Non-Catholics, why did you join the forums?

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How is that situation working out, Ian? Did your son cross the Tiber?
Not yet. He is going to Mass with her, or at least he was until the shutdown. He didn’t go through RCIA or anything and as far as I know has made no moves toward joining the Catholic Church.

During the shutdown they watched the online services from the church I attended and talked with us about the sermons and services.
there is a lot of ritualism
The one that threw me was, “The blessing of the throats” with the crossed candles. I did NOT expect to see anything like that. I watched with a bit of curiosity and amazement for several minutes. (“They are doing WHAT?”). I still find it odd.
Dominus vobiscum
Life long Catholic here, and yes the blessing of throats for St. Blase’s day is unique and wonderfully odd! I have always loved it. Actually as a very old and very rich tradition, Catholicism is full of interesting quirks and fascinating history and rituals. That’s one of the reasons I love it–I myself learn something new all the time.
Yeah, I found myself watching both Mass and some protestant sermons during this ordeal. Missed church a lot. You know the world has gone mad when liquor stores are deemed essential and Church is not.
As I browse and interact with the forums, I see that there are many non-Catholic members. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest and you are obviously more than welcome here. It can even make some discussions more interesting. I am however curious, why non believers or people of other faiths, chose to join a Catholic forum.

I’d rather non-Catholics reply with their reasons why, rather than Catholics responding with speculations as to why non-Catholics might have joined.
Well I don’t have a lot of places to go. I am a Traditional Christian and I can not identify with evangelicals and believe they are wrong and most forums are evangelical not Protestant so I gravitate toward Catholic forums especially since I was a Catholic.
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