Im baffled by the objections to your thread.
I find it a reasonable analysis and a good starting point for a fair discussion.
Valid research requires an ethics pass, then it requires informed permission from those involved after permission has been granted to conduct it by the host web owners.
It is unethical and dishonest to do other.
Best not to call it research, a model, or use it as research or a model, because we dont want an unethical or dishonest thread that later gets published as research without our permission do we.
That leads to all sorts of law suits for the author and the web site. Words matter .
I suspect marys lurker used the terms research and model incorrectly and does not plan to publish opinions she or he garners on here.
He or she is forming personal opinions is my take on things.
I reiterate, we must be honest about our threads , and be pedantic about our terminology, purposes and the sources for thread creation. I am sure everyone would agree with this.
@Tis_Bearself I am doing the absolute happy dance, we get to start Mass back up this week and are allowed 20 people per Mass inside. Most Victorians have not had Mass since well before Easter.