Traditional Ang:
Fire hoses, tear gas, dogs? Oh, Canada Canada, it won’t be the first this has happened in the states. We’ve had our abortion protests, (unsuccessfully) and our war protests, (success debateable), and our civil rites protests were the most violent, (but successful). We are ready here in the U.S., Canada. Are you?Les:
Than be prepared for the police to use Tasers against you and to have a complete disregard for any injuries you sustain in the process if you don’t immediately comply with any and all orders. The same goes for those of us considering protesting from INSIDE of Abortion Clinics (Non-Violent Civil Disobedience). Please see this this tape from my friends at JPFO:
and tinyurl.com/apekj or
Please note that the officer shows no regard for her injuries and the dispatcher jokes about “going for punishment”.
Please note - She was NOT resisting. She was just NOT complying fast enough. The bit about her hitting at him was something he seems to have made up - You can’t see that on this video.
Other “Tasings”:
Later commentary:
I can talk about how this effects those of us who are considering the efficacy of “Invading” Abortion Clinics in acts of Civil Disobedience, as those effects should be obvious. But that’s not the subject of this thread.
That is how the authorities in Canada will treat those in the Christian Churches who refuse to marry same-sex couples, and those who support those Churches and resist the arrest of those Priests, Bishops, Ministers, Rabbis and Imams who refuse to marry the same sex couples that Canada will say they must marry.
The officials will send letters demand that the religious authorities marry the same sex couple ot face arrest. The Bishops, Priests. Ministers, Rabbis and Imams will refuse, and their congregations, and maybe some others’ will gather around them to prevent their arrest when the authorities come.
The people will be ordered to disperse, and if they don’t, tear gas, stink bombs and maybe rubber bullets will be used on the larger NON-VIOLENT crowds to to get them to disperse, the smaller ones will simply start getting “Tased”, Hosed with high pressure water and arrested as they refuse to leave. and, if the cops are in a foul mood, the people in the crowd can expect to get “tased” multiple times as the cops can say they were resistive, combative or even trying to escape. Remember, ONE person in the crowd is almost guaranteed to go off after being “Tased” for no good reason. and, That’s all they’ll need to justify “Tasing” the whole lot.
We Christians in the western world have shown an amasing ability to ignore the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world (the amount of outcry over Southern Sudan has been nowhere near equivalent to the suffering being inflicted on Christians there)?
What will we do as this persecution is happening to our next door neighbors to the north?
Listen to the tape carefully and check out the other vignettes. “Tasing” can definitely done punatively. I’m just saying to be ready for it.
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael