Oh Canada Oh Canada

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Federal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler admitted Wednesday that, under the proposed Liberal same-sex “marriage” bill being fast-tracked through parliament, there would be no guarantees of protection for religious organizations that refuse to “marry” homosexuals.

When asked whether the provinces have supremacy over matters of marriage, thus overriding any federal protections in the bill, Cotler replied, “that’s right,” according to a National Post report. A vote on the controversial C-38 could happen as soon as next week, with Senators promising to work into the summer to ensure it becomes law.

Several marriage commissioners in Newfoundland, Manitoba, B.C. and Saskatchewan resigned after an ultimatum ordered them to perform the same-sex ceremonies or step down. Human rights cases against those who oppose same-sex “marriage” publicly, meanwhile – Calgary Bishop Henry is a prime example – are beginning to pile up.

“These are very significant issues,” Conservative justice critic Vic Toews said. “We are opening up a Pandora’s Box, and this minister has steadfastly refused (to concede) that there are any problems. Now, as the evidence is piling up, he’s beginning to wake up.”

Sounds like Canada will have to go the way of China and have only state sanctioned churches.

Sounds like Canada will have to go the way of China and have only state sanctioned churches.


What I am saying is that, if they try to force this garbage of forcing churches to marry gay couples, they may have to create or take over the churches like they do in China.

What I am saying is that, if they try to force this garbage of forcing churches to marry gay couples, they may have to create or take over the churches like they do in China.

Then I guess we’ll go underground. But not before the whole world sees us standing shoulder to shoulder with our Bishops and priests, ready to go to jail with them.

I’ll be there.
If they do not do something to protect religions from the gay agenda then we’ll probably see the same results we see in Ireland between Catholics & Protestants.

If the Canadian goverment forces Catholic churches to marry same-sex people then I will personally lead a crusade to stamp out this heresy in Canada by any means necessary. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/punch.gif
Actually the more I read and hear about evil being called good, wrongs being called rights, I wish the bishops of North America would band together and ask Fr. Amworth to send one of his exorcists to hold a National Day of Exorcism for the Church here. Evil has always been in the world since Adam and Eve. But never have I seen it called “right” before and never have I seen it so entrenched in our institutuions, our lawmaking bodies, our daily lives.

As I look at the parade of characters marching across the headlines of today in so many fields such as the Churches,medicine, philosophy, theology, education, music and the arts, etc. it strikes me that some dark force helps drives this phenomenon. We need supernatural assistance to help set not just Christians but all those of faith who seek to have a better world on a better track.

I think the bishops could have a national day of atonement and exorcism to drive from the hearts of men their stony resistance to conscience and heart. Folllowing this day, we should ask each bishop to offer in his diocese a day of Eucharistic Adoration with special Benediction services to remind us that once the atonement and recognition of sin has occurred, we require the opportunity to place ourselves before the Sacrament and publicly pledge our renewed efforts in being bathed in its graces.

I noted that last year when a couple of bishops wanted a plenary council, the NCCB passed on it - we need spiritual help. It is wonderful to have corrected liturgies, good RCIA, renewal committees, but we need to cease acting as if it was ALL up to us, without God’s help, we do nothing but spin. The first step towards correcting that IMHO is to acknowledge God in a very public way and ask His help in our efforts.

Prayer is a powerful weapon, united with each diocese participating, we put into local action the firm belief that “When two of you are gathered in my name”…we believe a bit of Pentecost can come our way.
Actually the more I read and hear about evil being called good, wrongs being called rights, I wish the bishops of North America would band together and ask Fr. Amworth to send one of his exorcists to hold a National Day of Exorcism for the Church here. Evil has always been in the world since Adam and Eve. But never have I seen it called “right” before and never have I seen it so entrenched in our institutuions, our lawmaking bodies, our daily lives.

As I look at the parade of characters marching across the headlines of today in so many fields such as the Churches,medicine, philosophy, theology, education, music and the arts, etc. it strikes me that some dark force helps drives this phenomenon. We need supernatural assistance to help set not just Christians but all those of faith who seek to have a better world on a better track.

