Notes on CAF from a Convert

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I was confirmed Easter Vigil 2018 and I have had a love/hate relationship with Catholic Answers Forum, but am glad to have been here. When I describe it to my friends I say that it is a dumpster fire but fascinating to watch burn. I love the perspectives that I would never get otherwise and hate the divisiveness. But, as someone new to the faith it has been a valuable window into Catholic culture across a wildly varying spectrum. I would only otherwise engage with other Catholics from my parish which is one microcosm of Catholicism as expressed in Brooklyn, NY. Understood that an online platform is a self-selecting cohort, it is still great to read the odd, the laughable, the eye-roll worthy, the enlightening, the bold that I just don’t get from my limited experience with real-life Catholics. I was a Baptist raised Texan who became an ultra-liberal atheist for about two decades so the evolution to being a more conservative-leaning devout Catholic has been a ride and a culture shock. I guess this is a rambly way of saying thanks to this community for the mixed bag.
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It seems to be the nature of internet dialog. We see sterile letters on a screen. Sometimes the words they spell out annoy us. We see no face, hear no voice. Tonal inflection is missing*. Actually, it might be surprising to consider how well we do at times.

*Snark comes through pretty clearly.
@meltzerboy2, just wanted to say I have enjoyed every encounter on CAF I have had with you, and enjoyed reading your posts!
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