Oh No.

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It’s only sunday, and i already sinned! Now i’ll keep on thinking about what I did all week, until I can get to Confession. Does anyone know what i can do to stop thinking about what i did.
Make an appointment with your priest for him to hear your confession sometime during the week.
If it is not possible to get to confession until next week, there is something that you can do. You can pray, say An Act of Contrition, tell God that you are sorry, and have the intention to confess as soon as you can. Our God is a just God. You might also want to look up the group that helps scrupulous people.

Deacon Tony SFO
Peace and Love be in you!

The only way out of slavery to sin is to know Jesus Christ personally as Lord and Savior. Then you will not have to wait for anything or for anyone to be free of sin.

In Love,

Peace and Love be in you!

The only way out of slavery to sin is to know Jesus Christ personally as Lord and Savior. Then you will not have to wait for anything or for anyone to be free of sin.

In Love,

…and then go to confession. Great advice is given by Deacon Tony and MKW above.
“The only way out of slavery to sin is to know Jesus Christ personally as Lord and Savior.”
This vacuous statement is not Catholicism, and is lacking in many details. While Our Lord comes to us, very humbly, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, He also gave us many, many ways out of the slavery of sin. The intercession of the saints, the intercession of our Blessed Mother, and the sacraments that Our Lord gave His Church are available to us, who are unworthy of such gifts but in humility we can accept them as He comes so humbly to us under the forms of bread and wine.

Confession, as we know, should be accompanied by a sincere purpose of amendment: an excellent thing to do is to remove from your life things that act as triggers. Clean your computer, throw away your television, read the mass media cautiously–most of it is pure trash. Need news? Read the black-and-white newspaper. Need entertainment? Read books. Try to eliminate all unnecessary contacts with worldly things. And know that eventually one does get through these problems.
I agree with the posters above that you (or anyone) should make an appointment for confession if it’s weighing that heavily on you. An Act of Contrition might also be helpful. Or you could try this Prayer of Reparation:
Eternal Father, I offer The the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all Its love, all Its sufferings and all Its merits;
To expiate all the sins I have committed this day, and during all my life.

[say the Glory be…]

To purify the good I have done in my poor way this day, and during all my life.

[Glory be…]

To make up for the good I ought to have done and neglected this day, and during all my life

[Glory be…]
This may be uncharitible…but what do YOU think you should do?

To come and let people know you’ve sinned sounds kinda juvenile…we aint the confessional… you know what the proceedure is by now… get a grip and deal with your issues…WE ALL HAVE THESE PARTICULAR ONES.

You’ve posted enough questions and recieved TONS of info… why do you ask the same things over and over? The responses are gonna be the same…it seems to me you’re looking for a magic formula to make your problems go away… if you read the posts on this site…I think you can guess there arent any.

Say the Contrition Prayer, get to confession and forget about it.
Part of confession is making a firm purpose of amendment. In your case, if you are now referring to a particular sin you’ve referred to before, part of that would be getting rid of the internet access you have. I don’t mean a filter (which can be turned off). I don’t mean anything other than a wholesale removal of that occasion of sin from your life.
been following your posts for a couple of months, both before and after I registered as a member, and you have asked several times for help with sin, advice about sin etc. Most replies tell you to go to confession, examine your conscience, confess yours sins, state your contrition, receive absolution, perform your penance, make a firm purpose of amendment, and set about rectifying conditions in your life that dispose you to repeat your sin and than inhibit your spiritual growth. Why do you ask strangers for help with sin when Christ himself has given you, through His Church, the remedy which is as close as the nearest priest. 4 to 5 on Saturday afternoon is not the only time you can go to confession. Don’t use the forums as a substitute for confession, contrition and spiritual direction.
…and then go to confession. Great advice is given by Deacon Tony and MKW above.
I must agree with Yaquobos on this one. Are you trying to say that going to confession is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins? What, is confessing your sin to God somehow not valid? For myself, I am not Catholic. I want to be Catholic, but because my parents are Anglican I cannot be until I go to college in 2 years. I would LOVE to be able to go to confession, but I can’t. So does that mean that my sins aren’t forgiven?
Faithful 2 Rome:
This may be uncharitible…but what do YOU think you should do?

To come and let people know you’ve sinned sounds kinda juvenile…we aint the confessional… you know what the proceedure is by now… get a grip and deal with your issues…WE ALL HAVE THESE PARTICULAR ONES.

You’ve posted enough questions and recieved TONS of info… why do you ask the same things over and over? The responses are gonna be the same…it seems to me you’re looking for a magic formula to make your problems go away… if you read the posts on this site…I think you can guess there arent any.