I think the bishops could have a national day of atonement and exorcism to drive from the hearts of men their stony resistance to conscience and heart. Folllowing this day, we should ask each bishop to offer in his diocese a day of Eucharistic Adoration with special Benediction services to remind us that once the atonement and recognition of sin has occurred, we require the opportunity to place ourselves before the Sacrament and publicly pledge our renewed efforts in being bathed in its graces.

I noted that last year when a couple of bishops wanted a plenary council, the NCCB passed on it - we need spiritual help. It is wonderful to have corrected liturgies, good RCIA, renewal committees, but we need to cease acting as if it was ALL up to us, without God’s help, we do nothing but spin. The first step towards correcting that IMHO is to acknowledge God in a very public way and ask His help in our efforts.

Prayer is a powerful weapon, united with each diocese participating, we put into local action the firm belief that “When two of you are gathered in my name”…we believe a bit of Pentecost can come our way.
It’s a sad state of affairs over here. Funny thing is the majority of Canadians are opposed to this. This is not something being ‘democratically’ supported. It’s merely a bunch of politicians and judges telling us that they know what’s good for us and right in the world. I was hoping the Sponsorship Scandal would blow over and call another election. Then I could vote against the Liberals, but I doubt even that would’ve stopped this. Hmmm pick between the Liberal Party that wants to impose gay ‘marriage’ or the Conservative party that I heard might favor abortion… Democracy? Pffft… I’d rather throw my vote to the dogs…
It’s a sad state of affairs over here. Funny thing is the majority of Canadians are opposed to this. This is not something being ‘democratically’ supported. It’s merely a bunch of politicians and judges telling us that they know what’s good for us and right in the world. I was hoping the Sponsorship Scandal would blow over and call another election. Then I could vote against the Liberals, but I doubt even that would’ve stopped this. Hmmm pick between the Liberal Party that wants to impose gay ‘marriage’ or the Conservative party that I heard might favor abortion… Democracy? Pffft… I’d rather throw my vote to the dogs…
I know whereof you speak. The NDP and the Green Party aren’t any better with respect to abortion.
Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said last week that he cannot guarantee full protection to religious organizations that refuse to marry homosexuals under the Liberal government’s same-sex marriage legislation, reported the Canadian Press.

Churches will not be forced to perform same-sex weddings, but it’s beyond his legal reach to protect provincial marriage commissioners or religious organizations who turn away same-sex couples, Cotler said June 8.
In Canada, the federal government has the jurisdication to define marriage, but provincial governments have the jurisdiction over the solemnization of marriage. In other words, provincial governments grant marriage licenses and marriage commissioners answer to provincial governments.

Marriage commissioners in several provinces, including Manitoba, Newfoundland, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan, have resigned in recent months after receiving orders to perform same-sex unions against their beliefs.

According to the CP report, Conservative justice critic Vic Toews said Cotler must work with the provinces to enact “corresponding legislation that will protect religious organizations and those who object to same-sex marriage for reasons of conscience."

You know, I wrote to my MP back when this issue became a public debate under Jean Chretien. (My MP is a Liberal)

He wrote back that religious freedom would be protected. No problem.

So much for that.

I didn’t believe it at the time, and I’m not sure he believed it either. I just wish he had the guts of a Pat O’Brien to leave the party in protest. I hear rumblings of a revolt in the gov’t backbenches over the same-sex marriage issue. I guess we need to keep up the pressure so they know that it is against the will of the people. With an election up in the air and hanging over the gov’t perhaps what the people think might be in the minds of the MPs a little more than the arrogant usual state of affairs.
The state of the church and family in Canada is in real jeopardy and we need sincere and fervent prayers.

This is a exerpt and url to our local Vancouver catholic newspaper, bcc.rcav.org/05-05-02/index.htm
"As an example, he said that if the state determined that all parents must teach their children that homosexual and heterosexual sex is equivalent, and the natural mother or father failed to do so, the state could step in and remove the child.
		“If you violate what the definition of a parent is, then you are no  			longer a parent under law,” he warned.

