Oh Oh Oregon

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The FBI knows of “jihadists” who have trained in terrorist camps in Afghanistan and are now living in Oregon, the agency’s Oregon chief said in an interview with The Associated Press yesterday.
“We don’t have an imminent threat that we’re aware of. But I will say this: We have people here in Oregon that have trained in jihadist camps in bad areas. In the bad neighborhoods of the world,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert Jordan.

Asked what he meant by “bad neighborhoods,” he said Afghanistan, as well as several other countries he would not specify.

During the session with The AP, which lasted nearly two hours, Jordan discussed a wide range of themes — from his agents’ participation in the Bush administration’s war on terrorism to the upcoming opening of a Portland laboratory for forensic work on computers seized from suspects.

Jordan refused to say how many “jihadists” live in Oregon.

He said the FBI knows “they’ve trained overseas, taken oaths to kill Americans and engage in jihad,” but the challenge is “to prove those things.”

Is Oregon not the state that has enacted the death with dignaty act?
Is Oregon not the state that has enacted the death with dignaty act?
Aren’t they also the state who have the 100 diseases list; if you happen to be the unfortunate person who contracts or suffers from a disease that’s not popular - well good luck to you I guess.
Yes. 😦 It is here, in the land of high taxes and fat public employee pensions, that liberalism, and those who decry the fruits of this blessed country reside. Those who love the “Death with Dignity” Act, and those who might support blowing up Americans… they live here.

Jihadists don’t hang out in red states. Mo’ blue, mo’ better. More “tolerant”, dude.

Sorry. [don’t tell them about the georgous countryside though!-ed]
We’re so open minded our brains fell out long ago. For example right after 9/11 our mayor refused to cooperate with FBI investigations. Later we had a very chilling case of “the Portland Seven” where a group of converted Muslims wanted to fight Americans in Afghanistan. They also planned to blow up a Jewish school. Oh and one of them had worked for the mayor…

We also had a training camp in one of the remote areas and the city of Portland is STILL thinking of disengaging from support of any anti-terrorism activities.

Oh and yes we have “death with dignity.”

Lisa N
Now, if we could just move Multnomah County voters to…just outside of…Oakland, CA??? Or at least most MC voters west of I205? 👍
Now, if we could just move Multnomah County voters to…just outside of…Oakland, CA??? Or at least most MC voters west of I205? 👍
I think it gets less wacko in concentric cirles emanating from downtown Portland.

But, don’t send 'em my way! We’re already screwed up enough here as it is.
I think it gets less wacko in concentric cirles emanating from downtown Portland.

But, don’t send 'em my way! We’re already screwed up enough here as it is.
HA! The truth is, half of them moved from California!
HA! The truth is, half of them moved from California!
Could be they were attracted there by the existing nuts.😃 Californians are an easy target because it’s such a big state. Most Californians came from somewhere else, but there are too many places to point…

I long to move back to Colorado…even though it’s becoming more and more liberal. 😦
Aren’t they also the state who have the 100 diseases list; if you happen to be the unfortunate person who contracts or suffers from a disease that’s not popular - well good luck to you I guess.
Actually, the Oregon Health Plan (which now covers fewer poor and low-income Oregonians than it did in the past) does not have a list of covered diseases based on prevalence so much as a list of covered procedures and treatments based on the expected ratio of cost to benefit. No matter what state you live in, if you are lucky enough to have health insurance, you probably live according to similar rules… you insurance company decides what care they will pay for and what care they won’t, with an eye to giving the insured their health care without going broke in the process. The truth is, there are a lot of people who just need “good luck to you” when it comes to health care, no matter where they live!

The author of the Oregon Health Plan, former governor John Kitzhaber, now the chair on health care policy at the Foundation for Medical Excellence (among other things), is still doing work in this area. He gave a lecture that is available online:

As far at there being jihadists in Oregon, hearing that is like hearing there is a sexual predator in the neighborhood. I suspect there are four we don’t know about for every one that we do, and if you live anywhere near a likely target… that means *your *neighborhood, too.
BLB_Oregon: Actually, the Oregon Health Plan (which now covers fewer poor and low-income Oregonians than it did in the past)
Because this state is soo horribly anti-growth and alienates business that businesses leave and the tax base does too…
As far at there being jihadists in Oregon, hearing that is like hearing there is a sexual predator in the neighborhood. I suspect there are four we don’t know about for every one that we do, and if you live anywhere near a likely target… that means *your *neighborhood, too
Oh, the statistics on child-molesters in Multnomah County is staggering! And the number of strip clubs per capita?? Oy!! Also, I think Oregon may be the Meth capital of the world.

