Translation: “Today, it is not out of danger. It will be out of danger once the scaffolding has been removed. There are still risks, that is to say that today it is 50% saved. But there is still the other 50%, which means that if the scaffolding falls on the vaulted ceiling, three vaults will fall [to the ground]. The building is still very fragile.”“Aujourd’hui, elle n’est pas hors de danger. Elle sera hors de danger quand on aura enlevé l’échafaudage. Il y a toujours un risque, c’est-à-dire qu’elle est aujourd’hui sauvée à 50%. Mais il y a 50% qui fait que si l’échaudage tombe sur les voûtes, ce sont trois voûtes qui vont tomber. Le bâtiment est encore très fragile”
Who knows. :woman_shrugging:t2:CBS News probably misunderstood on purpose.
I’m not entirely sure, but it might be Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois in the 2nd arrondissement.
I am confused by the video in the first post. In the original French, Msgr. Chauvet did not say anything about the cathedral possibly being unsalvageable.
"Notre-Dame de Paris est aujourd'hui sauvée à 50%", selon Monseigneur Chauvet | LCI
"Notre-Dame de Paris is today 50% saved," according to Monsignor Chauvet
Essentially he’s saying that until all the scaffolding that had been in place before the fire, and that was welded together by the flames, has been painstakingly cut and removed piece by piece, the structure is still greatly at risk. The high riggers working on this project will certainly be earning their pay!“Aujourd’hui, elle n’est pas hors de danger. Elle sera hors de danger quand on aura enlevé l’échafaudage. Il y a toujours un risque, c’est-à-dire qu’elle est aujourd’hui sauvée à 50%. Mais il y a 50% qui fait que si l’échaudage tombe sur les voûtes, ce sont trois voûtes qui vont tomber. Le bâtiment est encore très fragile”