I have given this thought in the past as I jaywalk often when I judge it to be safe. If there is little or no traffic, I jaywalk. I have been nearly hit about a dozen times in crosswalk with walk sign and not once jaywalking. There is one crosswalk area that I will only jaywalk through because drivers just don’t seem to see that red light and I can’t trust they will stop.
That is not a sin in my mind.
Jaywalking in such a way that my or someone else’s life could be endangered would be sinful.
Occasionally a traffic cop will motion for me to jaywalk in a situation where I normally wouldn’t. I honestly can’t figure out the legality or sinfulness of that.
That is not a sin in my mind.
Jaywalking in such a way that my or someone else’s life could be endangered would be sinful.
Occasionally a traffic cop will motion for me to jaywalk in a situation where I normally wouldn’t. I honestly can’t figure out the legality or sinfulness of that.