One thing I hear a lot of theists name as an objection to atheism or agnosticism is that there is a lack of objective morals.
I have a couple of different areas of questions.
First, even if there is a God that has a set of morals, what does that get us? Assuming that individuals have some form of freewill (and if they don’t the moral issue is pretty much moot) even if there are objectives morals, individuals are still free to disregard these standards and establish their own. Thus, any agent can create their own moral standards. So what makes the morals of the agent God so special?
If you’re playing Monopoly, and one of the players is free to make up their own rules of play for that game, what happens?
In fact ALL players of Monoply ARE free to make up their own rules!
Just because they CAN make up their own rules, and play by them as long as they’re allowed to, that doesn’t negate or diminish the “proper rules” of the game.
Now, for the next area of questions, assuming that God is real and that the Bible gives an account of God, in Job, YHWH, through the voice from the whirlwind, gives a series of rhetorical questions, to Job’s questioning of God’s nature, that show his (YHWH’s) power and how his nature and role are beyond the understanding of man. Would that not mean that the morally good actions are good because God says so and the only reason to follow God’s moral rules is because God can mess you up bad (in this life or the afterlife) if you do not?
God’s rules are as they are because they are the “operating instructions” of the universe, not because infractions will be monitored and arbitrarily punished at the whim of some “big human meany in the sky”.
Or to put it another way is not the position that objective morals are given by God just a might makes right position?
The consequences of sin are to learn the effects that sin produce. It’s not “might makes right”, but rather “if you do this then this is it’s effect” delivered in such a way as to be most wisely instructive to mankind as a whole.
YHWH’s only answer to Job seems to be shut up. I am. I am more powerful than Behemoth and Leviathan. So do what I say because I have unlimited power. Is this really moral position or it is really more of a power position? Or is there no real difference between morality and power?
The atheist sees only power verses power, because they have no conception of absolute truth.
Morality is the study of the effects of following the rules of the universe as absolutely established by the transcendent Creator OF that universe, while Power is the interaction between one creation OF God with another of His creations.
Yahweh’s “answer” to Job is “I have my reasons and I have no need to specifically explain myself to YOU!”, and the lesson of the situation of Job is to teach not Job but ALL MANKIND the lesson that Job’s situation teaches us.
All of mankind is the “learner” of the lessons that God gives us due to our “inquiry” into the consequences of sin, and not any specific individual necessarily. (The individual MAY learn something but that is not the “pupil” of the lesson offered.)
Without God, all “sufferings” (aka lessons) are merely comparative power trials between individual creatures, which is the “theology” of the sociopath.