Can someone link this to make it a ligitimate thread? I can’t on my phone.
All I have to say is THANK GOD! One more encampent of whiners down. NPR intervied a guy who works in the financial district.
“I pay 50% thats HALF of every dollar I earn in taxes. That I get up at 3am, commute, and work till 8pm for. Its sickening that they think I should give them more.”
an occupier chirped up, “we want equality! Its not enough until you live like us!”
good riddance
All I have to say is THANK GOD! One more encampent of whiners down. NPR intervied a guy who works in the financial district.
“I pay 50% thats HALF of every dollar I earn in taxes. That I get up at 3am, commute, and work till 8pm for. Its sickening that they think I should give them more.”
an occupier chirped up, “we want equality! Its not enough until you live like us!”
good riddance