So why does he stay? -ed.

Because CA and WA areant too much better!

Oh. good point. -ed.
Now, if we could just move Multnomah County voters to…just outside of…Oakland, CA??? Or at least most MC voters west of I205? 👍
Do you really think Oregon would be better off if the liberal voters just up and left? That’s rather sad.

You know, I think the best thing would be if Oregonians did a lot more listening. My brothers are mostly “red” and my sister and I are mostly “blue”, but we can talk politics without rancor. And do you know what? We all learn something. We learn to see what the other side sees.

I think Measure 37, as it is written, is a huge mistake. If it stays in place, we’ll sprawl out from Portland and eat up 3/4 of that prime farmland between Portland and Eugene. Still, the idea that there should be more balance between land-use planning and people’s legitimate property rights is a good one. Although I hope we strike it down, I also hope we strike it down and work something else out.

Likewise, the Death with Dignity act. Ten years ago, my husband’s dying grandmother was given insufficient pain-killers for her terminal cancer because she might become addicted! A lot of what was behind Death with Dignity was people’s fear of a painful death. I’m hoping we can get rid of assisted suicide, but not lose the idea that we need to give people as much end-of-life comfort and control of their own lives as we can. That would be something good to have come out of that terrible law.

Oregon is a state where people like to be able to think for themselves, so we have quite a political spectrum. That attracts a lot of people–survivalists to Grants Pass and less conservative types to Portland–but we didn’t have to ship our ideas in from anywhere else!
Because this state is soo horribly anti-growth and alienates business that businesses leave and the tax base does too…
Ummm, 41 million people without health care in this nation. The poor countries who let business do pretty much whatever they want do not do better. They do much worse. This isn’t a problem of being business-friendly. It is a problem of having no idea how to deliver health care sanely, let alone justly.

Why not go somewhere else? Because if our problems aren’t somewhere else now, too, they will be later. Better to stay here and fight the good fight where your roots are. (With your Tom McCall anti-California rhetoric, you just gotta have roots here, right? Don’t tell me your parents moved here in the late '50s, or I’m going to choke.)

