Not in control of my postings?

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Does anyone else here feel that they are not in control of their postings? I mean when you try to post something that you have carefully researched from Church documents or post to defend the truth or the Church the message will not post or you get a huge delay and then your message is lost due to time out?

Sometimes too when I have been a little uncharitible or maybe have been a little too truthful and maybe edged on detraction I feel the intervention again and something causes the message not to post.

I mean to say there are good and bad supernatural forces at work on this board. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe i’m just going :whacky: . Maybe my computer is also a little :whacky: .

Let me know.
Does anyone else here feel that they are not in control of their postings? I mean when you try to post something that you have carefully researched from Church documents or post to defend the truth or the Church the message will not post or you get a huge delay and then your message is lost due to time out?

Sometimes too when I have been a little uncharitible or maybe have been a little too truthful and maybe edged on detraction I feel the intervention again and something causes the message not to post.

I mean to say there are good and bad supernatural forces at work on this board. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe i’m just going :whacky: . Maybe my computer is also a little :whacky: .

Let me know.
Fergal my friend, Irish whiskey and computers do not always mix well… :rotfl:

To be honest I think the heavy traffic on this forum is slowing down their server somewhat, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with the content of the posts. One suggestion I might offer is that if it looks like the server is gonna take too long and ya might lose the post. Quickly copy it and then open a word document and paste it there until you see what happens. Then you can paste it again in a new forum window and not lose it. I’ve done it sometimes.
Dear friend

‘I am not paranoid but everyone is out to get me!’ :rotfl:

Some rock singer guy called Kirk Cobain in some band called Nirvana :rotfl: said this and it is true of you, there is no conspiracy! It’s due to alot of data and much going on in this forum. Like the other poster said!!

Relax, copy it and if you lose it you can paste it again. I am not the most uncontroversial poster or shrinking violet and I have had no problems in posting that I cannot sort out with a little copy and paste.

It’s not always the way it seems!!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Church Militant:
Fergal my friend, Irish whiskey and computers do not always mix well… :rotfl:

To be honest I think the heavy traffic on this forum is slowing down their server somewhat, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with the content of the posts. One suggestion I might offer is that if it looks like the server is gonna take too long and ya might lose the post. Quickly copy it and then open a word document and paste it there until you see what happens. Then you can paste it again in a new forum window and not lose it. I’ve done it sometimes.
Dear friend

:rotfl: There’s whisky in the jar!! Hope it’s a fine single malt!!! I like my Glenfiddich and my Glenmorange 😉 ! It’s the irish blood in me !!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


This has happened to me often, and I have learned to copy my post with the “edit/copy” command before attempting to submit it. I have spent much time composing a lengthly post only to find everything gone, and it was discouraging until I found this remedy.

You might check your settings for your ISP. Mine is set to shut-down if they see that I am idle over 20 minutes. It protects an open phone line from remaining busy needlessly. I’m not sure whether or not “posting” is picked up as idleness — the server might not recognize this as current activity.
It’s happnned to me a few times on various forums. Sometimes, especially after I have spent a long time working on a long post which I failed to save before attempting to post it or something happens repeatedly, I do start to wonder who’s intervening here.
Ook so I am :whacky: . Agreed!!!

I am not suggesting the human touch here but maybe a little divine assistance at times?? Well…Oh maybe not. Never mind!!

Lets see … something else to go to now…Go away I’m embarrased…stop looking at me…Waahhhhhhhhhh

ok so I am :whacky: . Agreed!!!

I am not suggesting the human touh but maybe a little divine assistance at times?? well…Oh maybe not. Never mind!!

Lets see … something else to go to now…Go away I’m embarrased…stop looking at me…

Dear friend Fergal

I’m looking at you and I won’t stop…and you are beautiful, share a whisky with me ???😃

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Does anyone else here feel that they are not in control of their postings? I mean when you try to post something that you have carefully researched from Church documents or post to defend the truth or the Church the message will not post or you get a huge delay and then your message is lost due to time out?

Sometimes too when I have been a little uncharitible or maybe have been a little too truthful and maybe edged on detraction I feel the intervention again and something causes the message not to post.

I mean to say there are good and bad supernatural forces at work on this board. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe i’m just going :whacky: . Maybe my computer is also a little :whacky: .
Let me know.
Well Fergal, I do have to admit that I have thought that sometimes “something more” was going on:eek:…and many are the times that I’m glad some of my post got lost the way yours did…I sorta felt that it was… “Providential” so take heart…you are not alone.
Annunciata :whacky:
sometimes it really does amaze me that christians are so quick to write off possible supernatural explanations…

sure, there is probably a rational explanation behind every time that fergal is talking about regarding his posting.

but, like he pointed out, it’s the TIMING of the thing that points to supernatural interference.

it’s not the quiet, calm posts that i see get canned so often. it’s the ones in which i feel like i maybe shouldn’t have posted it quite like that.

yes, fergal. i know what you mean. writing your post in word and then copying it into your post might relieve your stress at being ‘timed out’. but i doubt if it will change the intervention of forces outside of our knowledge or control that are involved in what goes on in our everyday lives.

‘there are more things in heaven and earth, horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy…’
sometimes it really does amaze me that christians are so quick to write off possible supernatural explanations…

sure, there is probably a rational explanation behind every time that fergal is talking about regarding his posting.

but, like he pointed out, it’s the TIMING of the thing that points to supernatural interference.

it’s not the quiet, calm posts that i see get canned so often. it’s the ones in which i feel like i maybe shouldn’t have posted it quite like that.

yes, fergal. i know what you mean. writing your post in word and then copying it into your post might relieve your stress at being ‘timed out’. but i doubt if it will change the intervention of forces outside of our knowledge or control that are involved in what goes on in our everyday lives.

‘there are more things in heaven and earth, horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy…’
Dear friend

Get a grip!!! It’s not some strange phenomenon that some individual is experiencing because their wisdom and teaching is so far beyond what we all say that they best be silenced so that evil may prevail, simply it is an overloaded network from time to time and alot of people on here experience this…so sleep easy and do not worry that the devil is tampering with your computer

!!! :rotfl:

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


Yes Fergal it is slow to post sometimes, if I was on dial up I’d blame that, but I’m on broadband.
As advised maybe better to save it in word or something, anyway barring that a glass of moonshine might work wonders (poteen)😉
it’s 6 am and I just checked in to see what was new and saw this
what? laughed so hard really funny ilove the banjo
Well! Firstly maybe I didn’t explain myself properly, but never mind. I know what I mean. I won’t try that one again :o .

Thank God that at the very least hearts have been lightened by laughter! Sometimes a difficult thing to achieve but totally accidental here!
God Bless you all! 👍
it happens to me all the time that I get timed out while composing a brilliant response. That is why you guys only get to see the dreck, the real Pultizer stuff got creamed. I figure when it happens I have been too long-winded and I deserve to be blitzed.

is there a thread for postie and animation contest? you guys should start one.
it happens to me all the time that I get timed out while composing a brilliant response. That is why you guys only get to see the dreck, the real Pultizer stuff got creamed. I figure when it happens I have been too long-winded and I deserve to be blitzed.

is there a thread for postie and animation contest? you guys should start one.
Yes! The Dead Horse Thread! AKA The Thread Killer!
it happens to me all the time that I get timed out while composing a brilliant response. That is why you guys only get to see the dreck, the real Pultizer stuff got creamed. I figure when it happens I have been too long-winded and I deserve to be blitzed.

is there a thread for postie and animation contest? you guys should start one.
It a done deal! Join us anytime… 😃 “The Dead Horse Society.”
Dear friend

:rotfl: There’s whisky in the jar!! Hope it’s a fine single malt!!! I like my Glenfiddich and my Glenmorange 😉 ! It’s the irish blood in me !!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I like your sassy side! I’ll join you in a finger of Glenfiddich for the New Year! and I have no Irish in me! 😉

But getting back to Fergal’s question, sometimes I feel like I am being hindered at times, too. I think it is often a test of my perseverence.
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