If I recall correctly you said that Christ was not physically present in the Sacrament. What I said is that he is prestent in the totality of his human and Divine natures but that his body was a glorified physical body. To which you responded that his glorified body was not physical. However there are only two kinds of substances that exist. Those composed of matter and form, material bodies, and those that are spirits or immaterial substances. Those composed of matter and from we call physical. Now we know that Christ rose from the dead with a glorified body. We also know that this glorified body was not a spirit. Therefore it must be composed of matter and form, and, therefore, it is a material body, it is physical…
Yet, because his resurrected body is a glorified body, its physicality is different from the physical bodies that are in the earthly form of existence. The difference is that a glorified body, though physical, is not subject to the restrictions and limitations of earthly, material bodies.
But actually I was not thinking of any particular person but was responding to the general run of many comments over the past two years.
I am slowly beginning to realize that these forums actually attract skeptics on one sort or another. Either skeptics regarding the teachings of the Faith and/or skeptics toward the truth value or validity of Thomistic philsosphy or of philosophy in general. While non-skeptics just read an pass on without comment, lacking either the facility or courage to engage. And isn’t this always true in any " battle? "
Linus2nd …