		The state seems to have lost its ability to make moral judgements at  			all, or to distinguish between goods, or grant privileges to  			behaviour it wishes to encourage, like heterosexual marriage, he  			said."
Even Sodom’s sin doesn’t surpass this. methinks
There is an old saying…there is nothing new under sun. Sodom was not worse than Canada and Canada is not worse than Sodom. But this immorality spirals us into darker evil depths.

It was immorality that brought down the Roman Empire…sex was rampant. Men fornicated in every which way…homosexuality, pedophalia, bestiality, etc.

And I you want to hear how bad it is here. My daughter shared with me that a friend of a friend’s dog was brought to the vet and the vet was suspicious of sexual activity with this dog…:crying: The signs would be very glaring…
It was immorality that brought down the Roman Empire…sex was rampant.
It was ever thus; the price for sexual license is depravity – there is no bottom— until finally it destroys-- thus the old saying, the wages of sin is death.

I have been saying for some time now, I wish the pope would perrform an exorcism in union with the bishops of the world – and hold a national day of repentance and atonement in every nation.

If civilization is to survive, we need big time help.
Les Richardson:
Then I guess we’ll go underground. But not before the whole world sees us standing shoulder to shoulder with our Bishops and priests, ready to go to jail with them.

I’ll be there.

Than be prepared for the police to use Tasers against you and to have a complete disregard for any injuries you sustain in the process if you don’t immediately comply with any and all orders. The same goes for those of us considering protesting from INSIDE of Abortion Clinics (Non-Violent Civil Disobedience). Please see this this tape from my friends at JPFO:

and tinyurl.com/apekj or
Please note that the officer shows no regard for her injuries and the dispatcher jokes about “going for punishment”.

Please note - She was NOT resisting. She was just NOT complying fast enough. The bit about her hitting at him was something he seems to have made up - You can’t see that on this video.

Other “Tasings”:


Later commentary:

I can talk about how this effects those of us who are considering the efficacy of “Invading” Abortion Clinics in acts of Civil Disobedience, as those effects should be obvious. But that’s not the subject of this thread.

That is how the authorities in Canada will treat those in the Christian Churches who refuse to marry same-sex couples, and those who support those Churches and resist the arrest of those Priests, Bishops, Ministers, Rabbis and Imams who refuse to marry the same sex couples that Canada will say they must marry.

The officials will send letters demand that the religious authorities marry the same sex couple ot face arrest. The Bishops, Priests. Ministers, Rabbis and Imams will refuse, and their congregations, and maybe some others’ will gather around them to prevent their arrest when the authorities come.

The people will be ordered to disperse, and if they don’t, tear gas, stink bombs and maybe rubber bullets will be used on the larger NON-VIOLENT crowds to to get them to disperse, the smaller ones will simply start getting “Tased”, Hosed with high pressure water and arrested as they refuse to leave. and, if the cops are in a foul mood, the people in the crowd can expect to get “tased” multiple times as the cops can say they were resistive, combative or even trying to escape. Remember, ONE person in the crowd is almost guaranteed to go off after being “Tased” for no good reason. and, That’s all they’ll need to justify “Tasing” the whole lot.

We Christians in the western world have shown an amasing ability to ignore the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world (the amount of outcry over Southern Sudan has been nowhere near equivalent to the suffering being inflicted on Christians there)?

What will we do as this persecution is happening to our next door neighbors to the north?

Listen to the tape carefully and check out the other vignettes. “Tasing” can definitely done punatively. I’m just saying to be ready for it.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.”

Karol Cardinal Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), November 9, 1976
It was ever thus; the price for sexual license is depravity – there is no bottom— until finally it destroys-- thus the old saying, the wages of sin is death.

I have been saying for some time now, I wish the pope would perrform an exorcism in union with the bishops of the world – and hold a national day of repentance and atonement in every nation.

If civilization is to survive, we need big time help.
In my knowledge of exorcism (being involved in it for 5 years), exorcism en masse is not to be encouraged. This could open a whole can of worms for those who have spirits lurking inside them. Not all require exorcism, just deliverance but it could turn ugly. The Spirit works in order and a general exorcism on any mass of people would cause chaos…

Prayer, fasting, the rosary, Blessed Sacrament, St Michael’s prayer would be key here…
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