Objective truth.

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The law of non-contradiction is only valid for binary logic not for mutivalued logic. 👍 If you do not know that then you know very little about logic.
(Another objective statement, this time in regards to logic and the law of non-contradiction.)

Multivalued logic is no longer applicable for things which are already known. You’re attempts to misapply it are merely attempts at semantics and sophistry and frankly rather disingenuous.
And Mathematics is not limited in the way you propose. :).
(Another objective statement, this time in regards to mathematics…)

Mathematics is limited to quantities, truth is not. Whatever it cannot quantitatively be demonstrated necessarily be abstract(hence the existence of variables).
There is no purpose of mathematics other than being beuatiful.
(Another objective statement in regards to mathematics…)

And beauty is objective.
I believe you have many facinating discoveries ahead of you in life, of which I think you have plenty to come. I wish you all the best with that.😉
Finally! The first subjective statement that you have made in this entire discussion.

I’ll take it as your concession.

God Bless.
Finally! The first subjective statement that you have made in this entire discussion.

I’ll take it as your concession.

God Bless.
:). I will take your blessing from your God. I do not know if someone as logical as you believe in such but I think you have Angels watching over you that you know not of.

And I think you will do your Gods job well whatever he has in mind for you.

I wish you well Amandil.
Now I have other things to do for a while.

Do not underestimate Mathematics like that. It is not limited to quantities. It holds the mysteries of the universe itself. Logic is only a small subset of it. And it holds truth and beauty and faith. But I will deny that I said that if questioned. If ever God made anything He made Maths. 😉
Then I was right when I said you were the same kind of simple as me. 😉
In a subjective sort of way I guess. 😛

I woke up last night thinking about your comment “If we forget the 4 year old…”. Why do we need to forget the 4 year old or anyone for that matter? :confused: Is it possibly because he has no way of understanding the level of logic you profess?

In a subjective sort of way I guess. 😛

I woke up last night thinking about your comment “If we forget the 4 year old…”. Why do we need to forget the 4 year old or anyone for that matter? :confused: Is it possibly because he has no way of understanding the level of logic you profess?

No, 4-year-olds understand sophistry when they see it because they’re not bogged down with the weight egocentrism. They know that you can’t make a sqare peg fit in a round hole.
In a subjective sort of way I guess. 😛
Bettcha money on it. 😃
I woke up last night thinking about your comment “If we forget the 4 year old…”. Why do we need to forget the 4 year old or anyone for that matter? :confused: Is it possibly because he has no way of understanding the level of logic you profess?

That depends on the 4 year old dunnit? 🤷

But I know no children that age that understands calculus no. But even 4 year olds can be pretty insightful.

No I am just wondering what you want to know?
Why? What difference does it make? 😃 Is what you are going to tell me, the truth? 😛
. Truth has to be expirienced otherwise it is not possible to know it is true. You can choose to believe me when I tell you something but it is your call really.😛

So you tell me. Have I told you the truth yet?
. Truth has to be expirienced otherwise it is not possible to know it is true. You can choose to believe me when I tell you something but it is your call really.😛

So you tell me. Have I told you the truth yet?
I don’t need to have experienced murder, disease, lying, theft, cowardice, etc. to know that they are objectively evil.

I don’t need to have experienced prudence, fortitude, temperance, juctice, faith, hope, love & peace to know that they are objectively good.

Nor do I need to have had experienced cancer to know that it is objectively true.

So your opinion is a non-sequitur.
. Truth has to be expirienced otherwise it is not possible to know it is true. You can choose to believe me when I tell you something but it is your call really.😛
Based on everything you have written to this point I will have to take this statement as “only your opinion”, otherwise it might be mistaken as objective and I would not want to infer that from you who says everything is subjective. 😃
So you tell me. Have I told you the truth yet?
Possibly, but don’t tell Grym he might have another comeback. 😃

Based on everything you have written to this point I will have to take this statement as “only your opinion”, otherwise it might be mistaken as objective and I would not want to infer that from you who says everything is subjective. 😃

Possibly, but don’t tell Grym he might have another comeback. 😃

Yeah whats up with that guy? Hes soo mean no? 😛

But he is goodlooking though! :rolleyes:

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