(Another objective statement, this time in regards to logic and the law of non-contradiction.)The law of non-contradiction is only valid for binary logic not for mutivalued logic.If you do not know that then you know very little about logic.
Multivalued logic is no longer applicable for things which are already known. You’re attempts to misapply it are merely attempts at semantics and sophistry and frankly rather disingenuous.
(Another objective statement, this time in regards to mathematics…)And Mathematics is not limited in the way you propose..
Mathematics is limited to quantities, truth is not. Whatever it cannot quantitatively be demonstrated necessarily be abstract(hence the existence of variables).
(Another objective statement in regards to mathematics…)There is no purpose of mathematics other than being beuatiful.
And beauty is objective.
Finally! The first subjective statement that you have made in this entire discussion.I believe you have many facinating discoveries ahead of you in life, of which I think you have plenty to come. I wish you all the best with that.
I’ll take it as your concession.
God Bless.