"US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama celebrated Deepavali, the festival of lights, at a Catholic school in Mumbai during their five-day visit to India. A small group of 24 students of Holy Name School in Colaba were selected to give the president company on Nov 7.
“We were surprised and at the same time happy to know that our school has been chosen for the Deepavali celebrations with the American president,” Principal of the school Father Michael Pinto said. The US first couple was received by students dressed up in traditional dresses, who took them to the auditorium where they lighted a traditional lamp."
My, my. And folks on this forum were incensed about Kwanzaa being celebrated in a Catholic church. Diwali happens to be a Hindu festival.
“We were surprised and at the same time happy to know that our school has been chosen for the Deepavali celebrations with the American president,” Principal of the school Father Michael Pinto said. The US first couple was received by students dressed up in traditional dresses, who took them to the auditorium where they lighted a traditional lamp."
My, my. And folks on this forum were incensed about Kwanzaa being celebrated in a Catholic church. Diwali happens to be a Hindu festival.