North Korea admits it has nukes

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North Korea has declared for the first time it possesses nuclear weapons and has pulled out indefinitely from six-party talks on its atomic ambitions, saying it needs a defence against a hostile United States.
Anyone know what sort of range they have? Also, it said in the article that South Korea is (understandably) worried about this. If NK detonated a nuke in SK, how likely is it that they would receive fallout themselves?
N Korea has deployed over 300 Nodong-x (medum range - Japan and Okinawa) and close to a thousand Scud-B/C missiles (short range - S Korea) all of which can carry nuclear or chemical warheads. NoDong-1’s have a range of 1,300km and NoDong-2’s have a range of 1,500-2,000km. N Korea is believed to have a limited number of Taepodong-x ICBMs (long range - America) hidden in underground tunnels.

The Taepo Dong-2 ICBM has a maximum range of 6,200 miles. The US DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) estimates that the missile has a range of about 4,650 miles with large nuclear warheads and 6,200 miles with smaller warheads. At the extreme of 6,200 mil es, the missile could reach all major West Coast cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego,) and reach as far east as Chicago.
Just another nation ready to dance when Revelations come to pass…very scary.
having a nuke, and having a nuke capable of being placed on the type of missles NK has is two different things.
The world just continues to expand its ability to make the book of Revelations come true. God won’t even have to send the fire…we’ll do it to ourselves.
After Iraq…We should move on Iran and N Korea…and Syria if we have the time.
After Iraq…We should move on Iran and N Korea…and Syria if we have the time.
Brilliant idea, whilst your at it why don’t you go out, buy a bucket of rattlesnakes and then stick your hand in it. Duhh…:rolleyes:
This admin has to be careful not to make war a personal lust.
In 2003-2004 North Korea Launched a missile at the US. It crashed somewhere in Alaska. One doesnt have to look too far to think maybe it was shot down by SDI.
The UK Times reports egg on everyone’s face in the wake of North Korea’s announcement that it has nuclear weapons.

The political, as distinct from military, significance of North Korea’s move is considerable. Since being confronted in 2002 with US evidence that it had cheated on a 1994 agreement to suspend all its nuclear weapons programmes, the regime has tried bluff, bluster and partial truths. Both forced admissions and boastful hints emanated from behind closed doors, in official negotiations or in easily retracted hints to reporters. Never before has it made a formal public statement that it possesses nuclear bombs.

The regime of Kim Jong Il may not have intended to make life more difficult for Beijing, but it has surely done so. China’s stance throughout has been that it opposes a nuclear-armed Korean peninsula, but that since it was unclear whether North Korea was even close to the point of developing actual nuclear weapons, the US and Japan should have the patience to fall in with China’s preferred strategy of gradual engagement. Only last week, US envoys were in Beijing to show the Chinese evidence of a North Korean sale of a uranium compound to Libya, and to deliver a letter, from George W. Bush to President Hu Jintao, speaking of “the greatly heightened urgency” of tackling the problem. Now that Pyongyang itself has made that case, Beijing must have been thankful yesterday that the Chinese new year holiday excused it from early comment.

Well how about that? Kim Jong Il actually lied to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Who would have thought it possible? The problem with nuclear weapons nonproliferation agreements today is that they create the temptation to plan contingencies on the basis of intent rather than capability. North Korea is a case in point. The diplomatic approach toward North Korea depended not on its actual capability but on the perception of its capability. Nothing changed over 24 hours except the North Korean press release claiming the possession of nuclear weapons; yet the announcement, not the reality, made all the difference. The reason the fiction, if fiction it was, lasted so long is that so many desperately wanted to believe that WMDs could be contained, so that the music could keep playing and everyone could return to the old games of saving the whales, dancing in ethnic costumes and clapping their hands.

Faces along the bar
Cling to their average day:
The lights must never go out,
The music must always play,
All the conventions conspire
To make this fort assume
The furniture of home;
Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
who have never been happy or good.
WH Auden

The alternative is to abandon the “sophisticated” view of a stable international order and understand that we are a planet in crisis; that in some meaningful sense humanity is in a death match with terror.
In 2003-2004 North Korea Launched a missile at the US. It crashed somewhere in Alaska. One doesnt have to look too far to think maybe it was shot down by SDI.
The United States has quietly been developing an Energetics Weapons similar to what the USSR used to shoot/beam down an American fighter over Vietnam in 1967, to the point where Mechanics Illustrated had a drawing on its front cover of an Energetics/SDI type weapon on a personal carrier zapping a soldier in the field.

No it wouldn’t surpise me if an incoming threat to CONUS was zapped by an Energetic/SDI type of defense.
Great response…I am advocating protecting our homeland…our families and children…and the rest of the world for that fact…and in arrogance and spite you recommend I do something that you know will cause me harm…you are a sick person. I will pray for you.
Brilliant idea, whilst your at it why don’t you go out, buy a bucket of rattlesnakes and then stick your hand in it. Duhh…:rolleyes:
Great response…I am advocating protecting our homeland…our families and children…and the rest of the world for that fact…and in arrogance and spite you recommend I do something that you know will cause me harm…you are a sick person. I will pray for you.
No… what you are reccomending is suicide, I just thought it might be easier if you did ity yourself and stopped trying to take everyone else with you.
No… what you are reccomending is suicide, I just thought it might be easier if you did ity yourself and stopped trying to take everyone else with you.
I agree it would be suicide, and I don’t recommend what he advised. I think you could also have explained your point better.
I agree it would be suicide, and I don’t recommend what he advised. I think you could also have explained your point better.
Granted, you are most cetainly right, but I find shear lunacy frustrating.
Perhaps it could have been worded better, but what I was trying to say was…after Iraq, we should deal with North Korea, Iran, and Syria…not necessarily in that order…I am not advocating going to war with them simultaneously, but I do not believe they need to be left alone to do whatever they please. If a dimplomatic solution can be reached…great…if not, we can not allow these Korean Cowboys and Arab Thugs just do what they please and scare the world with threats of nukes and bio/chem weapons…I think it would be suicide to be indifferent to the whole situation…allow them to get the weapons and a delivery system and then try to do something about it…I am sorry, but call me suicidal if you would like, but I just don’t believe in watching the enemy grow stronger knowing they want to kill me and do nothing about it…not me. I guess that makes me a bad CAtholic too.

“Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its ugly hand”
I agree it would be suicide, and I don’t recommend what he advised. I think you could also have explained your point better.
I could argue that I am the sane one and you are the one in danger of lunacy…I believe in fighting for truth, right, and freedom…these people have one objective…to destroy Israel and to destroy the United States…PERIOD. With knowledge of that, I would rather take the fight overseas as opposed to having our children watch as we fight it within our own borders. How is that lunacy? I guess you didn’t learn much from your hero Neville Chamberlain on how a policy of detente and appeasment is a policy of utter disaster…read your history.
Granted, you are most cetainly right, but I find shear lunacy frustrating.
After Iraq…We should move on Iran and N Korea…and Syria if we have the time.
Where are you going to get the man power to have a 3 front war? Tough enough coming up w/ an assault force, much less a bigger force to occupy.
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