Oh Canada Oh Canada

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Traditional Ang:

Than be prepared for the police to use Tasers against you and to have a complete disregard for any injuries you sustain in the process if you don’t immediately comply with any and all orders. The same goes for those of us considering protesting from INSIDE of Abortion Clinics (Non-Violent Civil Disobedience). Please see this this tape from my friends at JPFO:

and tinyurl.com/apekj or
Please note that the officer shows no regard for her injuries and the dispatcher jokes about “going for punishment”.

Please note - She was NOT resisting. She was just NOT complying fast enough. The bit about her hitting at him was something he seems to have made up - You can’t see that on this video.

Other “Tasings”:


Later commentary:

I can talk about how this effects those of us who are considering the efficacy of “Invading” Abortion Clinics in acts of Civil Disobedience, as those effects should be obvious. But that’s not the subject of this thread.

That is how the authorities in Canada will treat those in the Christian Churches who refuse to marry same-sex couples, and those who support those Churches and resist the arrest of those Priests, Bishops, Ministers, Rabbis and Imams who refuse to marry the same sex couples that Canada will say they must marry.

The officials will send letters demand that the religious authorities marry the same sex couple ot face arrest. The Bishops, Priests. Ministers, Rabbis and Imams will refuse, and their congregations, and maybe some others’ will gather around them to prevent their arrest when the authorities come.

The people will be ordered to disperse, and if they don’t, tear gas, stink bombs and maybe rubber bullets will be used on the larger NON-VIOLENT crowds to to get them to disperse, the smaller ones will simply start getting “Tased”, Hosed with high pressure water and arrested as they refuse to leave. and, if the cops are in a foul mood, the people in the crowd can expect to get “tased” multiple times as the cops can say they were resistive, combative or even trying to escape. Remember, ONE person in the crowd is almost guaranteed to go off after being “Tased” for no good reason. and, That’s all they’ll need to justify “Tasing” the whole lot.

We Christians in the western world have shown an amasing ability to ignore the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world (the amount of outcry over Southern Sudan has been nowhere near equivalent to the suffering being inflicted on Christians there)?

What will we do as this persecution is happening to our next door neighbors to the north?

Listen to the tape carefully and check out the other vignettes. “Tasing” can definitely done punatively. I’m just saying to be ready for it.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Fire hoses, tear gas, dogs? Oh, Canada Canada, it won’t be the first this has happened in the states. We’ve had our abortion protests, (unsuccessfully) and our war protests, (success debateable), and our civil rites protests were the most violent, (but successful). We are ready here in the U.S., Canada. Are you?
We are ready here in the U.S., Canada. Are you?
Just by that statement tells me you are not!

Firehoses, tasers, etc can do nothing against the Evil One…and he is just as rampant in the US as he is in Canada…do not be so complacent and cocky. Until you battle with Evil, I would tend to be more humble…
I’m a born Canadian who has lived and worked (legally) in the U.S. and in Europe. Nearly everyone in my family is a naturalized U.S. citizen. I try every chance I get to witness and warn about this disaster. As far as I can tell, outside the 15,000 or so who demonstrated at various places across the country regarding Bill C-38 within a few days recently, Canadians just don’t care.

I believe that Canadians, either the 43.5% who claimed in the 2000 census to be Catholic – more than all other faith groups combined, or not – simply don’t care.

Our federal election last summer saw the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history: 57% of eligible voters. Canadians just don’t care. I know at least one of my VERY TYPICALLY CANADIAN in-laws, complete with thinly veiled, “holier-than-thou” anti-American sentiments stridently tossed out around the Sunday night kitchen conversation after a few, as the “reasons” or “causes” of various U.S. news items, don’t care enough to vote in our own federal election. When questioned about that, it’s “oh, they’re all the same, so I’m making a STATEMENT by abstaining.”

Unfortunately, this adolescent mode of reasoning on citizens’ responsibility in a democracy seems to be the chief cause of the apathy.

