOF .are considered non Catholics. Because they ARE Catholics.
Roman Catholics are just a different denomination.
It’s not that the forum considers those denominations non-Catholic, the Catholic Church considers them non-Catholic. The Catholic Church is not a denomination at all, it is the one Universal Church. Catholic mean Universal.

The various denominations are non-Catholic because they developed from those who broke away from the Catholic Church in the 15th century. To be Catholic is to believe in certain doctrines most non-Catholic denomination do not. This does not mean most denominations are totally wrong, most do have truth in them, they just don’t have the fullness of truth that the Catholic Church does.

One thing we all are though are Christian.
I didn’t know that this forum believes that AOG .Baptist. SDA Pentecostal WOF .are considered non Catholics. Because they ARE Catholics.
Roman Catholics are just a different denomination.
Roman Catholic is not “just a different denomination”. It is not a “denomination” at all. Catholicism, which includes those churches in communion with Rome (including Eastern Catholics as well as Roman Catholics aka Western Catholics, but not including others) is God’s One True Church.

Carry on…
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