"Now I Feel Sadaam is Really Gone"

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"Now I feel that Saddam is really gone," said Fatima Ibrahim, smiling as she headed home after voting in Irbil, in the Kurdish northern region. She was 14 and a bride of just three months when her husband, father and brother were rounded up in a campaign of ethnic cleansing under Saddam. None have ever been found

After reading this, does anyone still think it was a bad idea for the US to rid Iraq and the world of Sadaam?
I can honestly say no Brad. I have never felt it was a bad thing to remove Saddam from power in Iraq.

I have a very close friend who is Iraqi and he has told me what life under Saddam was like…I can only imagine how terrible it must be to have every aspect of your life controlled in that way, fathers scared to voice opinions to sons, family members disapearing never to be heard of again.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!
I can honestly say no Brad. I have never felt it was a bad thing to remove Saddam from power in Iraq.

I have a very close friend who is Iraqi and he has told me what life under Saddam was like…I can only imagine how terrible it must be to have every aspect of your life controlled in that way, fathers scared to voice opinions to sons, family members disapearing never to be heard of again.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!
We agree!! Party time!
Anyone else feel like the news channel were just waiting for something to go wrong so that they can report that the elections failed?


Anyone else feel like the news channel were just waiting for something to go wrong so that they can report that the elections failed?


Oh yeah, the alphabet soup channels, Chicken Noodle News and the Beeb were salivating at the prospect of Iraq’s election failing. It’s really sad that some would be happy to have a people with no voice so they can crow the next day. Instead they are EATING crow. I hope it is going down smoothly.

Lisa N
Anyone else feel like the news channel were just waiting for something to go wrong so that they can report that the elections failed?


Yes, who was it that had Kerry on… You know they where waiting for failure… In fact some comentaters seemed disappointed. How selfish.

God bless the Iraqis…
Anyone else feel like the news channel were just waiting for something to go wrong so that they can report that the elections failed?


But of course. Something like a timed implosion of 5 major voting locations leading to voter turnout of 25%. Instead, what really happened is that even the attacked locations simply delayed voters, like a 1-hour school bus delay, rather than cancelling their vote.

“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Confront evil with truth and evil will never win.
Yes, who was it that had Kerry on… You know they where waiting for failure… In fact some comentaters seemed disappointed. How selfish.

God bless the Iraqis…
Tim Russert (Host of Meet the Press) had him on Sunday…

NO one was waiting for failure, and he hoped for the people of Iraq and the soldiers on the ground that success would be the result…

I can understand why you may not like a person/politcian… But he is an american just like you and I, and he at least proved it on the battlefields of Vietnam, and to insinuate that he hoped for failure is beyond reason…

I don’t understand those that preach love and patriotism, and spill this kind of devisive retoric in this forum…
space ghost:
Tim Russert (Host of Meet the Press) had him on Sunday…

NO one was waiting for failure, and he hoped for the people of Iraq and the soldiers on the ground that success would be the result…

I can understand why you may not like a person/politcian… But he is an american just like you and I, and he at least proved it on the battlefields of Vietnam, and to insinuate that he hoped for failure is beyond reason…

I don’t understand those that preach love and patriotism, and spill this kind of devisive retoric in this forum…
Actually I wasn’t talking about Kerry wanting failure so calm down… I was talking about the media, and I am allowed my opinion. I don’t hold much respect for Kerry’s time in Vietnam. My uncle was brutally murdered in WWII by the Germans and got a Purple Heart for his services, rightfully so… Kerry’s Purple Hearts made our loss of my Uncle in vain… I don’t know Kerry as a person, so I don’t know if I would like him or not. And, I don’t understand your comment about me and patritotism. Again, calm down.
space ghost:
I don’t understand those that preach love and patriotism, and spill this kind of devisive retoric in this forum…
I don’t understand people who constantly must find something wrong with other posters. Or who must continually bash and trash the US. :rolleyes:

Kerry, Smeary…Looks like you just needed to plant another negative invective. 🙂
Lisa N:
Oh yeah, the alphabet soup channels, Chicken Noodle News and the Beeb were salivating at the prospect of Iraq’s election failing. It’s really sad that some would be happy to have a people with no voice so they can crow the next day. Instead they are EATING crow. I hope it is going down smoothly.

Lisa N

That really isn’t the way I see it. I think (certainly I hope) that everyone wanted the elections to work. As it is, the Iraqi people have said no to the insurgents and yes to democracy. They have grasped the opportunity with both hands!
However, it is important that these elections are seen as fair and supported by Iraqis and the rest of the Islamic world; it will do us so much good if that is the case. If there was a major problem it would have been a big deal!
space ghost:
I can understand why you may not like a person/politcian… But he is an american just like you and I, and he at least proved it on the battlefields of Vietnam, and to insinuate that he hoped for failure is beyond reason…
It’s hardly beyond reason. Kerry has/had tremendous motivation to root for failure. His repeated assertions that the Iraq war was a failure and the building of his power base on those assertions would lead one to reasonably conclude that he might hope for such a failure.
space ghost:
I don’t understand those that preach love and patriotism, and spill this kind of devisive retoric in this forum…
Kerry personally ripped Bush, a sitting president, every chance he got during the campaign. Most of the Kerry supporters chanted anti-Bush slogans and held anti-Bush signs. I would suggest this behavior is largely the impetus of division.
I hope an end result in the fighting is that other dictators around the world will sit up and think, “If they can do that in Iraq than they can certainly do it here”.

