Iam so glad someone brought this up here. I have agonized over this latest slap in the face to Nicole and Ron’s families. What an outrage! Even if you do give him the benefit of the doubt (hmm) it is still in extreme bad taste to re-create these grisly murders and make a joke out of it all. If anyone gave OJ a break before, they should consider this latest move of his and wonder how on earth he could be so insensitive to his children and their relatives! Is he really that desperate for attention/money? That is just pathetic. Every time something happens in my life that seems injust, I think of Ron and Nicole’s families. I realize that we can all align ourselves with the suffering of One who was the least deserving of the cruel injustice He received. I take great comfort in my faith that no injustice will go without Him turning it to His glory in His time.