Homosexual activists of course, turn out to vote, and the Liberals know this, so they are pandering to a constituency they know will vote for them in the next election by passing their own “Civil Marriage Act” so the state can impose a deadly word game on the enormous majority of Canadians who would have nothing to do with such a thing if they paid enough attention to even understand the salient issues.

There is a certain stripe in the human character that seeks to exhonerate the self. In the Culture of Death, standard procedure is to make ourselves helpless victims as a defense mechanism, and to insulate that for ourselves in a generous layer of reference ot our ignorance–also imposed upon us.

"It’s not my fault I couldn’t vote! I didn’t even know there was an election that day. Besides, I can’t pick the one to vote for and how do you learn about all this complicated stuff? Really politicians are all basically the same anyway. “Each one’s as bad as the next.” [a personal favourite from one of my local sages] My vote doesn’t make any difference anyway.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

We Canadians are all so busy trying to find out what U.S. channel to watch the next back-to-back “CSI” rerun marathon on our state of the art government-subsidized digital cable set top boxes, that we can’t be bothered to walk down the street and cast our vote. Not even by a flip of a coin. Not even in a federal election.

On the other hand, God will not be mocked, and Canada’s bishops did, in 1968, hand the world the grave scandal of The Winnipeg Statement. 107 of 109 of the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops (pls correct if numbers wrong) formally signed an unqualified rejection of the teaching on contraception contained in Humana Vitae leading millions around the world into grave scandal.

This C-38 is now expected to be passed Wednesday or Thursday, according to LifeSite:


This will be perhaps the darkest day in Canadian history. What people don’t seem to understand here is that quite outside the obvious question “what about the rights of children in these ‘Civil Marriage Acts’” lies the spectre of state-imposed morality.

Gay-activist judges like B.C. Supreme Court Justice Laura Gerow are conducting business as usual, making and changing any and all laws they whish in order to accommodate, the whims of homosexuals. Last week, the new B.C. Divorce Act, quietly ameneded without any debate, vote, nor involvement of legislators, now refers to married couples as ‘any two persons.’

The two women who requested this divorce were… what? “joined in The Civil Marriage Act” perhaps? For 10 months. That’s why I said ‘whim.’

What will the now-inevitable avalanche of “gay divorces” do to children forced against their wills and rights into the middle of such unions, not to mention how it will slow the overloaded legal system?

How will the state determine “consummation” of such unions under the Civil Marriage Act? Can Canada legislate the changing of definitions such as that found in the Merriam Webster dictionary for ‘conjugal rights’?

(continues briefly)

If I teach my children a morality that adheres to the Catetchism of the Catholic Church, which explcitly defines marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman, can the province step in, remove my children from me citing The Civil Marriage Act, and place them in a setting–a gay foster home perhaps–that will be used to indoctrinate them correctly in the use of the word “marriage”? The Civil Marriage Act already points out that the federal government has no ability to protect me from the province’s ministry of child services in that case.

So my continued custody of my children under law, will be at the mercy of a lefter-than-left social worker who gets wind of my illegal indoctrination against the state from a lefter-than-left public school teacher who regularly trolls for such indicators, perhaps with a standardized form the children are given to fill out on day one of grade one?

Anyone smell a totalitarian state-defined morality set out by an oligarchical theodicy, enforced upon the core the natural family by arbitrary laws powered by raw juciciary fiat?

When I ask this question, I am routinely dismissed. You’re thinking too much. You’re going too far. Life is too short. It doesn’t affect you, so what do you care anyway?

Pass the remote. ‘Idol’ is on.

Oh, Canada, indeed.
I can see it now 😃 underground Catholic Marrages. You will come down to the states and have your religious service. This way the government can’t force the Church to marry gays if they don’t marry anyone.

I do not believe your new law can force a church to marry anyone if they marry no one. How sad this would be for society as a whole?
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