That was not nice, taking my words out of context.What, people died for our Freedom of Speech as long as it agrees with what someone else thinks we should say?
If that were the case they probably shouldn’t have bothered.
The answer to your question is an emphatic NO!Freedom of speech carries unfortunately license with it in a civil society, b ut that same Freedom means boycott and editorials and counter arguments are also uses of freedom of speech.
Soldiers did not die so that people could have access to pornograpic content. Freedom carries with it a responsibility. Yes, you can purposefully misuse this freedom for financial or licentious gain, but that was not the intended purpose of the freedom they died for. The purpose of the freedom was so that all men could express themselves in accordance as they best understood it to the pursuit of their happiness, which by definition is a pursuit of God, Who is the source of all happiness.
The disgusting sentiment that soldiers died so that sinners could be perveyors of sin for profit and pollution of other minds is absolutely reprehensible to me * and should be to any Catholic*!