Oh my ***, South Park mocks Irwin

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What, people died for our Freedom of Speech as long as it agrees with what someone else thinks we should say? :rolleyes:

If that were the case they probably shouldn’t have bothered.
That was not nice, taking my words out of context.
Freedom of speech carries unfortunately license with it in a civil society, b ut that same Freedom means boycott and editorials and counter arguments are also uses of freedom of speech.
The answer to your question is an emphatic NO!

Soldiers did not die so that people could have access to pornograpic content. Freedom carries with it a responsibility. Yes, you can purposefully misuse this freedom for financial or licentious gain, but that was not the intended purpose of the freedom they died for. The purpose of the freedom was so that all men could express themselves in accordance as they best understood it to the pursuit of their happiness, which by definition is a pursuit of God, Who is the source of all happiness.

The disgusting sentiment that soldiers died so that sinners could be perveyors of sin for profit and pollution of other minds is absolutely reprehensible to me * and should be to any Catholic*!
Originally Posted by MichaelTDoyle
Something to consider: You are what you eat and the eyes are the window to the soul: A window that goes both ways. If you are watching something blaspheming the Virgin Mary are you not complicit in it? How will that impact your interior life? She is your mother.
I’ve seen footage of the Holocaust. Does that make me complicit in that to? I’d say that it’s completely wrong NOT to watch it.
This is a non-sequitur. Watching blasphemy is fine for the apologetic purpose of opposing it, not for the indulgence of it! If you are indulging–being entertained by such mockery–have you not added to the crown of thorns? May Jesus have mercy on us

I urge Catholics to pray on this and I ask God to forgive me for any time I have been blasphemous or been a party by silence or by support of any such blasphemy.
Episode with the statue of Mary was one of the few I didn’t like. So the latest episode. What you watch isn’t as important as what is your attitude towards it. I do not watch porn, because I think all porn is evil and I know there is no point in watching it beside sexual self-gratification, which is bad/sin/etc… . But there are only a few episodes of SP I find offensive or stupid, so I take my chances with each new episode. If you don’t like SP, just don’t watch it and feel free to express your opinion, as I am doing in this anti-SP thread 🙂
Episode with the statue of Mary was one of the few I didn’t like. So the latest episode. What you watch isn’t as important as what is your attitude towards it. I do not watch porn, because I think all porn is evil and I know there is no point in watching it beside sexual self-gratification, which is bad/sin/etc… . But there are only a few episodes of SP I find offensive or stupid, so I take my chances with each new episode. If you don’t like SP, just don’t watch it and feel free to express your opinion, as I am doing in this anti-SP thread 🙂
Same here - I don’t watch every episode in any event, and avoid or turn off those episodes or switch off those scenes which I do find offensive or suspect will be so.

If I found the majority of SP (or even a substantial portion) sinful or blasphemous, rather than just humour and satire taken sometimes to the point of tasteless, then I would indeed avoid it altogether. I do this with a number of shows which I find do promote sinful behaviour and attitudes.
I have never considered South Park to be a reputable show—though sometimes I’ve been complicit in watching it.😦 It is terrible; and with it mocking Irwin (if this is true)—tasteless.:mad:
I have to put my hand up and join the confession queue for those who (at least much of the time) find South Park a guilty pleasure rather than truly offensive.

Of course at times they go over the top with their mocking of religion and general insensitivity, and for that reason I haven’t watched for a while, but I defy anyone to not laugh at ‘Fighting Around the World With Russell Crowe’ or the like 😃
I love South Park. The societal satire presented in the show is phenomenal. Do I get offended at times? Yes. I think Stone and Parker are prots though, so I’m not surprised at their criticism of the Church. I just ignore or don’t watch the episodes that mock my faith.

I believe they are the heirs of Mark Twain, who caused a huge uproar when he suggested that the Irish eat their children if they were so hungry.
The answer to your question is an emphatic NO!

Soldiers did not die so that people could have access to pornograpic content. Freedom carries with it a responsibility. Yes, you can purposefully misuse this freedom for financial or licentious gain, but that was not the intended purpose of the freedom they died for. The purpose of the freedom was so that all men could express themselves in accordance as they best understood it to the pursuit of their happiness, which by definition is a pursuit of God, Who is the source of all happiness.

The disgusting sentiment that soldiers died so that sinners could be perveyors of sin for profit and pollution of other minds is absolutely reprehensible to me * and should be to any Catholic*!
So, you do not think any soldier who has died would be of the mind that people should be allowed to view or create this material that so offends you?
So, you do not think any soldier who has died would be of the mind that people should be allowed to view or create this material that so offends you?
I am of the mind that people should be allowed
I am also of the mind that people should glorify God.

This is NOT a subjective question of what offends me. Blasphemy is not simply a subjective value. God is objective. Blasphemy is an insult to OBJECTIVE TRUTH.

Are you deliberately misconstruing what I wrote? Advocates for pornography seem to justify Freedom with the misuse of Freedom.

They have the license to put out corruption, **but this is an evil. **You should not use lofty ideals like freediom to defend those who misuse, blaspheme and degrade.

They can, but they should not and if YOU are a Christian you SHOULD make it known! (As SHOULD I)

It is a sad testimony that so many people think that Freedom somehow implies that license to corruption is somehow licit, somehow ok, somehow not causing others to endanger their friendship with God.

I am of the mind that people should be allowed
I am also of the mind that people should glorify God.

This is NOT a subjective question of what offends me. Blasphemy is not simply a subjective value. God is objective. Blasphemy is an insult to OBJECTIVE TRUTH.

Are you deliberately misconstruing what I wrote? Advocates for pornography seem to justify Freedom with the misuse of Freedom.

They have the license to put out corruption, **but this is an evil. **You should not use lofty ideals like freediom to defend those who misuse, blaspheme and degrade.

They can, but they should not and if YOU are a Christian you SHOULD make it known! (As SHOULD I)

It is a sad testimony that so many people think that Freedom somehow implies that license to corruption is somehow licit, somehow ok, somehow not causing others to endanger their friendship with God.

I stand corrected then. You believe that they have the right, but it is not correct to excercise that right in your opinion. I can understand this argument and to a point I agree with it. There are many things Americans do on a regular basis that I believe they should have the right to do, such as burn the flag, but I do not agree with it.

For the record, I am not a Christian. I believe in God, but I do not practice an organized religion.
I love South Park. The societal satire presented in the show is phenomenal. Do I get offended at times? Yes. I think Stone and Parker are prots though, so I’m not surprised at their criticism of the Church. I just ignore or don’t watch the episodes that mock my faith.

I believe they are the heirs of Mark Twain, who caused a huge uproar when he suggested that the Irish eat their children if they were so hungry.
The South Park guys aren’t the first television-show creators to make fun at the expense of Catholicism and of recently deceased celebrities, nor will they be the last. What appears to be unique about them is their willingness to open the abattoir doors to sacred cows such as Muhammad and Muslims, the Hollywood left, unions, Scientology, and so on.

I’ve always thought it cheap, cowardly work to satirise only those targets who you’re sure aren’t in a position to ruin your career, won’t walk off the set, and won’t suicide-bomb you. I’ll gladly give Parker & Stone their props for having the decency [not quite the right word, I know] to assault the sensibilities of everyone. It’s wrong to mock God and His church, but it’s more repellent yet to do so while shielding one’s own peculiar modern pieties from said mockery. We can absolve the creators of South Park of that much.
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