So, while I’m glad to know the FBI is keeping us updated, I don’t plan on picking up and running when problems show up. Oregon is too precious to give up. (And I hope the rest of you out there feel the same way about whatever patch of earth that God created for you.)
Ummm, 41 million people without health care in this nation.
When was it that everyone was geting health care?? Ever?? If so, what factors were present? Not present?? 1) no insurance companies 2) no government involvment 3) no rediculous lawsuits 4) no high-risk modern surgeries. Am I missing something?
The poor countries who let business do pretty much whatever they want do not do better. They do much worse.
Which countries are those???
This isn’t a problem of being business-friendly.
It is! The reason for the OHP cuts were about low tax receipts. Can’t pay for something when there’s nothing in the bank, so to speak. Pro-business means pro-job which means increased tax revenues to fund x, y, and z.
Why not go somewhere else? Because if our problems aren’t somewhere else now, too, they will be later. Better to stay here and fight the good fight where your roots are. (With your Tom McCall anti-California rhetoric, you just gotta have roots here, right? Don’t tell me your parents moved here in the late '50s, or I’m going to choke.)
No. My parents are Washinton natives. Moved the family here to be close. The business climate, the land-use laws, and the politics I could do without, but I’m not going anywhere (unless they raise taxes again…then I’m GONE)
When was it that everyone was geting health care?? Ever?? If so, what factors were present? Not present?? 1) no insurance companies 2) no government involvment 3) no rediculous lawsuits 4) no high-risk modern surgeries. Am I missing something?
I meant that it is not fair to single Oregon out as not being able to supply health care because we’re anti-business.
Which countries are those???
How about you tell me about a country that lets business do as they please that has a better health care system than we do? You know, one of the ones where they send all the factory jobs these days.
It is! The reason for the OHP cuts were about low tax receipts. Can’t pay for something when there’s nothing in the bank, so to speak. Pro-business means pro-job which means increased tax revenues to fund x, y, and z.
While business is necessary for funding public welfare and desirable for providing opportunities for personal advancement and achievement, the mere presence of a good climate for business does not by any means guarantee good jobs, good health care, or any other common good. If it did, the term “robber barons” would not exist.
My parents are Washinton natives. Moved the family here to be close. The business climate, the land-use laws, and the politics I could do without, but I’m not going anywhere (unless they raise taxes again…then I’m GONE)
Well, Washington… since the birds can’t tell the difference between Oregon and Washington, I won’t nitpick about that! 😉
When was it that everyone was geting health care?? Ever?? If so, what factors were present? Not present?? 1) no insurance companies 2) no government involvment 3) no rediculous lawsuits 4) no high-risk modern surgeries. Am I missing something?
I meant that it is not fair to single Oregon out as not being able to supply health care because we’re anti-business.
Which countries are those???
How about you tell me about a country that lets business do as they please that has a better health care system than we do? You know, one of the ones where they send all the factory jobs these days.
It is! The reason for the OHP cuts were about low tax receipts. Can’t pay for something when there’s nothing in the bank, so to speak. Pro-business means pro-job which means increased tax revenues to fund x, y, and z.
While business is necessary for funding public welfare and desirable for providing opportunities for personal advancement and achievement, the mere presence of a good climate for business does not by any means guarantee good jobs, good health care, or any other common good. If it did, the term “robber barons” would not exist.
My parents are Washinton natives. Moved the family here to be close. The business climate, the land-use laws, and the politics I could do without, but I’m not going anywhere (unless they raise taxes again…then I’m GONE)
Well, Washington… since the birds can’t tell the difference between Oregon and Washington, I won’t nitpick about that! 😉
When was it that everyone was geting health care?? Ever?? If so, what factors were present? Not present?? 1) no insurance companies 2) no government involvment 3) no rediculous lawsuits 4) no high-risk modern surgeries. Am I missing something?
I meant that it is not fair to single Oregon out as not being able to supply health care because we’re anti-business.
Which countries are those???
How about you tell me about a country that lets business do as they please that has a better health care system than we do? You know, one of the ones where they send all the factory jobs these days.
It is! The reason for the OHP cuts were about low tax receipts. Can’t pay for something when there’s nothing in the bank, so to speak. Pro-business means pro-job which means increased tax revenues to fund x, y, and z.
While business is necessary for funding public welfare and desirable for providing opportunities for personal advancement and achievement, the mere presence of a good climate for business does not by any means guarantee good jobs, good health care, or any other common good. If it did, the term “robber barons” would not exist.
My parents are Washinton natives. Moved the family here to be close. The business climate, the land-use laws, and the politics I could do without, but I’m not going anywhere (unless they raise taxes again…then I’m GONE)
Well, Washington… since the birds can’t tell the difference between Oregon and Washington, I won’t nitpick about that! 😉
HA! The truth is, half of them moved from California!
Yeah there used to be bumper stickers saying “Don’t Californicate Oregon” Of course the end of the sentence should have said “We’re doing enough on our own!”
Lisa N
Ummm, 41 million people without health care in this nation.
No there are 41MM people without TRADITIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Big difference. Within that number are many many people covered by Medicaid and other government plans. There are also many people who opt OUT of insurance. And many people who are here illegally and working under the table so they don’t get benefits. Their choice.

The reality is that people in this country get health CARE but they don’t always have a Blue Cross card.
The poor countries who let business do pretty much whatever they want do not do better. They do much worse. This isn’t a problem of being business-friendly. It is a problem of having no idea how to deliver health care sanely, let alone justly…)
Look I work in this profession and have for the past 17 years. What I’ve seen is an escalation of UNPAID care. Our business revenues have dropped like a rock. We have one clinic that is over 70% Medicaid. For a $6000 surgery we received $648 from the wonderful Oregon Health Plan. Again the person (this was a neonate) received fabulous life saving surgery…on yours and my nickel. And no I don’t begrudge it but please be a bit more accurate. People are not tossed ill into the streets like this was Calcutta.
Why not go somewhere else? Because if our problems aren’t somewhere else now, too, they will be later. Better to stay here and fight the good fight where your roots are. (With your Tom McCall anti-California rhetoric, you just gotta have roots here, right? Don’t tell me your parents moved here in the late '50s, or I’m going to choke.).)
My family homesteaded in Coburg in the 1850s. There is a plaque along the freeway mentioning my great great great grandfather who led a wagon train here. Yep born and bred in the state although I did live in Utah and Washington as a kid.

I love this state it is beautiful. I say it’s God’s country but God is not very apparent in its citizens.
So, while I’m glad to know the FBI is keeping us updated, I don’t plan on picking up and running when problems show up. Oregon is too precious to give up. (And I hope the rest of you out there feel the same way about whatever patch of earth that God created for you.)
I’m not running either but I would prefer less of the bleeding heart liberal response of refusing to cooperate with the terrorism task force, the main reason we didn’t catch the “Portland Seven” for a long time and only by chance as they were practicing with their weapons in a remote county and a sheriff happened to hear the gunfire. One of them worked for the MAYOR of this city. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. I hate the liberal bleeding heart politics in Portland and Eugene although you are right other parts of the state are more conservative.

Lisa N
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