AmyS]Actually I wasn’t talking about Kerry wanting failure so calm down…
your right, sometime i leap before i look, i got to work on that…
I was talking about the media, and I am allowed my opinion. I don’t hold much respect for Kerry’s time in Vietnam.
I don’t know which media you quote, i watch most mainline media and do not get the impression that they want america to fail…
I respect any soldiers service to our country… i don’t buy into campaign character assination… Soldiers on the boat with him say he was a hero… they are decorated veterans as well, who am i to question their character. Whether or not you respect Kerry is evident… a shame, but, your right, you are certainly allowed your opinion… also keep in mind, when you state your opinion, sometimes others state theirs and deserve the same respect from you that you expect from them…
My uncle was brutally murdered in WWII by the Germans and got a Purple Heart for his services, rightfully so…
You are certainly not the only one to loose family in this countrys wars… Kerry has earned his purple hearts, to deny his would be to deny the validity of any purple heart recipient… there are those who question the presidents service to his country too… but, he has an honerable discharge, who are we to question it…
Kerry’s Purple Hearts made our loss of my Uncle in vain…
Opinion or not, your just plain wrong here… Your Uncle’s sacrifice was anything but in vain…
I don’t know Kerry as a person, so I don’t know if I would like him or not.
and there in lies the point i’m trying to make… you don’t really know him, so why make unfair assumptions about him, you said your self, you don’t know if you would like him or not…
And, I don’t understand your comment about me and patritotism. Again, calm down
Your right as i said earlier… i should calm down… so should we all when it comes to damaging others, even those we don’t really know…

Brad]It’s hardly beyond reason. Kerry has/had tremendous motivation to root for failure. His repeated assertions that the Iraq war was a failure and the building of his power base on those assertions would lead one to** reasonably** conclude that he might hope for such a failure.
i would say that the jury is still out on the success or failure of Iraq, and families of dead soldiers may have an opinion different than yours… Reasonably conclude he hopes for failure… i respectfully disagree, but i guess some will spin it that way… as i said earlier, i haven’t seen the media spin it that way…
Kerry personally ripped Bush, a sitting president, every chance he got during the campaign. Most of the Kerry supporters chanted anti-Bush slogans and held anti-Bush signs. I would suggest this behavior is largely the impetus of division
i believe you could say all sides trashed each other and not in a very polite way…

space ghost:
i believe you could say all sides trashed each other and not in a very polite way…

I would challenge you on this. Do you have any quotes from Bush during the campaign where he impolitely trashed Kerry?
ssachusetts Senator John Kerry (news - web sites), who lost the November presidential election against Republican President George W. Bush, described the Iraqi elections as “significant” and “important” but said they should not be “overhyped.”

“It is significant that there is a vote in Iraq,” Kerry said in an interview with NBC television’s Meet the Press. "But … no one in the United States should try to overhype this election.

“This election is a sort of demarcation point, and what really counts now is the effort to have a legitimate political reconciliation,” Kerry said. "And it’s going to take a massive diplomatic effort and a much more significant outreach to the international community than this administration has been willing to engage in.

“Absent that, we will not be successful in Iraq,” he said.

He didn’t even say congrats to the Iraq people but continued to attack the president like he was on the campign. I know he wants to run again in four years but he needs to stop looking at his own needs and look at the needs of his people. He a United States SENATOR. He is a voice of OUR people to the rest of the world. How does it look if someone from here says that that the elections shouldn’t be “overhyped”. Over hyped??? People who have not had the ability to vote got to go out and have their voices heard. Freedom was allowed to live and grow and all Kerry wants to do is put people down. This just shows the flaws in his character that people couldn’t connect with and why he lost the election in the end.

God Bless,
ssachusetts Senator John Kerry (news - web sites), who lost the November presidential election against Republican President George W. Bush, described the Iraqi elections as “significant” and “important” but said they should not be “overhyped.”

“This election is a sort of demarcation point, and what really counts now is the effort to have a legitimate political reconciliation,” Kerry said. "And it’s going to take a massive diplomatic effort and a much more significant outreach to the international community than this administration has been willing to engage in.

“Absent that, we will not be successful in Iraq,” he said.
Kerry wishes the success benchmark was how much political reconciliation is made. In reality, he finds his policies more in touch with foreign countries that with the people of the United States. Success is rolling over Kerry as well it should.
Look even other world leaders have given a congrats but OUR senators can’t even say it!

Most of our senators can say it. The ones that can’t are the fringe leftists (ones that voted against Condi Rice). I hope they get voted out. Do we really need Kennedy for another 6 years after this term? He is so bitter and mean. I have to turn off the news when he is on.
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