Say the Contrition Prayer, get to confession and forget about it.
Because this is the only place i have to go. Ever since i found this website i have felt that someone cares. I ask the same question to see if anyone has advice.
Benignus, it is wonderful that you want to be Catholic. If you believe in our truths, especially that Jesus has given the power to forgive sins from Peter and the apostles and then down to the bishops’ reps (priests) through apostolic succession, then this is indeed the only way that you can confess. Just recently at mass, we had a very difficult bible reading. Jesus preached that we are to hate family members that get in the way of our living the truth. In another place, Jesus told how families will be divided because of him. There is an old song which says, “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” The narrow road is difficult.

God bless you for your desire to convert to the fullness of the Gospel. Looking forward to welcoming you home.

Deacon Tony SFO
Peace be with you!
…and then go to confession. Great advice is given by Deacon Tony and MKW above.
Humans say this, meaning: Go to the priest.

But the Bibe says:

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” ( James 5:16 )

So we must confess our sins to our brothers, and ask for their prayers.

By the way: imagine how bad it is for a WOMAN to confess her sexual sins to an UNMARRIED priest…

If that woman will follow the teaching of the Bible, she will confess that sin to a sister in the Church in whom she has trust.

In Love,
This vacuous statement is not Catholicism, and is lacking in many details. While Our Lord comes to us, very humbly, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, He also gave us many, many ways out of the slavery of sin. The intercession of the saints, the intercession of our Blessed Mother, and the sacraments that Our Lord gave His Church are available to us, who are unworthy of such gifts but in humility we can accept them as He comes so humbly to us under the forms of bread and wine.
Well, God says that there is no Salvation in any other Name, but in the Name of Jesus Christ:

“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” ( Acts 4:12 )

Jesus says:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” ( John 14:6 )

In Love,
Peace be with you!
Deacon Tony560:
Benignus, it is wonderful that you want to be Catholic. If you believe in our truths, especially that Jesus has given the power to forgive sins from Peter and the apostles and then down to the bishops’ reps (priests) through apostolic succession, then this is indeed the only way that you can confess. Just recently at mass, we had a very difficult bible reading. Jesus preached that we are to hate family members that get in the way of our living the truth. In another place, Jesus told how families will be divided because of him. There is an old song which says, “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” The narrow road is difficult.

God bless you for your desire to convert to the fullness of the Gospel. Looking forward to welcoming you home.

Deacon Tony SFO
Well, Benignus has to believe in the Truth of the Bible, not in anyone’s vain truths. For we are all sinners, and only God is the TRUTH.

How carnal are many Christians. They talk about converting from Christianity to Christianity…

In Love,
If you really did your homework, you would know that the bible came from and was preserved by the Catholic Church. I don’t understand why you are so angry about the church, but I pray that you would take time out and lean about the church and it’s history dating back to Jesus and the apostles. The early church fathers, who lived closer to the time of Jesus than we do, are the source of many of our truths. The fact that we have a central authority and belief and the fact that there are over 33,000 different Protestant interpretations of religion, shows what happens when we have private interpretation of the bible by each individual.

May God bless you and your family and open your mind to the fullness of his Gospel.
Peace be with you!
Deacon Tony560:
If you really did your homework, you would know that the bible came from and was preserved by the Catholic Church. I don’t understand why you are so angry about the church, but I pray that you would take time out and lean about the church and it’s history dating back to Jesus and the apostles. The early church fathers, who lived closer to the time of Jesus than we do, are the source of many of our truths. The fact that we have a central authority and belief and the fact that there are over 33,000 different Protestant interpretations of religion, shows what happens when we have private interpretation of the bible by each individual.

May God bless you and your family and open your mind to the fullness of his Gospel.
Well, it’s clear that YOU don’t know what the history of the Church is.

First, there was no such thing as “the Roman Catholic” Church in the first centuries.

Second, there is no Church on earth who has the right to interpret the Bible. The Bible interprets itself:

“But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,
for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” ( 2 Peter 1:20-21 )

Thank you.

In Love,
Here we go AGAIN…

Yet another new poster who comes HERE to a place called Catholic ANSWERS…but proceed to tell its members WE are the ones who dont know the Bible, the Faith, etc…

“the bible interprets itself”…“no church on earth has the right” :rolleyes:

They say ignorance is bliss…you must be TRULY happy. 😃

Wanna learn something? Welcome aboard God Bless…heres a tip… leave the chat room… NOW…you’ll only hurt yourself… go to the main page and begin READING and DEVELOPING your mind… its clear you arent ready to be weaned from the MILK, let alone to eat the FOOD we have here to offer you. 😉

Come here to debate and argue to us about OUR FAITH without the spirit of wanting to LEARN?

Then please GO AWAY…you types are tiring me and trying whats left of my charitible attitude…Beliefnet is ALWAYS looking for a few Heretics… pay THEM a visit. :cool:

Oh…btw…mindless rants about the Faith belong in APOLOGETICS, not in SPIRITUALITY

Please respect the board if you’re gonna hang around and annoy people.
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