Number to Call For those opposed to drilling ALWR

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The bill was passed in the Senate yesterday, and the Senate was its most difficult hurdle.
Am I only person who thinks that the oil in the ground is no mistake, that it is a resource given by God just as air and water is a resource? Further, am I the only person that believes God knew we would use the only and how long we would need that resource?
Am I only person who thinks that the oil in the ground is no mistake, that it is a resource given by God just as air and water is a resource?
And, you’d strip all the forests for lumber because it is a resource given by God, I suppose. And, wipe out all wildlife, too, because it is there for man’s use.





And, you’d strip all the forests for lumber because it is a resource given by God, I suppose. And, wipe out all wildlife, too, because it is there for man’s use.

The forests that are used to make paper and paper products are there to make paper, they are continually replanted and replenished.

Does anyone know if there Is there a number I can call if I am in support of the drilling?

LOL–now who is swimming in a fantasy world. I believe every resource should be used with Christian stewardship, which should be grounded in an attitude of love for God and all that He has created. Never once did I say we should be radical about anything. People complained like crazy about the original pipeline, yet because of that pipeline wildlife has increased threefold, and the pipeline has not done any harm to the environment…that is a picture of mature stewardship and us of a God given resource. Leveling all trees is just silly and you know it…the United States is far more aggressive about re-planting forests than any other nation on earth.

Mature, responsible stewardship of God’s gifts–all of his gifts.
And, you’d strip all the forests for lumber because it is a resource given by God, I suppose. And, wipe out all wildlife, too, because it is there for man’s use.

Amazing that you would respond with such absurdity. We are stewards of the resources God has given us. He has asked us to use them wisely. I would assume that includes oil. I don’t see much difference from drilling in the desolation of Alaska or drilling in Kurdistan except for the fact that the Sierra Club doesn’t make any money off of complaining about the drilling in Kurdistan.
I don’t see much difference from drilling in the desolation of Alaska or drilling in Kurdistan except for the fact that the Sierra Club doesn’t make any money off of complaining about the drilling in Kurdistan.
Apparently neither does the Administration, whose friends will make much money off the Alaskan oil, if it’s there.
Apparently neither does the Administration, whose friends will make much money off the Alaskan oil, if it’s there.
ChevronTexaco has withdrawn from the area. I think they are the friends you allude to.

“Only two oil companies have discontinued their support for Arctic Power recently, while many others including ExxonMobil, Shell, Anadarko Petroleum, and the American Petroleum Institute (to which all oil companies active in Alaska belong) have renewed their support both for Arctic Power and the opening of the coastal plain,” said oil industry consultant and longtime ANWR lobbyist Roger Herrera.
Umm…as an Alaskan I feel the need to pipe in…

Drilling in ANWR will have very little impact on the local environment. The area they are opening is less than one half of one percent of the parkland. If you understood how large an area we’re talking about, you wouldn’t be quite so worried. Current drilling operations have had little to no negative impact on the local wildlife. In fact, the caribou herds have increased in size from 3000 animals to over 32,000.

Yes, back when oil was first discovered on the North Slope things were messy. But the oil companies are much much much more eco-friendly now. Technology has improved tremendously. Plus, our department of Fish & Game is completely anal about this kind of thing…

Please follow this link ANWR for a good overview of ANWR…no BS, no propaganda. Just facts.

As for us in Alaska, we most definately want ANWR open.
Apparently neither does the Administration, whose friends will make much money off the Alaskan oil, if it’s there.
Um…you do realize that most of the oil companies up here in Alaska are foreign owned right? The biggest one is BP…BRITISH PETROLEUM. No Texan oil companies up here.

EDIT: Conoco Phillips is the other major oil company, but they pale in comparison to BP.

And yes, the oil is there. Stop listening to the environmental whack jobs. They only lie for their own ends.
As for us in Alaska, we most definately want ANWR open.
[sarcasm mode]

Yes, God forbid anyone actually pay attention to what the locals want.

[/sarcasm mode]

Stop listening to the environmental whack jobs. They only lie for their own ends.
Good post. I hesitate, therefore, to suggest that oil companies, though they certainly are models of Christian virtue, might also lie for their own ends. It has been suggested, from time to time, mostly in the lower 48, that big business has done just that. Perhaps I am wrong.
Good post. I hesitate, therefore, to suggest that oil companies, though they certainly are models of Christian virtue, might also lie for their own ends. It has been suggested, from time to time, mostly in the lower 48, that big business has done just that. Perhaps I am wrong.
That’s a good post to segue into my occasional posting of the Everybody-Gets-Paid Rule. It basically goes that everybody endeavors so they can get something out of it. I go to work to get money to pay the bills. The athlete trains so he can win competitions. The musician practices to get a gig and put on a good performance.

You would think this is self-evident, but when it comes to issues like this, suddenly people’s brains turn to mush. Yes, the corporations are in it for the money–BUT the environmentalists are in it for the state power. See? This means your average dirt-munching, tree-worshipping moon maiden is every bit as greedy as your Enron corporate raider. The greed is the same, only the object of greed is different.

the environmentalists are in it for the state power. See? This means your average dirt-munching, tree-worshipping moon maiden is every bit as greedy as your Enron corporate raider. The greed is the same, only the object of greed is different.
And so just what are the “moon maidens” doing with all their power? :rolleyes: From what I’ve read and seen, they are trying to preserve the air, land and seas for us as well as for what God put there as their (the birds, animals and sealife) habitat. The nerve of those greedy monsters!!
And yes, the oil is there. Stop listening to the environmental whack jobs. They only lie for their own ends.
No they lie, oddly enough, so that NO ONE WINS.

I mean, anyone that’s human at least.
And so just what are the “moon maidens” doing with all their power? :rolleyes: From what I’ve read and seen, they are trying to preserve the air, land and seas for us as well as for what God put there as their (the birds, animals and sealife) habitat. The nerve of those greedy monsters!!
They don’t care about the environment is my point, they care about aggrandizing power to the state. If they did care about the environment, instead of trying to turn every economy into a socialist quadroplegic (and if you think socialist states are great environmental protectors, go take a drink from the Volga), they would be getting degrees in earth science and organic chemistry and coming up with actual solutions to the problems and opposed to these political measures that are little better than sacrificing virgins to get a good harvest.

And Isidore’s point bears that out. She says Alaskans want this (I would suggest she come up with some substantiation for this, but it is reasonable at this point to take her at her word), but no. Can’t have people who actually live there deciding the matter. Nothing less will do for these “environmentalists” than a massive imposition of federal power.

Scott Waddell:
And Isidore’s point bears that out. She says Alaskans want this (I would suggest she come up with some substantiation for this, but it is reasonable at this point to take her at her word), but no. Can’t have people who actually live there deciding the matter. Nothing less will do for these “environmentalists” than a massive imposition of federal power.

I’m Male. Isidore is a guys name…

As I’ve said, even our Democratic Governers of years gone by were fighting to open ANWR (Tony Knowles). Thats not to say that we don’t have our (unfortunately) Pot Smoking, Tree Hugging Berkenstock (sp?) Wearing, Granola Eating, Long Haired Hippies around here (now to be known as PSTHBWGELHH’s, Now THATS an acronym!). They object, but they make up a very small minority. I believe its 4 out of 5 natives in the ANWR area are for it, and about 75-80% (depending on the poll) of the general state population are for it. As I said…even the Dem’s…

To respond to others:
I would never claim that the Oil companies are altruistic, they ARE in it for the money. So are the greenies, they claim high ideals, but if push comes to shove, they won’t give up their creature comforts either.

That being said…the oil companies are very active in our communities up here. They give to charity, they help drive the economy, they are a GOOD THING. Yes, you have to regulate, yes you have to watch what goes on. Its a business, if they piss everyone off, they’ll go under…
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