Am I the only one who takes offense at (what seem to be) so many references in these fora to the “Novus Ordo”?
That is: To the best of my knowledge, the Church herself does not refer to the current Mass by this name, and I would prefer others refrain from doing so as well. (Just as we do not want posters to refer to “prots”, “rad-trads”, et cetera) Holy Mother Church refers to the current Mass as the Ordo Missae. If you need to be more specific, I suppose you could call it the “Ordo Missae of 2001”, or the Ordo Missae editio typica tertia (though I do not know that the Church finds need to do so).
(NB: I welcome correction if I am mistaken)
Or am I just all alone out on my limb here?
(Disclaimer: I love the traditional Latin Mass. But I also love the current Mass, even if I wish it were more frequently and universally celebrated with reverence)
That is: To the best of my knowledge, the Church herself does not refer to the current Mass by this name, and I would prefer others refrain from doing so as well. (Just as we do not want posters to refer to “prots”, “rad-trads”, et cetera) Holy Mother Church refers to the current Mass as the Ordo Missae. If you need to be more specific, I suppose you could call it the “Ordo Missae of 2001”, or the Ordo Missae editio typica tertia (though I do not know that the Church finds need to do so).
(NB: I welcome correction if I am mistaken)
Or am I just all alone out on my limb here?

(Disclaimer: I love the traditional Latin Mass. But I also love the current Mass, even if I wish it were more frequently and universally celebrated with reverence)