We are surrounded by the results of goal-directed activity. How did that activity originate in the first place?I don’t think change implies a goal-directed form of end on its own. A purpose, as being suggested, is metaphysically troubling to me - and run into the same problem that abstract objects run into.
Life itself depends on that axiom. Not to be reasonable is to contradict the basic principles of logic and the quest for truth, justice, peace, harmony and happiness. It defeats the purpose of participating in all mental, physical, social, moral, political, economic, aesthetic and spiritual activity.As for reasoning - I don’t think that because humans are reasonable is enough to say that humans ought to be reasonable. More needs to be added to the equation. We can talk about lots of ways the world IS. But that doesn’t get us to OUGHT alone. Now perhaps humans indeed ought to be reasonable - but that relies in two premises. That humans are reasonable creatures, and something else to go from that to the conclusion.